gloccus -> RE: =DF= May 24th Design Notes: Song of the Ateala (5/25/2019 0:20:04)
Thanks for grabbing the figures at midnight, TheFourSins! Hourly Wave Count: Midnight Server Time We have completed 78 344 waves since the start of the war, 22 806 since the last update, one hour ago. That is an average of 380 waves per minute. The next milestone of 25% requires 1 546 656 waves. At the current rate, this will take us 2 days, 19 hours and 50 minutes. To reach 2% requires 51 656 waves. At the current rate, this will take us 2 hours and 16 minutes. To finish the war requires 6 421 656 waves. At our current rate, this will take us 11 days 17 hours and 39 minutes. I won't be available to take the any more HWCs for a while, so it's open to anyone who wants a go.