RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (Full Version)

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Rastaban -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 0:32:59)

Also, a quest to turn in Dark Energy for Dark Crystal Shards would be appreciated. Say, 500 energy for 10 DCS. And maybe something similar for Tainted Gems so we don't have to turn it in individually thousands of times. Bulk should count for something, right?

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 3:42:04)


So Im seeing a lot of "GIVE US PET" and really Id rather not go down the line of legion paragons. But I'll compromise

We'll talk about it and if I can fit one or two in, they are more than likely going to be seasonal or least one of them will be anyways. That way everyone will have a chance for one and no im not going to help you ease on them for VHL. Even with a pet that quest is challenging for a reason.

Does this sound like a thing everyone will be okay with?

(I cant 100% confirm these things will happen but I can talk about them to Alina)

No one is asking for a legion pet, "We have enough farming quests" meaning there won't be a farming pet in Nul's birthday. Why even say that knowing that the current pets require member which is I don't like.


and no im not going to help you ease on them for VHL. Even with a pet that quest is challenging for a reason.

Don't make it easy, just give us a decent pet like the Ceremonial sword and we'll shut up.

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you stop -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 3:42:12)

tbh just a seasonal DCS pet that isnt tendurrr would be nice. something that drops even just 1 but is definitely faster than essence of the defeated reagent. i know bloodgems is a pain too (especially with the bug on kiss the void) but im pretty sure the amount of DCS needed for major items will be more difficult than getting the amount of bloodgems required for the item (except maybe on Terraforming)

Tyroniter -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 9:44:19)

I second that. While I'm not a hardcore farmer or anything, even in the casual Nulgath farming I've done, DCS is pretty much one of the hardest ones to get for me. It was decent before the Dreadrock Gem Exchange nerf tbh, but since then I haven't had much luck with it.

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 10:59:02)


Legion has cool items.

Nul has VHL.

How dare thee insult thy lord NULGATH!
You forget there's also ArchFiend Doomlord and Void Paladin.
Not to mention the Juggernaut items.

iDreadnaut -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 11:18:02)

but those aren't as cool as Legion stuff (or aren't cool at all).

creepy gy -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 14:09:25)

Ungoldy Reavers of Nulgath is the best looking weapon in the game

Removed unnecessary comment, please check your PMs if you have not already. ~Shadowhunt

Doxus the OverLord -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/5/2018 22:50:10)

Finally we've got a set that looks good with VLoD (Enchanted Void OverLord).

Anyway, I'm wondering if we'll get something as this Nulgath's Birthday as a pet for farming Nulgath-based stuff as it was made with the Ceremonial Sword last year.

About the special package itself, could we still get axe pets in package (one for dual axe, other for the simple one)? Is it still in time to ask?

I'm hoping this year we'll be getting more CC-items in Nulgath's Birthday shop and also, nice weapons. The Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2017 was better than Nulgath's Birthday 2017 when the merit was weapons. It's sad to say but Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2017 was better than Nulgath's Birthday by the meaning of gear related to the Nulgath's Nation thanks to the fact that the two sets was so weird. The things that was worth mention last birthday of Nulgath was the following:
1st The update in ENNH, it's nice to see updates in it cuz it's really hard to get.
2nd By the meaning of items/gear, Zee saved the last Nulgath's Birthday with his katanas. Please, choose something nice from the Patreon of Miltonius.

A part of story as a special release for Nulgath's Birthday would be nice too. And don't forget us, the hardcore farmers. We're waiting for a pet and a questline to farm.

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/6/2018 3:10:15)


Anyway, I'm wondering if we'll get something as this Nulgath's Birthday as a pet for farming Nulgath-based stuff as it was made with the Ceremonial Sword last year.

Everyone wants a farming pet, I don't see why not, unless they listen to 1 person (Asuka) Rather than the whole community.

priest_hidan -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/6/2018 4:31:40)

all you guys looking for an easy way out... Dark Crystal Shards are suppose to be hard... hence the difficulty of VHL. Asuka if you read this... don't let these people trick you into making the quests easy. It took us hardcore farmers ages to get VHL. Everybody wants the minimum effort and maximum flexin power these days. It really messed up the Legion. Do not mess up Nation please. Quest pets shouldn't be there ideally. If it's there it should be for a new item that requires completely new ingredients.

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/6/2018 8:55:16)


no one has that much free time to grind out 1k Legion tokens from 5 LT per turn in

Yet people have time to farm VHL, AFDL, ENNH and *insert whatever else the nation has for offer*, where you can possibly (and likely will) spend hours trying to get an uni 13 and/or Non Mem Voucher.
Getting 1k LTs with the Dreadrock quest is 3-4 hours of farming, which isn't that much if you can spread it over a couple days. Also, the Legion is still not a place where everything gets served for free, even with Shogun Paragon, which is/is going to be the most widespread Paragon, getting 1k LTs will still cost you 30-45 minutes of our time, assuming you farm optimally, or close to optimally. Yes, it's easier than the Nation in general, but you still need to do a lot more work than for your average release merge shops.
Case and point, if you have time for Nation farming, you have time for Paragonless LT farming.


They're actually not hard, Diamond and Gem of Nulgath are hard.

Dark Crystal Shards are actually up there on the rank list of Nulgath Resources, but it's not because it necessarily takes that long to get compared to stuff like Totems and Blood Gems (which btw, Blood Gems are easier than Totems), but it's just because you generally need a lot more of them compared to both of those.

I did a test where I farmed Essence of Defeat once, took me about 7 minutes, everything included, so I can say that Essence of Defeat takes 6-8 minutes on average, it's kind of hard to pinpoint an exact number because Makais and Tibicenas' Chain can vary. Keep in mind it was done with normal classes (Glacial Berserker, Eternal Inversionist and DragonSlayer General) and with no damage boosts and the need to solo Tibicenas. You could easily shave off seconds if you used chaorrupter or BB V2 for example, or just a standard 15% boost for that matter.
So now we can say that, at worst, it should take 8 minutes per quest completion, and assuming it's a 50/50 split on 1 and 2 DCS from the quest, that's ~6 minutes per DCS (~10 DCS per hour, in a "worst case scenario" situation).

Now look at Totems, they take 30-45 minutes, in my experience and Blood Gems take 10-20 (by using the buyback shop for Tendurrr), but they are usually not required in bigger amounts than 10, unless it's for a bigger item like VHL, AFDL and ENNH. Dark Crystal Shards are used in the tens to hundreds, usually, which is why people think they are hard.

Let's take VHL as an example, you will need 200 DCS, which will take anywhere from 15-20 hours, I would say. Now look at the same amount for Diamonds, which takes 1-2 minutes per Diamond in Evilwarnul and that's even with the non mem quest. So that should be 4-5 hours, at worst, way easier than DCS. It does require an Uni 13, but you also need 8th Betrayal Blade for instant access to Essence of Defeat anyways, so they should be about equal in terms of requirements to farm then.

Gems are also easier than DCS with these numbers applied. 10 Gems = 1 Totem, 1 Totem = 30-45 minutes, therefore, 1 Gem = 3-4 minutes, not to mention the decent droprate of Gems from Larvae. With this math, Gems are already close to twice as fast to farm as DCS and again, they are also generally used in smaller amounts than DCS, with some exceptions.


If there isn't going to be a pet, I doubt people are going to buy ACs. Nul's farming pets are one of the reasons people buy ACs and keep this game running.

Nulgath pets, while they probably make a lot of AC sales, are not as integral to AC purchases as you think, people buy ACs because of the Monthly packages and all the different rare shops, mostly. If Nulgath farming pets was the only reason people bought ACs, why do so many people buy the 2nd tier packages so often (12k ACs or 12 months mem + 7k ACs) if they would only need at max 1.5k per year and maybe a couple thousand extra for Nulgath Rares. Don't forget that TLaPD is also a big time of the year for all the big spender
There's also the people who buy membership regularly, just because they want to be member, which adds another source of income for AE besides ACs.


all you guys looking for an easy way out

Most people are just looking for equality, Orbs and CVKS are already in game, but only available to the select few people who were there + had the ACs + actually bought it, it's kind of like how so many people want rare skillsets to come back, to give everyone a leveled playing field, no matter when you started playing. I know there was times when stuff was easier (Dreadrock Gem Exchange) and harder (Diamonds before Evilwarnul), but all those cases comes down to natural progression, quests get added/removed, still giving everyone currently playing, a leveled playing field where everyone needs to play by the same rules and with the same quests. Some were playing during the right times, got some easy bonuses, but was limited time for everyone.
If AE was to just add a pet similar to CVKS/Orbs, even if it was seasonal (then you would at least know that the option would present itself every year), you would see significantly less people complaining.

Post edited, please check your PMs if you have not already. ~Shadowhunt

Tendou -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/6/2018 17:30:33)



Also, a quest to turn in Dark Energy for Dark Crystal Shards would be appreciated. Say, 500 energy for 10 DCS. And maybe something similar for Tainted Gems so we don't have to turn it in individually thousands of times. Bulk should count for something, right?

This is actually interesting, however, considering Dark Energy only drops for members (or previously members) who had completed certain tasks from Seppy Armor 's quest chain it wouldnt have that kind of taste i can feel. Its a cool concept, though. You actually gave me an idea myself and Asuka could use in future (or during bday if we have room for it)

Foulman -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/6/2018 19:51:06)

You might as well remove everything from Evilwarnul diamond farming except for the Legion Blade

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 4:46:01)


Diamond and Gem of Nulgath are hard.

Ahahahaha... oh, wow.
Nice joke bro.
Seriously though you're kidding, right?

Diamonds and Gems of Nulgath are SUPER easy even if you don't have a pet(you can just use someone else's).
Hell, the only reagent that's easier to do is Tainted Gems.
Essence of Defeat Reagent requires you to go beat up different enemies on different maps. It's not hard to do solo nowadays but that's still more work than doing any of the quests for Diamonds or Gems of Nulgath since you usually only need to stay in one place for those two.

Doxus the OverLord -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 8:36:19)

Things I was figuring out...

Nulgath's Birthday
Would it be possible to get a 10k chest from Nulgath's Birthday? 10k Chests are being a success here nowadays, so, why not repeating it?
Please, don't bring only recolors to us. Getting more from Miltonius's Patreon would be so nice.
And, as a new feature, could we get a story release for this Nulgath's Birthday?

Farming Pet
What about a new concept of farming pet?
Could we get a pet for farming specific materials with a specific quest? I'm talking about something less general than Astral Orb and CVKS. I'm saying this cuz it's forever the same thing for all things. This is too boring.
And, as a new concept, could this farming pet bring out an completely new set? I'm saying about buying the pet for better farming (more efficient quests than the commom ones + specific quests for specific materials) and a new set comming out from this pet (this pet having a completely new questline giving a completely new set to use and it being exclusively binded to this pet).

Nulgath's Birthday's Items
Please don't take something quite strange as it was did last birthday (Void Destroyer and Ceremonial Void Knight).
Void Destroyer has something strange between its shoulders and its color pattern. I know we're talking about a high-class demonnic-related item, but Miltonius's Patreon has a lot of better things...
Ceremonial Void Knight only had nice wings. Its sword was only... let's say... a "commom" design. The helm wasn't proportional to the armor and the rest of the corpse, being bigger than all the rest of the armors. Sometimes it looks like that toys that has a bigger head in a so small corpse and that heads keep shaking.
And please keep one thing in mind: Bloodletters are nice but it isn't the only nice weapon related to Nulgath. Bring us axes and spears too, they're as nice as the popular bloodletters (katana).

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 10:29:40)


Farming Pet
What about a new concept of farming pet?
Could we get a pet for farming specific materials with a specific quest? I'm talking about something less general than Astral Orb and CVKS. I'm saying this cuz it's forever the same thing for all things. This is too boring.
And, as a new concept, could this farming pet bring out an completely new set? I'm saying about buying the pet for better farming (more efficient quests than the commom ones + specific quests for specific materials) and a new set comming out from this pet (this pet having a completely new questline giving a completely new set to use and it being exclusively binded to this pet).

So Nulgath's larvae 2.0? No thanks. Either CVKS or no pet at all. They can bring 2 pets, IDC the price, but one has to be a decent farming pet like the CVKS

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 10:59:17)


Nulgath's Birthday
Would it be possible to get a 10k chest from Nulgath's Birthday? 10k Chests are being a success here nowadays, so, why not repeating it?
Please, don't bring only recolors to us. Getting more from Miltonius's Patreon would be so nice.
And, as a new feature, could we get a story release for this Nulgath's Birthday?

What's the point of having a 10k Chest when it's not a Seasonal Holiday?
It's just a birthday event so there aren't that many items compared to an actual Holiday.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 11:12:03)

Please accept the proposal to increase the reagents stack limit. Atleast increase the Voucher's limit to 3 and Uni 13 to 20 or something

HotlineBling -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 12:17:42)


Please accept the proposal to increase the reagents stack limit. Atleast increase the Voucher's limit to 3 and Uni 13 to 20 or something

You only need 15 Uni 13.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 13:44:41)

I just want the increase to be above 10 and I kind of already got VHL but while farming with Nulgath larvae it drops like crazy that's why I asked for a raise

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 15:54:38)

Raising stack limits is a concerning precursor to inflation, though. If you're only able to hold on to 3 at a time then the most something would cost is 3. But if it's raised to 10, for example, then you could start seeing things beginning to creep up in cost. A higher limit isn't always better. More convenient, perhaps, but it can lead to some pretty unwanted side effects like inflation.

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 17:20:46)

TG cap is 200 and that didn't stop VHL from needing 1700.
Stack caps don't do anything to "counter" inflation.

NDB -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 17:56:24)

More often then not it is the inflation that comes first.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/7/2018 18:21:28)

I'd say there's a difference between 1700 and 15x100 + 200, though. I don't think raising stack caps is guaranteed to lead to inflation, but it can. A lot depends on what the quest designer chooses to do, yes. But having that hard limit for a maximum is something they need to keep in mind. If they want to use that limit, then they will. If that limit gets raised, they may choose to use that new limit, and it could start becoming a normal thing. If it doesn't end up causing inflation, then it's nice because it just makes things easier. But the potential is there, and if the item's easy to get anyways then I think the limit doesn't really need to be raised in the first place.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =AQW= Nulgath Zone/Item Discussion (1/8/2018 5:51:33)

But due to how RNG works when ever it makes an appearance will be amazing. The no.of times when I didn't need any uni 13's it seems to pour but when I exhausted my stacks it never seem to drop so raising the drops can alleviate some pain of the farm.

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