=EC 2018= Finals OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/5/2018 20:00:02)

Welcome and congratulations, to all who participated in the 2018 Elemental Championships! Welcome to the Grand Finale!

We had an amazing showing this year, and I am so impressed with (and so thankful to) everyone who participated. Many of these decisions were extremely challenging, so a huge round of applause to all our writers! Now, without further ado, I am proud to present to you:

The 2018 EC Paragons!

Dapper Fenix, created by Apocalypse, as the Paragon of Fire!
Maled Con, created by Chewy905, as the Paragon of Darkness!
Vir, created by Starstruck, as the Paragon of Energy!
Elias Iivonen, created by Kooroo, as the Paragon of Wind!
Pride, created by draketh99, as the Paragon of Ice!
Valo Aurinko, the Lightcutter, created by Kellehendros, as the Paragon of Light!
His Great Audaciousness, Dalavar, The Mage Slayer!, created by Rayen, as the Paragon of Water!
Oz, created by TormentedDragon, as the Paragon of Earth!

All chosen paragons, PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS POST IN ITS ENTIRETY. Anyone else, feel free to skip to the final paragraphs after the line break, with info as to where you can go from here!

All of the same rules from the initial OOC thread apply, with the exception for how extensions are handled. While this year the timer between each post will remain at 4 days, each Paragon is only allowed ONE 24 hour extension, or TWO 12 hour extensions, to be approved by me as necessary in this thread. I will do my best to continue to give people 24 hour idle-out warnings, but this is the Finals. You are ultimately responsible for posting on time, so plan your posting schedule accordingly.

Once your character enters the Finals Arena, you start with a clean state. Writings from the Paragon Phase will be evaluated again if a tie-breaker is necessary, but here is where you truly need to focus. Communicate and collaborate with each other, ask questions when needed, PROOFREAD YOUR POSTS, and have a blast showing of your writing skills and abilities.

Finals are structured differently than the paragon arenas. Everyone is given time to make their introduction post and preferable their second (often more action-oriented) post. At that point, the director (me) will make a Cut - and select one of the Paragons to remove from the competition. Paragons will continue to be Cut every 4 days until only the final three are left - at which point a Champion will be selected, and a boon granted.

The Arena will open (hopefully) at 12:01 am EDT on Monday, August 6th. The first Cut will be made 7 days later, at 12:01am on Monday, August 13th. While the announcements for Cuts may not be made at exactly midnight, any posts after the deadline will not be included in my decision. I would STRONGLY recommend having at least two posts up by this time. After the first Cut, subsequent Cuts will occur every 4 days. If a contestant idles out in that time, their DQ will take the place of that Cut.

When a Paragon is Cut, they will have some sense or awareness that the grace of their Elemental Lord has been withdrawn, and the gate behind their Pillar will open. Some years the Pillars also react physically, some years they do not. Once Cut, a competitor has three choices. They can Submit, recognize the will of the Arena and exit through their gate. They can Surrender, and allow an opponent to slay their character through a collaborative effort. Or they can retaliate with Spite, and make one single, final attack in the arena. If you choose this last option, your character will then be left to the mercy of those left in the arena, with no further outlet for collaboration. As such, to any competitor targeted by a Spite attack, please treat it with additional seriousness.

As with the Arena OOC threads, I will be editing in any questions about the Grand Arena in general here! Starting with:

What are the dimensions of the Grand Arena?
The Grand Arena is slightly larger than the Paragon arenas. From the geographic center, it is 80 feet (or 24.38 meters) to the boundary wall. The Pillars are all 60 feet (18.2 meters) away from the center, and placed at equidistant points forming a circle. Fire is at Cardinal North, and the order in which the Chosen are listed here is the order in which their respective elements are, moving clockwise around the arena.

How do our characters get transported to the Grand Arena?
Once a Combatant is removed from the Paragon Arena, you are free to perceive the transition from that point in whichever way best fits your narrative. You may have arena officials guide you to the foyers before the gates behind your respective pillar and use those to enter, or have your Elemental Patron transport you in some way, depositing you in front of the gates or next to their pillar. The Finale starts at noon, roughly half an hour after the Paragon fights end (to give spectators time to relocate). While not required, each combatant has the option of a full heal/restore (as well as the restoration of any ammo/armor/weapons that were damaged in the Paragon phase), enacted however they wish to in the transition.

Once again, thank you to everyone for participating in the Elemental Championships! Even if you did not make it through to the Finals, stick around to watch and cheer on your favorites, both here and in the Discord server!

In addition, I would love to hear feedback on how YOU, the players, felt this years ECs were run! This is my second time as Director and while I feel like I fixed my own rookie mistakes from last year, I would love to continue to improve! The feedback form may be filled out anonymously, and can be found here.

For anyone who would like to continue improving their own role-playing skills, I encourage you to check out either the Role Playing Academy or the Combat Training forums. Additionally, keep an eye on the Role Playing General Discussion for any future, member-led RP’s, or feel free to look into creating your own! If anyone who has participated would like me to give them feedback on their characters, they are welcome to ask, but please be patient if it takes a while for me to respond as I will be slightly busy judging the Finals Phase.

Best of luck to all of our Paragons!

Chewy905 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/11/2018 16:06:22)

Everything in Starstruck's post was cleared with me! Collaboration hurray!

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/11/2018 23:17:59)

Apocalypse, Kellehendros, for reference, there is not yet an actual physical strike, though there is the clear intention. The sickles are prepped for the strike, essentially.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/13/2018 0:04:17)

And time is now called for the first Cut! Any posts that were made after 12:01am EDT on Monday, August 13th were not considered in making this decision.

I am immensely impressed with both the quality, and the variety, in the opening posts this year! This was not an easy decision, and it foreshadows harder decisions to come, but a decision has been made.

Starstruck, I'm happy that you were able to make it back this year, and I've enjoyed the story that Vir has brought to the table! Sadly, his time in the EC's has come to an end, but I hope you are able to build on his story, and I look forward to seeing you compete again next year! (And I will be getting to your bio in the Combat Training forums this week now that the EC's are in the home stretch.)

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Vir has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others.

Any of those remaining (or Starstruck in their exit post), may include the following flavor text if you are so inclined to do so:


The smell of ozone permeated the air. Thunder rumbled softly, growing in magnitude until with an ominous CRACK, the glass pillar shattered, sending glittering shards cascading across the nearby sand. Voices, harsh and grating on the ears, could be heard above the din. "As the current of electricity follows the path of least resistance, so too does Energy move towards a simpler path. The Elemental Lord has withdrawn their favor from Vir, and we now stand to bear witness to his choice.

The next cut will occur 4 days from now, on Friday, August 17th, at 12:01am EDT.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/13/2018 0:13:03)

Vir is going to choose to submit!

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/13/2018 20:25:20)

I'd like to request a 12 hour extension, please

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/13/2018 20:31:50)

@draketh99 - Extension granted. You have until 10:13am on Tuesday the 14th, EDT.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/14/2018 19:06:25)

Requesting a 12-hour extension due to traveling today. And more traveling tonight.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/14/2018 19:51:31)

@Apocalypse - Extension granted. You have until 10:08pm on Wednesday, Aug. 15th.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/15/2018 21:49:25)

Post up! Collab with Rayen on the orb bit. Let chaos reign.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/17/2018 0:11:06)

4 days have passed since the first cut, and another well done round of posts! Lots of strong writing and lots of people stepping up their game, but a decision has been made.

Chewy905, you had a very solid rookie year! You did a great job in pulling all of Maled's abilities, and his story, to the forefront of your posts. I would love to see you return next year, but Maled's visit to the Arena is over for the time being. Looking forward to seeing you around the RP forums!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Maled has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others.

Any of those remaining (or Chewy905 in their exit post), may include the following flavor text if you are so inclined to do so:


A stench of death and decay wafted across the sands. The cheers and excitement seemed muted, as if the sound was attempting to pass through a thick fog. With a deep THRUM, the obsidian obelisk split down the center, the halves falling with a resounding thud, scattering the sand as they landed. Voices, deep and foreboding, like the tolling of a bell, rang out clearly. "As even a candle can scare off the shadows, so too does the sun burn away the Darkness. The Elemental Lord has withdrawn their favor from Maled, and we now stand to bear witness to his choice.

The next cut will occur 4 days from now, on Tuesday, August 21st, at 12:01am EDT.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/17/2018 0:12:46)

A late post regarding my last. Worked over the details of the fire tambourine interaction with Apoc.

Chewy905 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/17/2018 0:15:36)

Maled Con will be submitting! Thanks for the great time everyone! I’ll be sure to keep reading and rooting for everyone!

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/17/2018 22:15:22)

I'd like to request my final 12 hour extension, if that's alright?

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/17/2018 22:35:14)

@draketh99 - Extension granted. You have until 4:44pm EDT on Saturday Aug. 18th. Barring an emergency situation, you have no extensions remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/19/2018 9:31:50)

Posted - collaborations with the audacious Rayen for the tidbit at the end.

Rayen -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/20/2018 14:50:38)

Just realised after re-re-reading my last post that I made a small error in the description of one of Dalavar's actions. At the start of the third-last paragraph, instead of "Gripping Temerity's foot in his right hand...", it should read "Gripping Temerity's head in his right hand...". Apparently even Dalavar gets his ups and downs confused, if not lefts and rights.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/21/2018 0:03:10)

Another 4 days have passed, and it is time for another Cut! Several strong posts this round, and I'm really liking how some of the action is shaping up! That said, a decision has been made.

draketh99, Pride has been a blast to read this year. You had some amazing collaboration in weaving his story with Dapper's, but unfortunately Pride is going to need to take his curtain call. I hope to see you return next year with just as intriguing a character!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Pride has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others.

Any of those remaining (or draketh99 in their exit post), may include the following flavor text if you are so inclined to do so:


A scent reminiscent of evergreens - cool, crisp, and somehow lonely - filled the air. That wintry chill settled into the bones of those watching, excited cries dying off as teeth began to chatter. The sound echoed and rebounded until, with a deafening CRUNCH, the frozen tower shattered, exploding outwards as splinters of icicles and motes of frost showered down to the surrounding sands. An audible hiss arose as those fragments began to melt, yet Voices, cold and clear, made themselves heard above the din. "As winter ever gives way to spring, so too does Ice yield to the warmth. The Elemental Lord has withdrawn their favor from Pride, and we now stand to bear witness to his choice."

The next cut will occur 4 days from now, on Saturday, August 25th, at 12:01am EDT.

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/21/2018 0:17:35)

Was an excellent run! I enjoyed my time with all of you!

And of course, I'm going with spite

With Love,

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/23/2018 3:18:19)

@Starflame Requesting my last twelve-hour extension, if you will.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/23/2018 8:26:37)

@Apocalypse- Extension granted. You have until 9:16pm EDT on Thursday, Aug. 23rd. Barring an emergency situation, you have no extensions remaining.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/23/2018 18:38:55)

Starflame - I'm requesting my first 12 hour extension. I'm in process on the post, but I highly doubt it would be complete by my deadline.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/23/2018 20:43:43)

@TormentedDragon - extension granted. You have until 9:15am EDT on Friday, Aug. 24th.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/25/2018 0:08:24)

We're nearing the home stretch, everyone! One more cut after tonight before the Final Three have their last chance at blows. Keep up the hard work, and don't let up now. It's slated to be a very close decision (as nearly all of them have been this year!) Now, onto tonight's Cut.

Kooroo, it's been an absolute joy working with you again, and I'm happy to say you've improved from last year! Elias's story is unique and rather enjoyable to read, but it will need to find its resolution outside of the Arena. I am looking forward to seeing more of your characters around the RP forums and in the ECs!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Elias has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others.

Any of those remaining (or Kooroo in their exit post), may include the following flavor text if you are so inclined to do so:


A series of discordant chimes split the air, silver glinting ominously as the crowd found their attention drawn to the lone rotating pillar. Then with a harsh, scraping SHRIEK, the whirlwind turned inwards, lacerating itself until only a pile of scraps remained, slicing delicately into the sands as the air finally stilled. In the silence, the whispering of voices could be heard by all as if carried along by a gentle zephyr. "As no breeze can forever maintain its course, so too does Wind find a need to disperse. The Elemental Lord has withdrawn their favor from Elias, and we now stand to bear witness to his choice."

The next cut will occur 4 days from now, on Wednesday, August 29th, at 12:01am EDT.

Kooroo -> RE: =EC 2018= Finals OOC (8/25/2018 17:01:00)

Quick note: I've gone and finalised most of the details with Rayen. A fair amount of her next post will comprise of Elias' exit, which'll be through Submitting. I'll follow up soon after (hopefully) with something to round things up for him. For now.

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