The Dark Nerfbat (Full Version)

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Carandor -> The Dark Nerfbat (4/5/2016 17:11:48)

The Dark Nerfbat

«Wind pet. Can lower the monsters defences and make it take more damage from Wind attacks.»

Other versions of this item:Location: April Fools 2008
Level	130
PowLvl	130
CHALvl	130

Price	1364676
Sell	682338
Element: Wind
Training Difficulty: -66

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage	4-16
Stat%	124.31
BTH	32
Rate: «See AI»

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Wind
Damage	23-90
Stat%	719
BTH	32
Rate: «See AI»

  • If the monster is affected by Defence Loss and Elemental Vulnerabilty, then the pet does ATTACK #2, otherwise, it does ATTACK #1.

  • If at least 1 hit of ATTACK #1 connects, then the monster makes a save at a +10 bonus*:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterLUK
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterINT
    ``If it fails, then it gets nerfed. It takes -6 Defence Loss and *1.06 Element Vulnerability** for [hits connected] rounds. These statuses only apply to your Wind attacks. Wind-element monsters are immune.

    **Through sheer luck, the monster resist «Pet Name»'s nerfly wrath!
    **The monster is nerfed!

    Feast your eyes on this triple-layered pun of a pet!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Popups thanks to 1stClassGenesis.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Level	130
    PowLvl	130
    Damage	23-90
    Stat%	719
    BTH	32
    ATTACK #1 deals *0.51868 damage to pay for the status effects. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored in the above numbers.


    April 9, 2014: The pet was released.

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