Truphma Influence (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Truphma Influence (1/18/2019 9:02:01)

Truphma Influence

«20% proc Magic Energy sword.»

Location: White-Washed Walls
Type							G
Level	21	41	61	81	101	121	141
PowLvl	21	41	61	81	101	121	144

Price	58	279	2062	16441	132366	1066987	8602197
Sell	29	139	1031	8220	66183	533493	4301098
Type: Magic
Element: Energy
Damage	4-13	6-17	7-21	8-25	9-28	10-32	12-34
BTH	3	5	8	10	13	15	18
The weapon has an overall 20% chance to perform one of 2 Specials:

SPECIAL #1: Standard
Hits: 4
Type: Magic
Element: Energy
BR%	75.75	119.75	166.25	211	250.75	281.75	302.5
LS%	50.79	78.84	106.8	134.94	162.99	191.04	223.13
+BTH	9	17	26	35	42	50	53
Rate: 75%

SPECIAL #2: Big Zappy
Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Energy
BR%	172	272.67	378	480	570.33	641	687.67
LS%	115.52	179.32	243.12	306.92	370.72	434.52	507.5
+BTH	9	17	26	35	42	50	53
Rate: 25%

This sword belonged to a Truphma General and still maintains some of his authority! You can shock your enemy or command winged Truphmas to attack!


Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


Special starts off with:
Type							G
Level	21	41	61	81	101	121	141
PowLvl	21	41	61	81	101	121	144

BR%	356	564	782	993	1180	1326	1423
LS%	239	371	503	635	767	899	1050
+BTH	9	17	26	35	42	50	53
Special #1 does 85% of the total damage, split evenly across the four hits.

Special #2 does 145% of the total damage, split evenly across the three hits.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


September 25, 2014: The weapon was released.

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