RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (Full Version)

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Aura Knight -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 11:31:22)

Sounds good. I'll just make a note of it then. Nulgath for Hydro Bloodmage.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 13:00:49)

Anyone have the Mystical Warrior armor from the raffle? I'd be willing to break the bank so as to speak for it...

Aura Knight -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 13:11:26)

@Bu Kek Siansu: Is twilly form still available? Of the things you want I have paragon plate.

*FAINTS*.... -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 13:24:47)

@Bu Kek Siansu
I'd like to trade for an Inferno Scepter... are you still looking for a Nulgath? I have one on my primary character.

How about a Frozen Dragonslayer for that Big Dictionary over there?

evildead2 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:18:18)


Fruitcake Sword for Caladbolg?

I have fruitcake staff which could be updated to fruitcake sword via item upgrader.

Kalle29 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:23:59)

Bu kek are you still looking for dragonhide armour? I could trade one for a gemini shield

Immortal God -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:25:22)

Things I generally wouldnt mind getting rid of-

Nulgath Wrath
Moglord Crown
Fat & Tacky Santa
Your Bologna
Monolith Mace
Frostval Merc's Blade
Thunderstone Axe
Memorial Shield
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Zombie Axe Master Shield
Accordion Shield
Fruitcake Weapon
No Lemons, No Melon
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Ultra Omniknight Blade
Big Dictionary
Monkakazi BOOM G
Snow Angel
Pixel Stalker
Vampoglin Lord
Psychedelic Dinosaur
Dire Wolf
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Mogloween Portal Painting if I can do that lol
Pixel Hero
Pixel Blade
Sweater Dragon Mount
Voidsplinter Sunderer
Pixel Ether
Bag of Candy
Cometfall element switching one

I dont really want much :/

Kalle29 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:42:12)

^anything you want for rainbow cometfall, bag of candy, or vampoglin lord?

Shiba -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:44:44)

Does anyone (beside Kalle) have Lt. Lore's Gleaming Shield?

My list is on page 2 and just check the CP below my avatar, too!

Metal Health -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:44:51)

Hey Everyone. Just want to throw out some trade possibilities out there also.

I'm wanting and looking for any of these items below to trade for:

1. Amaranthine Staff
2. Atrea Dream Rod
3. Omni Knight Blade
4. Mindlock Orb IV
5. 10th Anniversary T-Shirt

Those are my top 5 as of now.

I have way too many cool items to list among my 5 characters and shared vault so i put all my character links below. Have a look and if you would like to make a deal for the above items mentioned let me know.


Rayimika -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 14:58:47)

Perhaps^ you could do some board code in your sig to reduce the size like

it would look like

Metal Health -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 15:02:35)

Thanks I just went ahead and just linked it to the thread myself. Yeah didn't realize it wouldn't all fit in the sig.

Immortal God -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 15:15:15)


^anything you want for rainbow cometfall, bag of candy, or vampoglin lord?

Krenos' Essence Katana for rainbow cometfall? I was going to say vampoglin but that doesnt seem fair to you

Aura Knight -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 15:45:40)

Alright, so paragon plate for a twilly form. Will make note of this for later.

Kalle29 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:04:55)


I don't know why, but, as something special, you may ask one more item as a gift for FREE! So, ask away... :)

How generous of you[:D]

Then I would have to pick Discount Mogloween Candy Bag.


Krenos' Essence Katana for rainbow cometfall? I was going to say vampoglin but that doesnt seem fair to you

That's a tough one, both weapons are quite desired, I'll have to think about that offer, though feel free to give other offers for vampoglin in the meantime if you want to.

Immortal God -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:08:53)

How about both for it if possible? [:D]

Andlu -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:12:21)

If anyone has mini carnax, baby void dragon, sleestak and rares before 2010, do make sure to pm me

Kalle29 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:14:22)

Still have to consider it :p

The sparkling animation of it isn't something I'd let go off easily. But as I said above, if you have other ideas for trades, don't be afraid to let me know.

Immortal God -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:17:06)

Fair enough [:D][:D]

aang195 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 16:35:37)

@Taeyang Blade of thornful rose for paragon plate?

liquiscale -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 19:43:34)

If anybody is interested in rarer older items, I still have Guardian NPC in a Box VI (2010 Gift Box) and Damnation IV (2008). Looking mostly for a Predatory Vampire Form and Bard of War.

Thor -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 20:11:05)

I can easily get rid of Vampmoglin lord, I have the potrait so if anyone wants, do tell.

Looking for: old golden set

AlohaBlank -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 20:16:08)


Paragon Plate +(Candy Cane Cataclysm)(@ss2195)
Nulgaths Wrath
Golden Paragon (@Hymnsicality)
Hydro blood blade(@Cobra)
Pryo bm(@Cobra)
Windter Warrior Set
Ice Cometfall(@Cobra)


Savage Werewolf Form (@ss2195)
Moglord Tortress (@Cobra)
Pixel Hero
Pixel Guard
Pixel Blade
Pixel Ether
Pixel Storm
Spirit Protector
Call Dunamis
Moglord Warboar
TimeSlayer Axe(@Atamos)
Kingdom Breaker (@SnakeYear)
Mini Nulgath
Darkovian Bulwark
Demon Warrior
My Way Helm VII

Xonuss7 -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 20:18:24)

@AlohaBlank - Hydromancer's Bloodblade for Savage Werewolf Form?

Superb, I'll make a note of it. ;)

Aura Knight -> RE: Gifting/Trading Wishlist (6/2/2017 21:08:14)

I checked some other accounts and found I had My Way Armor and Shield on one. Seems that's the only thing the character has and if anyone wants that, I may as well just give it as a gift. I think they're the lowest possible level though and I'm not sure if they can be upgraded to higher levels.

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