RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (10/9/2022 12:40:46)

The items are all meh except for the shield, which IMO is absolutely great. So, is 2 +20 status potencies paid for with a MC a new standard? Old standard? If new, did we just essentially make things like umazen and other potency shields useless once other versions come out with more than 1 potency? (THis may take years but still) Or what am I missing? I'm not complaining, I'll take it, but IMO this is a case of going back and adding to others to avoid making items useless for the future...assuming this is a new standard. Anyway, love the shield, the other stuff..idk I would still like to see windswept on something w/o the weird "once per battle" horrible mechanic.

And please fix mandate to work properly with windswept. Choke was fixed but not blind. Thanks !!

Lv 1000 -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (10/9/2022 13:06:06)


So, is 2 +20 status potencies paid for with a MC a new standard?
I'm personally treating this as extra bonus because its part of the Anniversary set, rather than a new standard.

Another way to look at this is that Choke and Panic basically do the same thing except that they have different duration models, so having these two specific statuses together could have been hand-waved. This wouldn't really have a significant impact on other potency sources as not many would need to be changed to fit this model. Anything with paralyze potence would also need to include Sleep, other Choke potence sources would need to include Panic, etc.

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (10/9/2022 13:39:30)

I like the design. I find it interesting the Dragon of Time pet is Light but looks like the set will be Earth :o

Zennistrad -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (11/18/2022 12:17:06)

Dunno where else to put this, but the Emerald Rose pet/guests still seem to be bugged. Not only are the toggle messages not displaying right (the message for switching to damage mode appears when the pet is already in damage mode and vice versa), but the status mode just straight-up does not work.

I've already submitted two bug reports for this (one on the Artix Entertainment official bug report form and another on the forums) but I haven't yet seen much talk of this. I understand that the developers might have other priorities right now but this seems like something that I think should be at least acknowledged in some capacity, given that it's a fairly expensive and limited-time premium item.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (11/18/2022 12:35:48)

I passed the issue along to the team a few weeks ago - It's on the list of bugs to tackle.

dr jo -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (11/26/2022 16:10:35)

I too agree a premium package just part not working from release date and was really looking forward to the emerald rose pet/guest as well.

Live4Fun -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (12/2/2022 15:44:37)

Aww man, wish i returned sooner and got the anniversary pet :/
Still cool tho

dr jo -> RE: =AQ= 20th Anniversary Mega Event (12/2/2022 15:52:29)

Massive thanks @Ianthe fixing the emerald pet/guest and loving new panic revamp

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