Potion Vending Machine (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Potion Vending Machine (4/15/2022 22:58:44)


[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image][image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DC.png[/image]Potion Vending Machine

Location: Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) -> Up -> Up Right -> Bart -> Quests! -> Epilogue -> Potion Vending Machine
Requirements: Completion of The Potion

Bart's Potion Vendor 2000

Bart: Now that's more like it! As for your payment...
Bart: Well, there's good news and bad news.
Bart: Good news, the potion works a treat. Those fungal fiends didn't know what hit them!
Bart: Bad news, you dropped pretty much all of my supply on your flyover.
Bart: It'll take some time to rebrew the stocks, and the DragonLords aren't exactly happy that it'll be delayed.
Bart: So I can't quite pay you. Yet. But, if you want to help fund the next iteration with some Dragon Coins...
Bart: I can recompense you with this old, I mean, antique, Potion Vending Machine for your home!

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