baby eggs (Full Version)

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doomas -> baby eggs (4/5/2021 11:18:09)

I've been trying to locate these for some time now and had no luck in doing so.
Anyone remember where they come from. Wasn't it from Grenwog sometime in the past?
They could paralyze or give damage reduction.Please help me locate these little critters.

Legendary Ash -> RE: baby eggs (4/5/2021 15:44:14)

Baby Egg are from 2020 Grenwog's Egg Trade shops, both the Egg pet and shield are unavailable as their buttons have disappeared only the Grenwog Hood face returned.
Make a post about the two missing Grenwog shops in =AQ= Grenwog Festival 2021 - To Spring A Trap to bring it to the attention of the Devs.

doomas -> RE: baby eggs (4/5/2021 17:06:34)

just posted in GD. thanks Ash.

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