RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (Full Version)

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sir DESTROYER -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/16/2020 6:13:09)

It's been a long time since I last revisited these forums. I mostly stayed in the DF and AQW forums but bounced occasionally from board to board. I will always have fond memories of staying up late playing AE games while having the forums open on another tab. I see a number of familiar names in this thread but probably no one knows me that well since I was never much of a presence lol. I'm still happy to have revisited this place and see some old names. AE(and especially DragonFable) holds a special place in my heart for being a wonderful part of my childhood.

StormCrow -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/13/2020 13:15:43)

I loved this place. It's been what, more than ten years now? A lifetime.. You guys were amazing, I wish I didn't get out of touch with the friends I made here. Wherever you guys are, I hope everyone is okay.

Sunkern -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/30/2020 21:58:06)

Came to revisit my time here. I started around 2008 and left some time in 2012. Dunno if anyone was familiar with my Computer Wars game here and my couple of adventures in the Wrath series. I was in elementary when I became active here and now I’m Year 4 in University and it feels so nice to be able to reminisce about a time when Message Boards like these were so popular. Hope y’all are doing great wherever in the globe you are right now.

etalihinna -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/4/2020 0:03:49)

I joined in 2005 but haven't been here since 2009.... I'm locked down during COVID and going through one banger of a nostalgia trip and this was a stop along the way. I wish I could turn back time every day...2005-2008 were some good years, even if I was a little hyperactive kidposter, I had so much fun here its not even funny and the community was always so kind and tolerant despite all my not-at-all-hilarious flaws. Nobody was ever once unkind to me. It was a nice little vacation before I got out into the real world.

I don't even play video games anymore (and haven't since 2014 or so), much less AQ. It has been 15 years since I first made my account on the forums and I am so far removed from the community that it feels strange posting here, but I will never forget this place. Now I must continue along on this nostalgia trip of mine onto the next destination and say thank you to anyone who may still be around.

Wilderock -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/6/2020 21:07:13)

Life has changed so much I’m trying to “like” some of the comments I see wow

Abyssgh0st -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/21/2020 2:34:35)

Summer '05 for me- so nice to see so, so many names that I remember. As has been said a million times over, this forum was a truly special place. Each sub-forum had dedicated group of posters that I marvel at how active we all were.

Shout-out to those who were also in the debate club, way back when- those were some good times too (Omni, Ferality, Nightly, etc.).

I recognize so many names in this thread but I feel compelled to give a personal shoutout to some users, both active and inactive.

etalihinna- my first and longest time friend on this forum
Legasee- frequent rares collector buddy
WytseFossil- another frequent rares collector buddy
Skydrite- a good friend and someone who I never struggled to be envious of their incredible collection
Keeper of the Owls- another constantly entertaining rares collector with whom we were agreeing item trades in AQ as far back at 2010- we were so optimstic! [:D]
Eladar- a good friend that was always down to theorycraft
Asenbesen- a very helpful Q&A AK (I think?) that was always fun to chat with
bballman23 (Baker)- old basketball chatting pal, glad to see you here!

Shoutout to anyone old enough to remember what an Azru Stone Gen 1 and Azru Stone Gen 2 are. [:D]

There's so many legendary names here that I recognize even if I didn't name you specifically, as I probably had to purge most of the PMs we had from back in the day (darn limit!).
(Janus, master, Digital X, flyingkidjoe, Ultrapowerpie, Solar Boy, Wallo, DragonUltraMaster, Lego3400, The Trobble One, Guardian Patrick, Rheannon, Evo, to name a few).

Anyone that would like to catch up or reminisce, please don't hesitate to PM me on here or preferably reach to me on Discord (DJ#3000).

Stay safe, everyone.

PD -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/31/2020 18:27:41)

Wow, a lot of old faces that I remember that came out or are still coming out of the woodworks in this thread. Was here from 2007 on an older account that I do not remember the name nor credentials to anymore, and joined right around the time I made my AQ account, so late 07' to early 08' gang here. Lots of things happened to me. Was an AK for a short time but I quit too soon because of a lot of issues popping up at the time and life was complicated. But life is better now, I do have but a few good memories of this place.

@dudeidiot (I even remember you explaining me your name backwards!): I'll pm you for that link, I'm interested in catching up with some old faces.

PS: Happy New Years everyone! Hopefully 2021 won't be so bad as 2020 was. Just maybe...

edit 2: apparently I cannot pm you dudeidiot, I will have to ask you to PM me instead if you ever catch this message.

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/2/2021 17:03:32)

I got ya PD. Just forgot to check this the other day.

Another year and still this forum just draws me back. Its nice remembering all the faces behind these names.

Zero Hex -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/9/2021 2:38:06)

how long have i been on these forums and just learned that it's dudeidiot ......

happy new year all.

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/9/2021 17:42:39)

It's something that surprises people around the internet even to this day. I remember I thought I was clever back...oh jeez that was 14 years ago. "If I make my name a hidden insult then any insult against me won't work as I'm already being insulted!" the best and strongest logic.

Its always really funny to me when people find it out cause theres literally no reason to turn peoples names backwards.

If nothing else I can never forget this forum cause its why I made this name so long ago and now I don't use anything else.

Furore -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/22/2021 17:15:55)

Gosh! I go travelling for a few years and this place of so much awesome memories seems to have become vacated. I guess more universal platforms have taken over! Or something. I don't know. In my head I was always going to come back here and get back involved with the thriving forum community! I don't think I ever made it down to the OOC before except once or twice but anyway. Its really great to see so many familiar names in this thread. I also must lament that the IRC server also seems to be vacated. I'm on the AE discord but it's just not the same.

Shout out to my fellow forum friends and familiar users! <3

Oooo I wonder what my signature is. *tests*

Edit: LOL.

Kain -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/22/2021 20:58:08)

Happy to see some old faces again. Sent a PM to a few peeps, hopefully they'll see this!

Also, Suuichi, if you find this post, I sent you a message many years ago. Log into your account to see it!

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/22/2021 21:00:07)

Nice to see you back Kain and Fuzzy (or Furore if you prefer) Has been a long time.

Furore -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/23/2021 14:16:35)

Digital! Kain! Helloooo! =D! It's been a very long time since I've been called Fuzzy! Definitely more apt than Fury! I'm expecting a forum upgrade or community based hub to be in the works inevitably/eventually. I hope if/when that happens it'll be more functional than reddit and the other popular forum alternatives. Boo to the modernisation of alternative online community spaces! It's nice to be back even if everything is different now! It's like no matter where I've been and what adventures I've had my mind always wanders back here fairly regularly. Now I've got a functional mobile device and unlimited data forever I can finally login regularly. So I'll be lurking at worst.

pjc -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/26/2021 14:31:30)

Hard to believe it's been almost 14 years... time really does fly by.

It's also hard to believe I was given the ability to delete and edit people's posts on a very busy forum, as someone who'd not long become a teenager at the time.

I occasionally look back through some of the many PMs I sent and wonder who on Earth that kid was!!

super_ruben -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/26/2021 14:51:20)

Well, I've replied in this thread before, I just want to let the OGs know, I'm super_ruben, if you want to reconnect, DM me.

sean.2 -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/11/2021 1:22:41)

It fascinates me that whenever I do pop in to see what's what, there's usually a thread like this reminiscing filled with lots of familiar names. It's oddly comforting to know I'm not the only one.

Hope y'all keeping well in this crazy world.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/11/2021 7:44:53)

Been a while sean.2, hope you're keeping well!

bruextian -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/22/2021 7:11:27)

I really miss the old bustling forum. Hope you'll are doing well :).

Deadly the Eternal -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/23/2021 9:48:58)

Yeah, same here. We're mostly adults now and this is still a children's forum, so we can only say so much anyway.

Glais -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/24/2021 0:36:06)

how am I just now learning what toidiedud meant after THIS many years ??!

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/24/2021 9:19:36)

It took me a long time too, and only because someone pointed it out.

Wonder how long people will go and come back to these forums, seems there's no signs of slowing down.

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/24/2021 13:07:15)


The ride never ends with this username. You know I was going to change it at one point(since I came up with it when I was a kid after all)but its so funny when people find out what it is I just gotta.

Even if these may be some of the last posts here it's nice to see some revelaitons abound. Good to see everyones familiar names. Even though discord and twitter kinda fill the gap it's never quite the same as a forum is it. Something about that that is so hard to replicate.

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/25/2021 0:21:36)

Oh, this is a weird thread to stumble across. Hey all~! I was never exactly the most prolific poster and never got around much but a couple of y'all might remember me from AQ Classic and maybe DragonFable, yeeeaaars back?

2006 here, so uh... wow that's a long time ago now that I think about it. *waves cane*

Not really here much these days, but the whole forum thing is nostalgic.

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/6/2021 13:39:52)

It's so fun to read all posts here! So many names that I still recondize!
This thread is just the best!

also, has it really been almost 4 years since my first post here? Jeez, I should visit this place more often :P


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