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=Q&A= Houses, Estates, and Portals

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1/23/2025 14:22:56   
I am Moglin!

Here is ALL the current information we have on further, bigger houses in the future: Official AQ Player Houses page.

Here is a VERY comprehensive guide to AQ Housing and Estates, made by Dragoon23 - Houses, Estates & their Functions - this should answer most of the questions you'll have about houses.

If you want to see some player houses, there are two top lists:
AdventureQuest Top 100 Lists

Question: When are the next stages of housing coming out?
Answer: WE DON'T KNOW - please don't ask.

Question: How many houses can I have?
Answer: You can only have one house per character at a time. If you already have a house, you must sell it in order to get a new one.

Question: I have players heard about making a profit off their houses. How does this work?
Answer: Your house's sellback increases over time. The initial sell back price is 90% of the original buying price. The value of the house will increase by 1% of its original buying price every 2 weeks in total, starting from when you first bought it. The sellback is updated every day. In other words, it increases by about 0.07% every day. There is no cap to the house values.
This only applies to the house's buying price. None of the house items increases the amount of interest your house generates.

Question: How do I upgrade my house? I click on the "House" button, and can only go into my house or battle monsters!!
Answer: A house can be upgraded buy selling your existing house and buying a new house from either the Battleon or Deren housing shops.

Question: Do you have to clear a new piece of land if you upgrade?
Answer: Yes, that's part of the fun of owning a new home.

Question: Do I HAVE to clear land to have my house increase in value?
Answer: Apparently not, surprisingly. However, if you do not build your house, you do not get other house features. You do get your storage slots, though.

Question: I am trying to clear my land, but no matter how many monsters I fight, the trees won't disappear. What's the problem?
Answer: The progress you make is only saved when the outcome of the battles is saved. If you have hit both your exp and gold caps for the day, the battles aren't saved, so the trees won't disappear. You have to wait until midnight server time, then the caps will reset, you will get exp and gold again and you will be able to clear the trees.

Question: If I sell my house, what happens to the guards I bought/have? Do I lose them?
Answer: No. They hang around until you buy another one. They are separate items to the actual house.

Question: What does the battle monsters button do besides let you battle monsters?
Answer: The "Random Battle" button works exactly like the "Battle Monsters" button in town. The "Battle Nearby" button will put you into a fight against a monster that is appropriate to the area your house is located in.

Question: How do I see how many visitors my house has had?
Answer: Go to your character page, and click on the House link. It will be displayed there. You CAN'T see it when you are playing the game.

Question: Is there a point to having guards or paintings?
Answer: Guards protect your house from visitors. Whenever someone visits your house, they have to fight through all your guards first before they can enter your house to look at your paintings or to refill their potions.
Guards also increase to total value of your house, which is used to determine your rank on the Top 100 Houseowner's List. This value is different from your house's sellback, so buying guards won't increase the sellback or the amount of Z-Tokens the sellback increases each week.
With the release of the estates, guards now have two additional uses: They help defend your estate buildings from attackers and you can send them to fight in wars. See the part about estates further down in this post for details about defending your estate and see the part about portals for details about sending guards to war.

Paintings are used as decoration and they also add to the value of your house. Again, this is the value that is used to determine your rank on the top list, not the sellback of your house. Your house's sellback won't change if you buy a guard or a painting.

Note: Only Z-Token-bought items are used to increase the value for the top list. Gold-bought items don't count.

Question: Can I have more than 12 guards? The guard hut only shows a maximum of twelve, so are any further guards useless?
Answer: While only the first 12 guards are shown, you can have as many guards as you want. Players who visit your house have to fight all of them, not just the first 12.

Question: Are there any paintings I can buy for gold?
Answer: Yes, there are such paintings. You can find an entire list in the House and House Items Index: Paintings index in the pedia.

Question: How many health/mana potions can I get from a certain house/estate?
Answer: The number of potions ranges from none in the Forest Tent to 20 from the larger houses. You can find the numbers of potions available in each house in its pedia entry, accessible from the House and House Items Index: Houses.


Question: How does extra inventory space work?
Answer: You can purchase up to 50 additional slots per category with z-tokens. However, after buying a house you gain additional slots beyond the normal limit. Tent = 2 extra slot per category. Tiki Hut = 4 extra slots. Log Cabin = 6 extra slots. Log House = 8 extra slots. Stone Cottage = 10 extra slots. Stone Mansion = 14 extra slots. Tiki or Frostvale Estate = 12 extra slots. Forest, Darkovia, Celestial or Deren Mansion Estate = 18 extra slots. Skycastle = 20 extra slots.

Keep in mind, that you can still only use the first eight items in battle. Extra items will be safely stored, and can be swapped into your first eight active slots using any shop within the game.

Question: What happens if I sell my house, and I have a weapon in the extra storage slot the house gives you?
Answer: It will stay there until you sell that weapon. Your inventory will show "Weapons 9/8" until then. If you sell any weapon, your inventory will then say "Weapons 8/8". The same thing will happen to all other categories as well. The Log Cabin adds one extra slot to each inventory category. If you sell your house (and don't buy a new one) all those extra slots go away - but anything you might have in an extra slot will stay until you sell something in that category.

Question: Can you use any house for an estate?
Answer: No, you need to use one of the houses specifically labeled "Estate" in order to use the estate system. See the list of houses in the pedia for an overview. The ones with "estate" in their names have estate plots.

Question: Which types of Estate buildings are available?
Answer: Go here for more info on estate buildings (includes upgrade cost in gold, resource production and resource consumption details): AQ Estate List info page

Question: What is the maximum level for estate buildings?
Answer: At the moment, the maximum level for all buildings except for the Trade Hut, Guard Tower, and Storage Buildings is 10. The maximum level for the Trade Hut is 12, the Guard Tower/Storage Buildings is 15 and Ye Olde Eatery is 20.

Question: How do I get rid of estate buildings I no longer need?
Answer: If you want to remove one of your estate buildings, click on it, then click on the "Remove" button. Doing this will remove the building from your estate. It will still be in your House Items inventory, so you can put it back up later if you wish to. Removing a building decreases its level by 1. The level can't go below 0. You can't remove a building that is under attack or in the process of being upgraded.

Question: Can you have more than one type of estate building at the same time, for example two Stone Pits?
Answer: You can't have two identical buildings at the same time, just like you can't own two identical items of any other type. However, if there is a clone of a certain building, like the Storage Building 2, which is a clone of the Storage Building, you can own and use both the original and the clone at the same time.

Question: Does placement of a building have any impact on its effectiveness?
Answer: No, it doesn't matter where you place your building.

Question: What are resources needed for?
Answer: Resources are needed to upgrade your buildings and to pay the upkeep for some of the buildings. See the Estate buildings list above for an overview of which buildings consume resources.

Question: How often are my resources updated?
Answer: Your resources are updated hourly on the hour. The numbers shown in the Estate buildings list show you how many resources each building produces (positive numbers) or consumes (negative numbers).
To find out how many resources of each type you gain each hour, add the numbers from all buildings that produce a certain resource, then subtract the numbers from all buildings that consume that resource. If you have many buildings that consume a certain resource, it's possible that the hourly consumption is greater than the hourly production, which means that you actually lose some of that resource type each hour.
Alternatively you could simply hover your mouse cursor over the estate icon in the lower left corner of the screen while you are looking at your estate. A popup window will open, on which your hourly production is listed.

Question: Is there a cap to how many resources I can have at a time?
Answer: Normally, you can have a maximum of 1000 of each resources. If you buy one of the Storage Buildings, the maximum amount for each resource type is increased by 200 for each level of each Storage Building.

Question: When I upgrade a building, will it be disabled until the upgrade is done?
Answer: No, it won't. It will keep producing or consuming resources at the previous level. You won't be able to use special functions of buildings, like the stat trainers, when the building is upgraded, though.

Question: Can I upgrade more than one building at the same time?
Answer: Yes, you can upgrade as many buildings at the same time as you wish, as long as you have the required resources.

Question: Do I keep my estate buildings and resources when I sell my house?
Answer: Yes, you will keep both your buildings and the resources you had when you sold the house. Building levels will not be lost by selling an estate.

Question: What happens when one of my estate buildings is under attack?
Answer: When one of your buildings is under attack, it won't produce or consume resources anymore until you fight off the attacker. You also won't be able to use the buildings special options, like training or trading, until the attacker has been fought off.
Higher level buildings have a higher chance of being attacked than lower level buildings. Buildings with a level of 0 or 1 and the Guard Tower are immune from being attacked.
For a quick overview of which of your buildings is under attack, check your character page. Buildings that are under attack show an exclamation mark next to them.

Question: What can I do to reduce the chance of being attacked?
Answer: In order to reduce the chance of being attacked, you can buy a Guard Tower. Each Guard Tower Level is equal to having 200 Levels of Guards. Captain Rhubarb told us that every 5 levels of guard tower subtracts four levels from a building in terms of getting attacked.

Question: How often will enemies try to attack my estate buildings?
Answer: Attacks happen three times a day, at 1:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 3:00 pm, and 10:00 PM.
All buildings of the same level have the same chance of being attacked, with the exception of the Guard Tower and level 0 and 1 buildings, which are immune to being attacked.

Question: I don't want to spend Z-Tokens on guards, but I want some protection for my estate. Are there any guards I can buy for gold?
Answer: Yes, there are 7 guards you can buy for gold:
  • Dragoncat Guard (level 25, 800 Gold)
  • Ice Dragon (level 39, 2200 Gold)
  • Red Dragon (level 38, 2200 Gold)
  • Nightraider (level 8, 300 Gold)
  • Nightraider (level 35, 1600 Gold)
  • Nightraider (level 65, 12000 Gold)
  • Master of Evil (level 60, 4000 gold)
    Thanks to silaren and etching for this list.

    Question: How much of a discount does training with the stat trainer buildings give?
    Answer: From Captain Rhubarb:

    ORIGINAL: Captain Rhubarb

    The stat trainer buildings give a 2.5% gold cost savings per building level when training stats.

    So, a level 2 stat trainer building gives a 5% gold cost reduction when training.
    And a level 10 stat trainer building gives a 25% gold cost reduction.

    The trainer buildings also allow free unlimited un-training of stats, without having to battle Sir Pwnsalot.

    Question: What are the ratios for trading resources at different levels of the Trade Hut?
    Answer: Here is a chart that shows the ratios:
              Sell Amount
    Level	25	50	150	300
    1	12	25	79	168
    2	13	27	85	180
    3	14	29	91	192
    4	15	31	97	204
    5	16	33	103	216
    6	17	35	109	228
    7	18	37	115	240
    8	19	39	121	252
    9	20	41	127	264
    10	21	43	133	276
    11	22	45	139	288
    12	23	47	145	300
    Many thanks to etching for providing all the quotes and links for the part about the Estate system.



    ORIGINAL: Captain Rhubarb

    * Almost all of the house paintings ("Small Portals") now link to somewhere in game, like towns, old special quests, or class quest areas.

    * The two new alien world portal paintings link you to the actual alien worlds to explore.
    You can buy them from the Event this week, or in one of the House Items shops. (the one that sells paintings)

    Alien Worlds
    Using one of the world portal paintings you can visit another alien world.
    On the alien worlds, read all the information you can.
    You can earn the trust of the alien factions and gain access to special shops and guests.
    You can visit both worlds, and earn reputation on both of them.

    How do I use a painting (also called "Small Portal")?
    To use your paintings, go to your house, and click a painting to zoom in the view.
    Then scroll left/right using the on-screen arrows to select a painting.
    If the 'teleport' button is visible, click it to go to that painting's destination.
    If the button is not visible it means that the painting just doesn't have any destination area yet.


    How do I use the Mega World Portal?
    When the next big war event starts up, access your Mega portal from your House Estate.
    There will be options to send your army from the alien planets where you've gained their trust and earned favorable reputation with them.
    Your army will instant auto-battle the foes in the big war event, and you'll earn a pile of gold and XP, and also earn "army wins" for that war's battle counter.
    You can choose which alien world to send forces from.
    Sending an army will cost Energy and Food estate resources. If you have plenty, you can send armies over and over till you run out.
    When the Museum features are eventually added to the game, there may be special artifacts found by your armies as they do their battles.

    War Counters
    Army "wins" in wars will count towards the total war goal and also to the player's personal "army wins" counter.

    Question: How do I send armies from other planets to fight in wars?
    Answer: You need a Mega World Portal and either a Portal to Kairula or a Portal to Trescol painting. If you own these items, go to your estate, click on the Mega World Portal, then click on "Portal". A menu with some options will open. Choose which war you want your army to fight in, from which planet you want to summon the army from and the size of the army. Once you have made your decisions, click on "Send". If you have enough resources, the army will then fight in that war, otherwise you are told that you don't have enough resources. You are told how many waves your army has defeated and you are given gold and exp rewards. The portal will not work if it is under attack or upgrading.
    The number of waves defeated by your army appears as "guard wins" under "War Battle Records" on your character page.

    Question: I own both the Mega World Portal and a portal painting, but when I try to call an army, there are no options in the "Select Planet" field. What's wrong?
    Answer: You need to befriend one of the factions on the planets before you can call armies. Visit the planet and talk to the inhabitants. Once one of the factions trusts you, you can call them to help out in wars.

    Question: How do I send my guards to fight in wars?
    Answer: You need a Guard Tower in order to send your guards to fight in a war. Go to your estate, click on your Guard Tower, then click on "Guard". A menu with some options will open. Choose which war you want your guards to fight in and how many of them you want to go to battle, then click on "Send". If you have enough resources, the guards will then fight in that war, otherwise you are told that you don't have enough resources. You are told how many waves your guards have defeated and you are given gold and exp rewards.
    The number of waves defeated by your guards appears as "guard wins" under "War Battle Records" on your character page.

    Question: Do waves defeated by guards or armies count towards the war meter?
    Answer: Yes, they do.

    Question: What is the formula for ...?
    Answer: The game staff has decided not to release any of the formulas used for sending armies or guards to war. Please don't ask such questions, no one can answer them.

    < Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 1/23/2025 14:22:56 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
    5/5/2017 14:14:32   
    big E

    Wow, nice one D.U.M! ^_^

    Minor correction:

    You can purchase up to 50 additional slots per category with z-tokens. However, after buying a house you gain an additional slot/additional slots, beyond the normal limit of twenty.

    Also in the list of maximum levels for different buildings, might wanna add that Ye Olde Eatery goes up to 20.

    Well, honestly, I don't really mind that nickname, but please don't use it anyway. Edited. Thanks //D.U.M

    < Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 5/5/2017 14:35:26 >
    AQ  Post #: 2
    5/5/2017 15:45:55   

    I've got a few suggestions for what questions could be added to the Estates section.

    Question: I'm level 150, money is no object, my stats are all where I want them to be, and I don't care about the community's war progress. What should I do with my estate?
    Question: I care about wars, both the community winning them and me getting the gold and XP from them. What is the best way to set up my estate?
    Question: I know that we don't have any formulae, but I've got a massive number of guards. Is there any reason for me to use the Mega World Portal for fighting in wars?
    Question: Is the Museum worth buying in its current form?
    Question: All of my resources are capped and there's not a war on, is there any reason that I should pay attention to whether or not my building are under attack?

    < Message edited by mu695 -- 5/5/2017 15:47:41 >
    AQ  Post #: 3
    5/5/2017 16:13:17   
    Immortal God


    Question: I'm level 150, money is no object, my stats are all where I want them to be, and I don't care about the community's war progress. What should I do with my estate?
    Question: I care about wars, both the community winning them and me getting the gold and XP from them. What is the best way to set up my estate?
    Question: I know that we don't have any formulae, but I've got a massive number of guards. Is there any reason for me to use the Mega World Portal for fighting in wars?
    Question: Is the Museum worth buying in its current form?
    Question: All of my resources are capped and there's not a war on, is there any reason that I should pay attention to whether or not my building are under attack?

    1- Just let the estate grow over time. Your estate continues to earn you tokens even if you do nothing with it. You can also buy the museum which would allow you to obtain extra giftboxes every month
    2- Wait I thought you didnt care about wars? This changes my answer then to both. Set your estate up so that you can maximize resources, buy a mega world portal, and a regular portal. For resources buildings it depends on your estate. Buy the eatery, and both storage buildings. Once you have everything setup just max out all of the levels and wait for a war. Each war you keep sending your army to fight and get gold for pretty much nothing at that point.
    3- No. Guards dont give you the same amount back and you wont be able to send as many
    4- Yes. It gives you an extra giftbox on top of the one you would normally receive for being a guardian or x-guardian
    5- Yes and no. If your resource buildings are under attack then you dont gain resources. Thats fine if you are at max. If your guard tower and other buildings that take away resources are not under attack, then you are basically losing resources each day and gaining none while you wait for a war. If the buildings that drain you are under attack then no, its fine to just leave it alone.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
    5/19/2017 9:50:26   

    Does the stat building allow for training of multiple stat points at once? I know you can untrain them but someone told me to buy one of the buildings for that purpose but I have yet to see that function... I can't level it up either because I have literally no other buildings aside form an estate
    AQ AQW  Post #: 5
    5/19/2017 10:03:38   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore

    Nope, my bad. For some reason, I thought they let you train stats without fighting the stat trainers, but that's just for un-training.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
    5/19/2017 10:13:29   

    *tear* I already bought it. Good thing it's on discount and I get a 90% sellback at least haha
    AQ AQW  Post #: 7
    5/19/2017 12:03:07   
    Lives to Slay Dragons!

    where is the Neko houses located?
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
    5/19/2017 15:38:32   
    Heroes of the Scape

    You get them from the Celestial Haven:

    Location: Travel Map » Sail East » Travel South » Haven » Can you tell me about the town? » You mean anyone can live here? » Sure!
    AQ  Post #: 9
    5/20/2017 4:54:35   

    I have a question.

    My Frostvale estate is valued at 16,000(15,996) Tokens. I could sell it and buy another one for 8250 or I could buy either the Forest Mansion for 11250 or the Darkovian mansion for 12000. The question is, which of these pathways would be the best use for my 16,500 Z-tokens(because I have 500 on hand)?

    A. Frostvale) 8250+3375+1125+1125=13875
    B. Forest) 11250+4500(Megaportal+Portal)=15750
    C. Darkovian) 12000+4500=16500

    Edit: Should I even consider Tiki House? o-o

    Another question.

    If I sell my house, all my buildings will get reverted back to level 1 right? o-o

    < Message edited by dragonair500 -- 5/20/2017 4:56:37 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
    5/20/2017 8:33:11   

    From the above:

    Question: Do I keep my estate buildings and resources when I sell my house?
    Answer: Yes, you will keep both your buildings and the resources you had when you sold the house. The buildings will lose 1 level, though, just as if you had removed them with the "Remove" button.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
    5/20/2017 10:46:48   


    From the above:

    Question: Do I keep my estate buildings and resources when I sell my house?
    Answer: Yes, you will keep both your buildings and the resources you had when you sold the house. The buildings will lose 1 level, though, just as if you had removed them with the "Remove" button.

    Arigathanks Gozaimuch. If I buy my new house now, do I get less of its selling price back per week? Because it says ORIGINAL and does not mention if it's original as in its NORMAL price or PRICE WHEN BOUGHT.

    And one more thing. Is there any real benefit to owning both portals to Trescool and Kairula like being able to send two different armies at the same time or do I just need one as mentioned in the guide?

    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
    5/20/2017 10:56:00   
    big E

    Interest is based on the price you bought it at, so ex. if you buy Frostvale now at 8250 your weekly interest will be 82.5 instead of the normal 110. If you want a house for the long-term profit, don't buy it during the discount.

    Portals and other house items are worth buying now though. If I were you, I'd sell the house now, pick up a Portal (and the MWP if you wanna invest in it), then hold back and buy whatever house you can afford once the discount is over.

    Owning both Trescol and Kairula offers no advantage over owning just one. You send one army at a time and they eat the same resources anyway. Ratios are slightly different - at 7 rep and max MWP Trescol is 40/110 while Kairula is 50/100.
    AQ  Post #: 13
    5/22/2017 11:11:19   

    *zooms back to the thread*

    So I finally tidied up my house with both storage buildings and a guard tower sans the ye olde eatery.

    With 700 tokens, I should basically make every single guard of mine either a Nightraider or Twig right?
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
    6/27/2017 2:07:11   

    What is the absolute minimum amount of buildings and their token price i would have to buy to be able to send armies to war?
    I have a Deren Mansion Estate and am an adventurer not guardian+.
    Just want to know if it is costly to send armies in terms of ztokens. or should i just spend my ztokens on GGBs.
    Post #: 15
    6/27/2017 7:07:56   
    I am Moglin!

    This is just gonna be a quick post about your question, loveromance but I would assume that having the mimimum estates possible to send your guards to war requiers 3 estates.

    The Mega World Portal (4500 tokens)/Guard Tower (1000 Tokens) + the Trade Hut (500 Tokens) + an estate that gives the most minerals in the least amount of time. (I would recommend something that can give you multiple items at the same time, it's somewhat more expensive but it'll be worth it at the end)

    Graveyard (450 Tokens) - Is Darkovia only, so if you don't gave that house, you can't use it. It gives both food and stone.
    Hydro Power Dam (450 tokens) - This is exclusive to the Beach Hut only, but it gives wood and energy.
    Corn Field (1000 tokens) - can be used with any house and it gives food and energy.
    Deren Wheat Field and Deren Mana Collector (500 tokens each) - They are used for the Deren house but both gives two resources at once aswell.

    *When thinking about it, they aren't the cheapest options, but I still wanted to mention them*

    Otherwise, juse buy whatever you feel like the most. Vegetable Garden, Woodcutter Shack, Stone Pit, Mana Collector and the Fishing Pond are all 300 tokens each. They only give you one resource at the time but they can be used anywhere and with any house. In total, the trade hut , the defend tower and an estate from above will cost you 1800 tokens total.

    Note: using this method is the cheapest, but you'll also have to be prepeared that this will take a VERY long time before it's getting to be even decent to be efficent. It'll start very slow and upgrading them would requier you to use the trade hut and at lowerlevels you lose some resources when trading, but it is your only option.

    Good luck! :P

    Update; checking your post again:
    I somehow missed that you said you had the Deren house. That's just excellent. Then you can use the Deren items right away and it'll cose you 2000 tokens total for all three estates. (Or if you buy both deren-only estates, 2500 Tokens)


    < Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 6/27/2017 7:10:23 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 16
    6/28/2017 17:02:10   
    Joseph M

    What are all the effects/possible benefits of the estate system for the game outside of it (apart from item slots and estate interest)?

    < Message edited by Joseph M -- 6/28/2017 17:03:48 >
    Post #: 17
    6/28/2017 17:32:18   

    Kills, exp & gold in wars.

    This requires some investment and time for an estate to be worthwhile in this aspect.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
    6/28/2017 18:44:22   
    Joseph M

    Do you need to upgrade the Museum at all for the GGB bonus or do you just buy the initial one and reap the rewards?
    Post #: 19
    6/28/2017 18:54:10   

    All that is required is for the museum to actively be on an estate at the 1st of the month.

    edit: to be clear you can't put it up on the 1st it has to be build before the first rolls around. Then one you get your GGB you could always remove it till the next 30th or 31st of a month.

    < Message edited by afterlifex -- 6/28/2017 19:14:31 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
    6/28/2017 19:22:37   
    Joseph M

    Are Adventurers able to get a free GGB by buying a Museum?
    Post #: 21
    6/28/2017 20:24:37   

    It's not restricted by status.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
    6/28/2017 23:38:52   

    thank you DragonUltraMaster for answering my question.

    followup question: the museum gives a GGB every month and doesn't require guardian status? is that automatically at level 1 museum? or does it need to be maxed level?
    Post #: 23
    6/29/2017 8:02:19   

    ^ See my answers to Joseph M in the comments right above.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
    6/29/2017 11:21:15   

    I've been thinking, if it really is the case that an optimised Mega World Portal is always better at warring than a guard tower (e.g. even if you've got an absurd number of guards), then is there ever any reason to spend Z-Tokens on guards? As far as I know guards have no other use than this and preventing your estate from being attacked, but in the last case I believe that the Gold guards are more than good enough.
    AQ  Post #: 25
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