Greater Water Orb (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 8:34:23)

Why is the Greater Water Orb's boost greater than Cozy Fire Orb and Waffle Cone?

Also are there any other Miscs that have similar effects?

Shiba -> RE: Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 9:48:50)

The damage numbers of Greater Water Orb do not yet reflect the bonus BTH lean the misc also gets. So for the highest level you do 1.3356*(85/95)=~1.195. This is aboit equal to the damage boost on Cozy Fire Orb.

The real big difference is that GWO's damage boost is affected by a BtH lean where CFO's BtH is a straight bonus. How this affects interaction with other damage boostera is something you should ask someone else.

Lv 1000 -> RE: Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 13:32:14)

To add to what Shiba has said, the pedia page for Greater Water Orb does not accurately show how much the misc actually boost, i.e. the page is very misleading.

I would also like to reiterate that GWO is EXACTLY the same as Cozy Fire Orb EXCEPT for the damage boost to spells. Cozy Fire Orb boosts fire spells by ~9.something% and Greater Water Orb boosts water spells by 4.something%, this is because of the BtH lean design implemented for GWO.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 18:56:29)

Oh so CFO is better than GWO when using spells?

Also are there other items like these for other elements?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 19:31:08)

Frostgale's Remorse from Mistral's Request
Polygalactase Process
Power Core from Rare GGB shop
Light Orb updated, but no new info subs/ Paladin's Oath/ Radiant Prism

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Greater Water Orb (1/15/2021 19:47:19)

Oh thanks Ash!

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