Primate Murder -> RE: Returning LVL50 Warrior needing new equipment advice (10/22/2022 3:43:54)
Welcome back! ...And wow, there's a lot to unpack here. So, first, the stat cap has been raised to 250, meaning you generally want to consolidate all your points into three stats. In addition, Ranged damage has been decoupled from Str, and Melee damage no longer requires Dex for accuracy - so you get to choose whether you want to play a warrior or a ranger. Several subraces have been revamped. Now each comes with 10 skills and a nifty second no-drop armor. Werewolf works best for warriors (and FO rangers), Vampire for mages, Werepyre for hybrids, and Neko for FD builds (beastmasters and FD rangers). With all that in mind, where do you see your character going? Offensive or defensive? Beastmaster or pure build? Hybrid or min-max?