weatherseed -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/17/2022 6:05:19)
Oh man. I'm gonna read this whole thread when I have time. This was my first forum, and the OOC room had a lot of friendships and fond memories. Battleon Town News. OOC Newsletter. Aerodian Game. The Gentlemen's Club. JTR5353, Mastikator, TheRottenLeprechaun, Gorobei, weatherseed (I leave his name uncapitalized as he did, respect). The mods who kept us from dissolving into anarchy with an 80% success rate. Reens, SCAKK, Seahawk. Unfortunately my old account is probably long gone after some 12 years of no login. That's another thing I'll look into later, when I have time for nostalgia. WHO DARES SUMMON ME FROM MY SLUMBER Man alive, it has been an age.