Miscs that remove status effects from the player (Full Version)

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OG Ranger -> Miscs that remove status effects from the player (11/30/2020 0:37:42)

Are there any miscs that removes status effects (bleed, fear, cripple, etc) from the player? (Small list please) Or is there just stuff that grants potency agaisnt the effects? If There is only stuff that resists status effects would someone please give me a small list of those items. Thanks.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Miscs that remove status effects from the player (11/30/2020 16:40:15)

Heart of the Ramleon
Poison Neutraliser
Liquid Courage
Protocea from Big Trouble in Little Granemor

OG Ranger -> RE: Miscs that remove status effects from the player (11/30/2020 21:41:49)

Thank you

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