Braughlmurk Darkstaff (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Braughlmurk Darkstaff (12/18/2021 13:42:07)

[image][/image]Braughlmurk Darkstaff
A weathered staff, tarnished by age and magic. Once wielded by the armies of Braughlmurk, then the undead, and now, by you.


(DA Required)

Location: Lost Tomb
Price: N/A
Sellback: 200 Gold

Level: 1
Damage: 0-0
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: None
Resists: None

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Staff
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon


Thanks to Jay for image.

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