Togmothy (Full Version)

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Jay -> Togmothy (4/1/2021 20:02:35)



Location: Togsday, It Has to End This Way

Quests given

Shops owned


???: <Character>! Welcome! Welcome to my Togsday party!

Togmothy: Please, call me Togmothy.

Togmothy: Ah, you truly are the hero of legend! Not even knowing what a Togsday is, yet still endeavoring to attend!

Togmothy: And so humble! Worry not, your questions will be answered!
Togmothy: Togsday is a very special day that comes around once every thousand years.
Togmothy: On that day, the Toglights in the sky align and something most magical occurs!
Togmothy: A very special tog is given the collective knowledge of all their predecessors, and leads all of Togkind into an era of enlightenment!

Togmothy: Seemed like a nice round number. We're making it up as we go. Somebody write down that king thing! Sounds good.

Togmothy: It was only appropriate, since today is such a special day! No tog has ever had something like this happen before!

Togmothy: Dumb as bricks. They sure know how to rock those party hats, though.

Togmothy: Ah, getting to the heart of the matter! You are a hero, yes?

Togmothy: Wonderful. I have some... problems that need solving. For the enlightenment of Togkind.
Togmothy: Very important problems.

Togmothy: It's true! It's only been five tog-hours and already things are looking dire.

Togmothy: I don't remember!
Togmothy: Anyway, I need your help kicking out some... undesirables from the party.
Togmothy: I sent everytog an invitation, you know, out of politeness, but well, I didn't expect some of them to actually... show up.

Togmothy: Well as the future king of the togs, destined to lead all of togkind into an era of enlightenment, it's kind of a bad look if I'm kicking out honored guests.
Togmothy: But well, if say, an adventurer came through... and some accidents happened...
Togmothy: ...well, there's some plausible deniability, at least.

Togmothy: Shh! Keep your voice down!
Togmothy: Actually wait, it doesn't matter, they can't understand us anyway.
Togmothy: And who said anything about killing? Maybe just... rough them up a little. Encourage them to leave.

Togmothy: –the enlightenment of togkind, yes.
Togmothy: Worry not, there will be a reward! As future emperor of the togs, I can promise you riches! Riches beyond your wildest dreams!

Togmothy: I think it sounds better than king.
Togmothy: So, <Character>, what do you say?

If you select the 'Riches, huh?' option:
    Togmothy: The Empire of Toglandia appreciates your efforts, <Character>!

    Togmothy: I have four targets for you: Togren, Togath, Togtrip, and Togcina.
    Togmothy: Find them in the party, and elimini- er, persuade them to leave.

    Togmothy: I saw Togren eyeing me funny earlier. I think he wanted to bite me.
    Togmothy: Jealousy can be a tragic sin to fall under the influence of.
    Togmothy: Togath ate an entire cake by himself. That's just rude, really. Didn't even save any for other togs at the table. So he needs to go.
    Togmothy: Togtrip thought up the whole "once in a thousand years" thing. He knows too much.
    Togmothy: And Togcina... Well, I just don't like Togcina.

    Togmothy: Yep! Keep those riches in mind as these accidents... happen!

    If you approach Togmothy before defeating all of the togs:
    Togmothy: How goes the job? Remember, all of Togkind is depending on you! Unrelated, but this cake is fantastic!

    Togmothy: Well done hero! The intergalactic Tog empire of the sun and moon thanks you!

    Togmothy: It was! But what's done is done. I'm sure you're wondering about the riches you were promised.

    Togmothy: Well, as it turns out, Togsday only lasts for one day.
    Togmothy: Come the morrow, the enlightenment will fade, and thus sunset will fall upon the grand multi-universal empire of Tog.

    Togmothy: No, but we have cake!

    Togmothy: But before the celebrations... one final thing.

    Togmothy: Indeed, it is! You know too much, <Character>. You must be sacrificed for the future of all togkind!
If you select the 'I have standards!' option:
    Togmothy: An unfortunate stance, <Character>. It pains me to do this, but with what you've learned, I cannot let you leave this party.
    Togmothy: The safety of the future of the empire of Togs depends on it!
    Togmothy: To me, Togtogonal Knights!

    Togmothy: The ruler of the inter-dimensional Tog empire will not simply stand down!
    Togmothy: The age of enlightenment is upon us! And I shall defend it to the last!
    Togmothy: For Toglandia!
Togmothy: No... This can't be... How could the god of Togs fall to a mere mortal?!
Togmothy: There is no justice... Toglandia shall never be reborn...
Togmothy: I can feel the enlightenment fading...
Togmothy: My brain grows dim...

Togmothy: You've doomed us, <Character>. Doomed all of Togkind to live in the shadow!
Togmothy: You will... never... be forgiven!

Togmothy: *Bark!*

Togmothy: *Bark bork?*

Togmothy: *Bork bark bark!*

It Has to End This Way

???: Well, well, well.

???: Archnemesis!
???: Enemy of Togkind!
???: Foul betrayer!
???: <Character>.

???: Do we— Do we know each other?!
???: Yes… yes… Well, I suppose it has been a thousand years…
???: A thousand years since that fateful day when you left me, disgraced, in a pile of discarded cake!
???: Yes… I can see the recognition flickering in your eyes now.
Togmothy: For it is I! Togmothy!

Togmothy: Togmothy! You know, Togsday, Toglights aligned, once in a thousand years, memories of all togs past?
Togmothy: Destined to bring all of Togkind into an age of enlightenment?

Togmothy: Oh but it most surely has been! For how else could I have been enlightened thusly?
Togmothy: Tog years are very flexible, after all.

Togmothy: As for what I'm doing...
Togmothy: Well, you've played your part to perfection.
Togmothy: You see, in order to rebuild Toglandia, the togs must be unified. They must evolve. As they are now, they're still dumb as bricks.
Togmothy: But they understand violence. They understand revenge.
Togmothy: All I had to do was rile them up a little.
Togmothy: And then, as they fall, their burning desire for vengeance grows ever stronger.
Togmothy: The strong will rise above the weak, take power into their own barking maws!
Togmothy: A cycle feeding into itself, a self-fueling machine of conquest!
Togmothy: And from the ashes of Greenguard, a new Toglandia will rise!
Togmothy: Only the strongest togs will emerge from the flames of war, and we will be free!

Togmothy: Nanotogs, boy! They harden in response to physical trauma!

Togmothy: The pinnacle of my enlightened technology! You can't hurt me!

Togmothy: <Character>. Standing here, I realize. You're just like me.
Togmothy: Surely you understand. The cyclical nature of violence. Of vengeance.
Togmothy: And, like me, you're strong.
Togmothy: Join me. With our strength combined, we can crush the weak and make our dreams become reality!

Togmothy: Maybe I am. But what does that make you?

Togmothy: Very well. If you won't join me, then I have no choice.
Togmothy: It's time for you to die!

Togmothy: Impossible...! Once more, the glorious destiny of Togkind has been thwarted by... by...!

Togmothy: Because… Otherwise… Toglandia… will never be… Will never…
Togmothy: No...! The Toglights fade!

Togmothy: Stay!

Togmothy: Please, I beg of you!
Togmothy (momentarily): Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Togmothy: *Bark?*

Togmothy: *Bork bark!*

Togmothy: *Bark bark?*

Togmothy: *Bork!*

Other information
  • Togmothy's party hat appearance changes multiple times throughout the Togsday quest.

    Togsday II Appearance

    Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for Togsday II appearance image.

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