Guide to House Guard Purchase (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> Guide to House Guard Purchase (5/1/2016 0:28:58)

Guide to House Guard Purchase
This guide was originally written by 137ben, later maintained by Watashig & then Dragoon23.

0. Index [HG0000]

0. [HG0000] Index
1. [HG0100] Introduction
  • 1a. [HG0101] What are Guards
    2. [HG0200] Cost Efficiency Chart
  • 2a. [HG0201] Gold Guards
  • 2b. [HG0202] Z-Token Guards
    3. [HG0300] Credits/Thanks, Notes and Change Log.

    1. Introduction [HG0100]

    1a. What are Guards [HG0101]

    Guards were originally only used to keep other players out of one's house. With the introduction of the Estate System, they have become much more vital. They allow for smoother resource accumulation by defending one's estate buildings from invading monsters.

    You can sell lower level guards for less efficient, higher level guards if you need the space. There is a point when you have enough guards to prevent your estate buildings from being attacked at all. It can vary depending on the level of your guard tower.
    (Please do not ask what that point is, it can not reliably be answered. Any data on the subject is outdated. )

    If you are interested in a guard you see, please visit the House Guard Index to check it out further.

    2. Cost Efficiency Chart HG0200

    2a. Gold Guards [HG0201]

    Unfortunately, there is no way to measure the cost efficiency of Gold Guards. With the removal of Z-Token to Gold conversion in-game and a confirmation from staff that the old ratio was not in anyway accurate, there isn't a good way to quantify how effective the gold guards are. Anyhow, they are all cheap and should be picked up if you have space. Here is a list of all the gold guards, sorted by level:

    Level Name
    8 Nightraider
    25 Dragoncat Guard (Guardian)
    35 Nightraider
    38 Red Dragon
    39 Ice Dragon
    60 Master of Evil
    65 Nightraider

    2b. Z-Token Guards [HG0202]

    Guard Power Formula is: GuardLevel^1.5/5
    Cost Efficiency Formula is: Power/Cost*1000

    Here's a House Guard Spreadsheet to help calculate Cost Efficiency of a Guard.
    (Input the appropriate guard level and token cost in the corresponding "B" columns)

    Top 25 Cost Efficient Token Guards
    Level	Cost	Power	Cost Efficiency	Flag	Guard	
    45	200	60.37		301.87	R	Candy Golem
    75	500	129.90		259.81		Guard Sheep
    40	200	50.60		252.98		Bishop Finch
    40	200	50.60		252.98		BURP Guard
    25	100	25.00		250.00		Fluffy Guard Sheep
    25	100	25.00		250.00		Guard Dog
    148	1480	360.10		243.31		Mighty Shadow Roc
    148	1480	360.10		243.31		Mighty Shadow Gogg
    147	1470	356.46		242.49		Mighty Shadow Minotaur
    147	1470	356.46		242.49		Mighty Shadow Chimera
    146	1460	352.82		241.66		Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga
    146	1460	352.82		241.66		Mighty Shadow Sphinx
    145	1450	349.21		240.83		Mighty Shadow Hydra
    145	1450	349.21		240.83		Mighty Shadow Cyclops
    50	300	70.71		235.70		Guard Dog
    15	50	11.62		232.38	R	Candy Golem
    133	1330	306.77		230.65		Mighty Shadow Roc
    133	1330	306.77		230.65		Mighty Shadow Gogg
    132	1320	303.31		229.78		Mighty Shadow Minotaur
    132	1320	303.31		229.78		Mighty Shadow Chimera
    131	1310	299.87		228.91		Mighty Shada' Naga Witch-Queen
    131	1310	299.87		228.91		Mighty Shadow Sphinx
    130	1300	296.45		228.04		Mighty Shadow Hydra
    130	1300	296.45		228.04		Mighty Shadow Cyclops
    67	500	109.68		219.37		Gogg Guard

    (For guards not found in the above list please use the provided formulas or spreadsheet. )

    3. Credits/Thanks, Notes and Change Log HG0300

    Thanks for using this guide. This is best used as a reference to help decide which guards to buy. If a better guard comes out and I haven't added it yet, feel free to post here.

    Thanks to previous contributors.

    If you have any questions on guards or housing in general please ask any questions in =Q&A= Houses, Estates, and Portals .

    Change Log:
    4/30/16: Owner Change & Update.

    Succinct and complete, approved! Thanks

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