=AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (Full Version)

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Asuka -> =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (9/10/2018 22:30:58)

Hi there! Welcome to the thread where all things Nulgath go! Can be farming, can be talking about items, about Tercessuinotlim itself and all the other fun faces you see there!

Tendou and I will also check regularly to see if we can answer any questions you guys may have about things.

Please be advised though all forums rule apply here. Be sure to treat everyone with the respect and kindness they deserve just as you will receive.

Enchanted Nulgath Nation Houses
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  • Brittney
  • mig0
  • metakirby123

Foulman -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/2/2018 23:38:35)

Are there any plans to put AC tags on the Unidentified items? They look nice, but the limited inventory space gets in the way. Also, any news on Oversoul art?

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 4:15:41)

No plans to put tags on them. Hmmmmmmmm, maybe. But thats just incase

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 14:51:21)

Any plans to do more with the Aquamarines? Any word on a new quest pet for Nulgath's birthday shop?

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 15:31:16)

Probably not. I like to usually have one gem for something so people are less confused. We'll see I gueessss?

You guys have enough farm quests right now

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 16:04:26)

Any chance we'll ever get some kind of travel pass type thing which allows us to move around the tercess map without needing to have a bunch of otherwise useless items clog our inventories? Not everyone can spare the space for them and while they are all ac tagged, it can still be annoying.

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 16:11:27)

Talked about since i dont even remember when, not sure if we can execute it properly without it breaking everything

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 16:17:10)

So I guess it can't be as simple as have all items that would normally be used for a merge into one single thing. Could it work like how summons work on a party? Nulgath is tired of waiting for you to reach him so he teleports you to him, but for this to be an option you need to first reach him on your own. And also need to have completed some quest. Idk, just a random idea. Maybe it could be an option from the Oblivion npc.

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 16:34:18)

Meh, Ten and I will figure something else sooner or later

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 18:08:36)

What do you mean we have enough quests right now? Some of us don't own the pet or any and you're telling me that there won't be a decent farming pet this birthday? Buying those member only 5000AC is a waste of time to farm VHL.

If items don't go "Rare" then we can settle with a decent farming pet, but every year, a new pet comes and the pet goes away. "Rare" policy needs to go. Rare collection isn't going to get you anything.

Foulman -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 19:24:40)

Is my luck stupidly bad, or is larvae bugged? I tried 190ish times to get 1 uni 13, but non mem vouchers are really easy to get

Rastaban -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/3/2018 22:43:27)

Would appreciate AC tags on the nulgath nation houses.

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 2:42:29)


You guys have enough farm quests right now

Doesn't have to be a farm quest pet. It could just have challenging quests to unlock more helms/weapons/capes for the set, like the Evolved Warlord Orb from the 2015 Nulgath birthday shop.

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 4:08:50)

@Above Absolutely not. Either they bring back the 2016 pet as a farming pet or put good farming quests on this farming pet. No one cares about armors, We want VHL and I'm not spending 5000 AC on a trash pet. and also, you have the 2016 pet, what about us who do not have any farming quests? Exactly.

"Enough farm quests"
"Items go rare"

Bad arguments.

BlazingSoul21 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 9:10:15)

@HotlineBling Completely agree. Dark Crystal Shard takes time to farm without Astral/Crimson Orb or CVKS. At least bring back the farming quest at Dreadrock Citadel. [:)]

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 10:22:46)

How about letting the Dreadrock citadel actually have a guaranteed 1 Tainted Gem reward instead of a chance at it?
If we could collect enough of it we could turn it into a Dark Crystal Shard anyway.

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 10:44:27)

That works too WITH A FARMING PET.

Farming Gem and diamond of Nulgaths are a pain without 1.5k AC pets.

@Asuka I really hope they listen to the community and not you, we do not have enough quests because they're already rare or requires member and 5k ACs which is... sad. The 1.5kAC brings cash believe it or not. Making a decent one will drive people into buying ACs.

wind_bullet -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 11:07:19)

Oh well, if the Nation is too hard, you guys are always welcomed to join the Legion. The Legion has more classes, more LTs farming Paragons (2k acs each, or even 2k LTs for Shogun Paragon) [:D] As far as i see it, Nation has always been the tougher choice to follow between the two famous Evil Factions. Farming Nation resources is always more challenging than farming Legion Tokens, with or without pets. Let's just hope there will be another rare 1.5k ACs farming pet on this upcoming Nulgath birthday rare shop. [&:]

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 11:13:32)

Here's the difference between Nul and Dage.

Legion has cool items.

Nul has VHL.

"Let's just hope there will be another rare 1.5k ACs farming pet on this upcoming Nulgath birthday rare shop. " I hope so. I HOPE SO.

Ach1 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 12:50:06)

Oh wow, Nulgath farming has become so much easier these days and ironically complaints have been increasing, due to the VHL mostly. Well guess what, there is a reason why Nation items are considered to be hard to grind, you could go get Archpaladin or Lightcaster if you want an easier version of a strong class. As a player that has been a follower of a nation for a while now, I do not see any need of easier farm quests right now, sure, old ones could be improved, but I never liked the concept of farm pets/easier farm quests that allow player to farm every reagent through single quest.

I do agree that we need more quests though, lately all nice art created by milton is behind some paywall, and not paywall like evolved blood, hex, shadow sets, but you just pay and get the item, which makes the obtaining process quite boring. Would be nice to have some nice items available through challenging quests. Isnt this what RPG games are supposed to be all about?

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 13:00:34)

I have Eternal Chronomancer, I do not need VHL, I'm getting it because of the animations only.

"but I never liked the concept of farm pets/easier farm quests that allow player to farm every reagent through single quest. " Instead of wasting 6 months on a flash game, I'd waste 2-3. No one asked for easier quests. It's a farming pet for a reason, makes things less irritating.

"Would be nice to have some nice items available through challenging quests. Isnt this what RPG games are supposed to be all about?"


Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 14:00:25)

Can you raise the stack limit of unidentified 13 and make voucher's ac tagged?

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 14:03:51)

If Vouchers were AC tagged, we wouldn't be able to sell them for 250k gold, though!

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 14:55:03)

Maybe this can finally be the year where a bulk cubes -> tainted gems option becomes a thing.
And also making Drudgen the Salesman and Receipt of Nulgath not total click-nopes (11 and 21 tries and counting!)

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/4/2018 23:30:56)

So Im seeing a lot of "GIVE US PET" and really Id rather not go down the line of legion paragons. But I'll compromise

We'll talk about it and if I can fit one or two in, they are more than likely going to be seasonal or least one of them will be anyways. That way everyone will have a chance for one and no im not going to help you ease on them for VHL. Even with a pet that quest is challenging for a reason.

Does this sound like a thing everyone will be okay with?

(I cant 100% confirm these things will happen buut I can talk about them to Alina)

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