RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (Full Version)

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Lineolata -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (12/26/2018 19:43:32)

Bring back my boy gong of the wind!

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (1/1/2019 18:58:35)

RE: Alice Shiki: I agree, eight separate classes would be too much. I was assuming it would be one class/subrace with eight elemental variants as you said.

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (3/7/2019 21:28:20)

Just thought I'd randomly say that with the stats in the game currently whacked and most builds other than pures nerfed to oblivion at the moment, I'm really hoping that Paxia gets revived soon as I feel little incentive to play until that happens or the game gets fixed, lol!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (3/9/2019 18:30:00)

Yeah, believe it or not, I'm currently partially holding back due to the giant balance sweep going on. It is coming.... slowly, <.< >.>

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (3/9/2019 18:43:29)

I'm sure it'll be awesome when it does come! Just hope the rest of the staff can get this stat balance thing worked out sooner rather than later. But the anticipation for Paxia's glorious return continues to build in the meantime!

neo_manni -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (6/3/2019 4:05:55)


Do you mean this update?

I am so excited I always come back in the nick of time.
I wonder if ARTIX ENTERTAINMENT is going to evolve with 5G I would be soo excited. As soon as I get a new laptop I am going to login and play like Artix.
Play and then train for American ninja warior in my free time. God will before I am 40 I want to be american Ninja warrior ready. Wish me luck!


RobDobTheCornCob -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (6/16/2019 12:43:34)

Hey guys, I'm a returning player who's been checking in to see how the game's been doing, but never really touched the forums.

One big thing that I notice about the clans, is how unnoticeable they are. I don't mean this as an insult, but I've never once really done anything in relation with the clans, other than seen them in quests. Maybe they just need more action in general? Right after this is posted, I'm gonna check them out to see what I can find. Battle On!


Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (6/18/2019 18:43:40)

Hey there! Glad to see a returning player! Yeah, the clans got a lot of content back when the game first started and then again during the Devourer Saga, the Chessmaster Saga and the Truphma Saga. But we haven't really seen much since then. But right now it looks like they're waiting to figure out how they're going to re-balance the game, and then Ultrapowerpie has plans on coming out with a bunch of Paxian-related content.

So if you're looking for some good content related to the clans, play through the Truphma Saga and the Chessmaster Saga, although the Chessmaster Saga has yet to be completed, it's still very interesting.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/27/2019 20:39:18)

Status update: Paxia is still coming, more info later in September.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (10/1/2019 16:54:18)

I can imagine the Fal news delayed things

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (10/7/2019 15:10:21)

Yes, it unfortunately did. My muse was in mourning along with me.

Good news: Outlines for Paxia are at least done, and quests are a coming to conclude some loose ends before the full overhaul of Paxia is coming. As for what I'm referring to, well, I'll leave that speculation to y'all. Also don't expect anything to pop in till at least the holidays are over with, but do know, work is being done! Paxia 2020 or something like that.

Carry on and enjoy the holidays!!

Ramirez -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (11/25/2019 14:47:06)


Hi. Remember me? :)

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (11/25/2019 19:08:03)

Clearly not. Never seen you before in my life.

Nope, never.

Paxia 2020. (It's coming, it's coming)

(But srsly, hello, and welcome back)

Ramirez -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (11/25/2019 19:33:53)

If you want to reminisce about ye’ good old days in Paxia let me know. I’m working on a bit of creative writing about it. Sant sent you my telegram in a pm.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (11/25/2019 20:01:20)

Oh? I haven't recieved anything yet, but I'll double check.

Tell you what, I'll take you up on that offer on Wednesday or Friday this week.

Istar_Magus -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (4/18/2020 17:39:39)

Hello, everyone, I am getting back into the game after a long hiatus. I plan on streaming the game on my Twitch channel to help remind people how amazing this game is. Just got off a Zoom panel where Artix talked a lot about his experiences, and I was reminded how much I ABSOLUTELY love AQ. Looking forward to seeing a Paxia Reboot, so I can update the wiki article I wrote for the game on Giant Bomb.

Deni3000 -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (4/29/2020 20:30:05)

Nice to see another returning player ^-^

I'm glad to see the Paxia Clans are still being looked at, since my last post was on it like two years ago haha
I'd assume with the pandemic things will be delayed; any estimates as to when updates may be coming forward?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (4/29/2020 21:35:19)

The pandemic has, unfortunately, delayed some things, however, rest assured it is still being worked on. I don't want to give any timeline right now, but it's still being worked on!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (4/30/2020 14:12:52)

Thanks for the update Pie. More time just means a better product. We know you'll do a great job in Fal's spot.

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/5/2020 17:35:57)

Aye! Just knowing that it's being worked on is more than enough to keep me excited!

Zennistrad -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/5/2020 21:27:51)

Regarding the idea of Paxia "classes," I think what could work is to have the Paxia armors be a tier below Subrace in terms of capabilities. Rather than having ten skills like a tier 1-2 class or twenty skills like a tier 3 class, they could have five skills.

This would still make them considerably more powerful than most Mastercraft armors almost by definition, but it wouldn't be too much more outlandish then some of the high-tier items with three compressed skills. (And depending on the usefulness of the skills, they might not even be as optimal as some MC armors)

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/6/2020 18:13:00)

As long as they were still usable at level 150 I'd be happy with that. They wouldn't necessarily need to be meta-defining in terms of power, just something that was fun to use and viable at max level that allowed you to roleplay and represent your Clan :)

SIGMUND -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/15/2020 4:24:52)

I'm not so patient any more....
we have been waiting for new Paxia content since the end of the Devourer Saga....
It was good to get a mention during the rescue of the Clan leaders in the Truphma Saga. But that was a temporary Paxia boost and not really centered around the Clans.

The Clan Defense needs a regular and secure update at least every 6 months to keep things interesting andavoid the debacle that happened in the past.
Then one Paxia quest or equipment update a year would be ideal?

Istar_Magus -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/16/2020 1:17:23)

[quote=SIGMUND]I'm not so patient any more....
we have been waiting for new Paxia content since the end of the Devourer Saga....
It was good to get a mention during the rescue of the Clan leaders in the Truphma Saga. But that was a temporary Paxia boost and not really centered around the Clans.

The Clan Defense needs a regular and secure update at least every 6 months to keep things interesting and avoid the debacle that happened in the past.[/quote]

Then one Paxia quest or equipment update a year would be ideal?Try to remember just how hard this game got hit back in 2008-2009, and everything which has happened since. Just the fact that AE is willing to keep this game running since 2002 is a huge deal. If they spent all their time updating the entire 18 year history of the game, then we wouldn't get any new content.

Kay Oh -> RE: =Paxia= Guess what's back? (8/16/2020 2:39:16)

Here's my idea: I'm assuming the clans will still have their own shops with clan-specific equipment. I would suggest having a gold & token fund drive open that would unlock more equipment (perhaps even houses?) as you reach goals, similar to the previous Nyan drive. This would bring players to work together and form a camaraderie (yes I google'd the spelling). A little competition would also be great, and this would serve as a gold/token sink as well.

Currently there is a token drive for each clan but I don't think it serves any purpose, but the system is already in place.

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