=DF= Friday, March 31st Design Notes: Book 3: Reimagined - Words and Deeds (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> =DF= Friday, March 31st Design Notes: Book 3: Reimagined - Words and Deeds (3/31/2023 17:09:02)


Friday, March 31, 2023
Book 3: Reimagined - Words and Deeds
Hey there heroes!

Relive the aftermath of the Gala and escape from Swordhaven in this week's Reimagined quest!


The quest "Are Rocks Evil" has been rewritten and had some cutscenes adjusted. It has also been renamed to "Words and Deeds"!

Head over to Sulen'Eska and speak to Kara to check it out!

The Ninja rework is still in the works! Engine adjustments have been made and progress is continuing. We want to add new animations to the armor as well, so it might take some time.

Related to that... next week's arena will feature the eternal rivals, Pirates and Ninjas!

And that's all for this week!

Paw printed and tagged! ~Gingkage

Nediphile -> RE: Friday, March 31st Design Notes: Book 3: Reimagined - Words and Deeds (3/31/2023 23:20:36)

Really looking forward to the ninja update! One of the classes I used the least in my time playing, so maybe it becomes a viable class for end game content when it releases.

Flabagast -> RE: Friday, March 31st Design Notes: Book 3: Reimagined - Words and Deeds (4/1/2023 7:41:43)

Ah, no Aprils Fools prank this year. Oh well. I understand that with the story winding up and resources being thin, best to focus on other things.


Beyond some reasonable adjustments that are par for the course in Reimaginings by now, I quite like how Melissa shows up earlier and plays a role in bolstering the Hero's case against the Rose, highlighting the human cost of their actions. I feel like it would've hit even harder if she had brought up the fact that her own people abandoned their home out of fear as well. Even so I think it nicely complements what he learns in his time with the Vind (and I imagine ' Culture Shock' might be worth revisiting at some point due to changes to Kara and the Wind Elves' role in the story while we were frozen) and better challenges his perspective.

I think I also prefer the new dialogue from the Magisterium at the end, too. It feels more in line with how they debate amongst themselves when the Proclamation is sabotaged and all four Rifts open up. Especially how they refer to the Shapeless and it's "will".

I'm curious to see how much further the Reimaginings will go into the main story. I personally think everything from 'Queen of Roses' and onwards is fine, but I look forward to seeing what's in store.

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