Fortune City War Thread (Full Version)

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Silver Sky Magician -> Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 2:53:59)

Haven't done one of this in a while now - let's start the war threads back up! The Exiles are attempting to defend their hard-fought territory in Fortune City from the last war, while the Legion seeks to regain ground and once again dominate the seat of the Administration. Legion seeks to use drainers to target the Exile's energy core, while the Exile is attempting to destroy these drainers.

Despite an early lead by the Exiles, the latest war rally has seen Legion catch up to within a mere 20,000 points of their bitter enemies. Legionnaires and Exiles, please post information about war rallies on this thread to help your allies. With better coordination, the Legion may yet turn the tide of war and recover the crown jewel of Alydriah's eye. Duel on!

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 6:30:14)

Lol. You're the only one in-game who probably knows all that stuff. In reality all we know and need to know is keeping playing un-balanced PvP and in the end story or no story Exile wins anyway as always. [>:]

Lord Machaar -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 7:39:02)

Whoever thinks that legion have a chance in any upcoming war is dreaming, in colors, while awake.

Nonetheless, this war thread would help legion players individually to boost their overall personal infleunce, and also upgrade their achievements.

When war filter is back, maybe then, we can have a fair war, but since the playerbase is so low, I doubt that would happen any time soon. I won't go further in how this war system could be fixed, because simply it is time wasting. Anything that could have been and must have been said is here: War 2.0 Redux. When devs decide to fix the war instead of abusing it to buy more time for Biobeasts, till then legion players can focus on their personel goals rather than waste their time on how to win a war, a war that is consisted 75% exile players, playing against each other, getting drops and winning the war.

Till that time my dear legionnaires, enjoy your war rallies with war commanders, get as much influence as you can to upgrade your regional war achievements, better up your overall personnel infleunce and why not go for all time influence leaderboard? I would love the war stay broken since all these perks are way better than a coreless armor.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 11:01:37)

^Getting an extra free rare item isn't exactly a "community" benefit. IMO, Exile and Legion are both equally benefited, almost.

Although increasing the power rally frequency would be nice and what's with max 10 bomb capacity?? Must be at least like 50-100. So everyone has an equal chance of wining the day instead of varium players or the real hardcore (1v1) players.

The berserker killer -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 12:41:54)

Cant the losing side just buy the war item?

And maybe if you guys make Exile and Legion Dailys separate then the sides would, undoubtedly, even themselves out since more exile free lancers would switch to legion to join legion factions. Make the dailys separate, meaning that there can be an exile and legion top 1v1 Faction. Its your absolute best bet.

On topic: Great idea, I remember when these were really helpful. But maybe send messages in game, like the way titan does, to let everyone know? There has to be some way to start letting EVERYONE know which objective they should be attacking first. Even if you have to name them "ATTACK THIS FIRST"

To be honest I don't know why anyone would with such a bland and thoughtless war. Should've been more thought out

Post edited to combine a double post ~M4B

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/25/2016 14:42:47)


Cant the losing side just buy the war item?

Really?? You think people really care about the war bonus prize, desperate enough to buy?? If it's about buying crap then we got loads of them this week. Feel free to buy to your hearts content. It's about getting free rare stuff and honestly the kind of stuff you get(ugly) these days, i personally don't care about the "bonus prize" and stopped caring about the rare rarity too. You can just buy legendary stuff which equals the rare stuff.

Fun fact: There are few weapons released this week that cost varium only and has no core. Lol, not even trying anymore. [:D]

Lord Machaar -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 7:13:39)

But again, to bring this thread on its rails, has anyone noticed that the total damage needed to finish the war is smaller this time? It's only 8 million.

I guess the reason is pretty clear. Players are losing interest. Central Station War (11 Million damage needed) took 2 weeks, because it was the first war after a long break. Then the dread plains war (11 Million also) took 3 weeks, after everyone realised it's just a recycled war, and that's not it, they realised that the result is also known, making this system even worst.

I think making this Fortune City war require only 8 million damage is actually a good move from the devs. Otherwise if they kept it 11 million, the war will take at least 1 month.

But then is this will serve Legion side any good?
I think not.

During 85% of the war time, Legions will use standard objectives (25 - 34), that do way less damage than exiles do (34 - 46) through out the war. In 15% of the time, Legions use Health (at first) & Finisher (at the end) Objectives. Health Objective does super high damage but for how long? 1 - 2 days maximum? Exiles target it first because they know it does the most damage, making it fall very fast. The Finisher Objective, even at its lowest HP doesn't merely reach 34 - 46, making it weaker than a regular Exile Objective.

I need an explaination. Because, what the hell? First of all more exile players than legion, and now, a standard Exile objective does way more damage (34 - 46) than finisher and standard Legion objectives, so basically legions do more damage at first for 1 - 2 days thanks to the finisher objective, then Exiles, with more players, do way more damage for the rest of the war ( 10 - 12 days). I don't get it. I simply don't, like who is the genuis behind this idea? I mean no wonder Central Station ended with 5 million difference.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 7:59:34)

I honestly don't see any difference in fighting Fortune City war for 3-4 weeks or 2 different wars 3-4 weeks. I rather prefer the first option, because there's no gap and no waiting, just keep fighting. Specially considering the fact that i'm on the losing side. *No bonus prize anyway*


I need an explaination. Because, what the hell? First of all more exile players than legion, and now, a standard Exile objective does way more damage than finisher and standard Legion objectives. I don't get it. I simply don't.

It reminds me of the 2v2 battles. First i get a low level partner and on that it turns out that he's a BIG NOOB. It's like the saying * sone pe suhaga * [8D]

T.600 -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 8:23:41)

The way they are going now, they clearly don't care about doing progressive updates or even making any profits. They should just say, screw balance; remove focus, bring back the field medic cooldown to 3, and bring back passives.

Removed reference to deleted post. ~Battle Elf

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 8:28:43)

^Hey, long time.


They should just say, screw balance; remove focus, bring back the field medic cooldown to 3, and bring back passives.

I would like that. And ya flags too.

T.600 -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 8:40:08)

^Hey soul, how've you been? Thought I'd grace the forums with my wonderful presence again ;).

Battle tokens are a must. There's literally no logical reason to have removed them. They added another layer of complexity to the game, and more incentive to PvP. I've already said stuff like this 100 times though. I'm kind of done with trying, lol.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/26/2016 8:53:56)

The usual i guess... Hope you're good too.

I agree about the battle tokens. Buying achievement with credits doesn't feel like you earned it and it's just another thing you have to buy with credits. Nowadays dev's are just spamming the crap outta them. So many achievements... it's lost it's meaning.

Daph Duck -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/28/2016 16:52:53)

ATTENTION PPLS OF LEGION! the helth objective is now BELOW standard so attack the STANDARD for MAXIMIZED INFLUENCE

SonicTbear -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/28/2016 18:05:22)


Cant the losing side just buy the war item?
They COULD, but they're not gonna join Legion to buy the war item, whether they were an Exile who won the war but didn't qualify for the war prize because of lack of Influence or being a Legion player themselves and having fought hard and earned 1,000,000 Influence only to not get their prize because their alignment lost, when they can just be on the side of the winning team and get 5K+ Influence and claim their prize at the war's conclusion for free. Or if they did not get 5K Influence, then they'd rage at somebody or something and skip out on the prize and claim the next one. Besides, they did this in the past and all war prizes that weren't won or earned costed Varium, the currency that people can't afford.

I know people buy Varium. The point is most people, kids for example, can't GET it. That was supposed to be exaggeration.

Zeruphantom -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (3/30/2016 1:15:51)

I'm only a casual player nowadays, but I'll give my two cents;

I feel as though the "war system" in Epic Duel is probably the most lackluster and mundane across all of the AE games*. The concept is there, but considering that there is an incredible lack of balance within the game itself, there can never be an achievable state of which there is a perfect war system as the wars are exceedingly one-sided, with Exile clearly being the dominant side. I don't invest too much money into the game anymore but one thing I am thankful for is the relinquishment of the P2W aspect; most items are equal now, and that's a benefit for those who don't splash the cash. Unfortunately, the Epic Duel team didn't completely get rid of P2W - not only do Exile have the higher number of players compared to Legion, they also spend a lot of varium on war bombs and whatnot, which instantly hinders any sort of light for Legion; granted that players and factions on the latter alignment do spend money as well, but when you compare it to the amount of players who are Exile, it's blatantly unfair.

*Epic Duel lacks coherence compared to other AE games that maintain a lot of depth within the structure of their war systems. As Epic Duel is a PvP game, it will never reach the standard of Adventure Quest or Dragon Fable wars, in the sense that there is actually a point in fighting in terms of objectives, and you can effectuate balance because it's generally difficult to predict which side will win and which side will lose unlike Epic Duel where Exile subjugate every time.

This may not particularly relate to what I've said above but I think one of the major factors in a lack of competitiveness throughout is the fact that factions can only earn influence during wars. I think it's an absolutely terrible decision on the team's part because not only does it turn people away from creating factions, it also limits Legion aligned factions from progressing in general because the only chance they have of earning a decent amount of influence is during a war, and Legion never win wars anymore. What the Epic Duel team need to do is bring back the ability to earn influence each time you win a battle, but also allow the players and factions to earn double influence during a war (a war bomb constituting influence) which I feel is a sufficient compromise so that wars still maintain some sort of feature(s). The wars are exactly the same every time; it's just a massive rinse and repeat scenario that limits any form of ambition or competitive spirit. There's no atmosphere or mood, no "do or die" feeling (the Erebus events in Adventure Quest are a perfect representation of a war that had meaning) and there's certainly no chance for Legion to gain anything out of it.


Battle tokens are a must. There's literally no logical reason to have removed them. They added another layer of complexity to the game, and more incentive to PvP.

Supported. Bring back influence (non-war) and battle tokens, and then we'll see factions and players come to life. PvP games are generally tedious but when you remove any form of incentive entirely, you begin to lose players. It leaves everyone to think "What's the point?"

Mother1 -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (4/4/2016 0:19:21)


During the first run around the war-items were buyable with varium. However back then the players on legion complained about their war efforts not being rewarded without the purchase of varium, and wanted their hard work to be rewarded. So the staff changed the system to the tiered war system we have now to reward players for hard work and not those who only got the bare minimum of 150 influence.

However, in contrast, they took away the ability to buy the war prize because you would be getting a reward and to them it wouldn't have been fair to the winners if everyone got the same thing.

Elloisoul -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (4/4/2016 4:01:39)

Could had just made winners get it free and losers pay if they want it for fairness lol

Lord Machaar -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (4/4/2016 6:04:41)

^ Nah, that would be unfair, having war rallies plus getting your hands on the war prize is like hitting the jackpot. I think exiles can have their war prize, war rallies are great, there is tbh no need to fix the war now. You can already see the impact of war rallies on both leaderboards, individually and collectively, legion players have more influence, and legion factions also. Meaning that the problem is in numbers, 7 exiles for each legionnaire. Thus why I suggested a focused wars where only active factions play, hence deciding the better alignment, but yeah, I personnally do not have a problem, war rallies are also great.

I also would like to note that, the finisher objective (The Legion Volatile Sapper) has been buffed, it wasn't announced by the devs and I have no idea why. At 1.4 million HP, the objective already deals 30 - 40 damage which is awesome, the more hits it takes, it will deal more. I'm assuming it will reach a minimum of 50 damage. Add the war rallies to that, and there you go. So to any legion player out there, who would like to catch, this your chance, 6k inf per war rally will be so much feasible.

I'm kinda glad they buffed that. The reason is adressed here (Post number 8 of the same thread):

During 85% of the war time, Legions will use standard objectives (25 - 34), that do way less damage than exiles do (34 - 46) through out the war. In 15% of the time, Legions use Health (at first) & Finisher (at the end) Objectives. Health Objective does super high damage but for how long? 1 - 2 days maximum? Exiles target it first because they know it does the most damage, making it fall very fast. The Finisher Objective, even at its lowest HP doesn't merely reach 34 - 46, making it weaker than a regular Exile Objective.

I need an explaination. Because, what the hell? First of all more exile players than legion, and now, a standard Exile objective does way more damage (34 - 46) than finisher and standard Legion objectives, so basically legions do more damage at first for 1 - 2 days thanks to the finisher objective, then Exiles, with more players, do way more damage for the rest of the war ( 10 - 12 days). I don't get it. I simply don't, like who is the genuis behind this idea? I mean no wonder Central Station ended with 5 million difference.

Even at its lowest HP, the finish objective allowed legions to deal 34 - 46 damage. Now at 1.4 mill HP, the objective allows 30 - 40 damage which is great.
Buffing the finisher objective is great, sure devs had the intention of buffing it to help legions win the war. Well, I'm telling you, the problem is not in war rallies or in objective, the problem is in the huge difference in numbers. But nonetheless this buff is great to help legion players individually and also collectively (Factions).

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (4/8/2016 11:41:51)

oh really?? lol??

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Fortune City War Thread (4/9/2016 8:23:17)

Congratulations to Legion for a hard-earned win! Looks like Exile can't rest on their laurels just yet - the Administration still has plenty of firepower in hand, and will be emboldened as Delta V's capital returns to the Legion.

That said, I had hoped that this war thread would have been more informative and useful, with players posting here when war rallies arrive. Wars are a community effort and coordination can make the key difference, especially in close wars like these. With better coordination, teamwork and information, Legion can yet build off its momentum and seize the next territory with aplomb.

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