=EC 2023= Finals OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/14/2023 23:04:59)

Welcome and congratulations to all who participated in the 2023 Elemental Championships! Welcome to the Grand Arena!

A huge round of applause to all of our entrants this year - I appreciate everyone’s renewed effort to ensure collaboration, which has resulted in some truly outstanding interactions and combat sequences. Thank you sincerely to everyone who participated. Now, without further ado, I am proud to present to you:

The 2023 EC Paragons!

Elodie, Servant of Durando, created by Dragonknight315, Paragon of Earth!
Meng Chiyi, created by ChaosRipjaw, Paragon of Fire!
Mooth, Cryptid of the Forest, created by DaiTigris, Paragon of Light!
Ezkeraz, created by TripleChaos, Paragon of Energy!
Vosta ver Vostadteir, created by Apocalypse, Paragon of Wind!
Sterling, created by Ronin Of Dreams, Paragon of Ice!
Parralia Anita, created by Oddball, Paragon of Darkness!
Bjhonkcioucles, the Goose, created by deathlord45, Paragon of Water!

All chosen paragons, PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS POST IN ITS ENTIRETY. Anyone else, feel free to skip to the final paragraphs after the line break, with information as to where you can go from here! You are also welcome to continue fighting in your Paragon Arena, join in the Spectators thread, or write an exit post.

All of the same rules from the initial OOC thread apply. Any extensions that were made in the first round have been reset as well, meaning that each writer starts with 36 hours in extension, in 12 or 24 hour increments. Note that for Finals, you CANNOT request all 36 hours as an extension for a single post. The maximum extension per post is 24 hours. I will do my best to continue to give people 24 hour idle-out warnings, but this is the Finals. You are ultimately responsible for posting on time, so plan your posting schedule accordingly.

Once your character enters the Finals Arena, you start with a clean state. Writings from the Paragon Phase will be evaluated again only if a tie-breaker is absolutely necessary. Here is where you truly need to focus. Communicate and collaborate with each other, ask questions when needed, proofread your posts, and have a blast showing off your writing skills and abilities.

Finals are structured differently than the preliminary round. Everyone will have sufficient time to make their entrance to the Grand Arena and to begin the action proper. At that point, the Director will make a Cut - selecting one of the Paragons to remove from the competition. Paragons will continue to be Cut every 4 days until only the final three are left - at which point a Champion will be selected, and a boon granted. In the case a contestant idles out in that four day period, their removal will take the place of that Cut.

When a Paragon is Cut, they will have some sense or awareness that the grace of their Elemental Lord has been withdrawn, and the gate behind their Pillar will open. Once Cut, a competitor has three choices. They can Submit, recognize the will of the Arena and exit through their gate. They can Surrender, and allow an opponent to slay their character through a collaborative effort. Or they can retaliate with Spite, and make one single, final attack in the arena. If you choose this last option, your character will then be left to the mercy of those left in the arena, with no further outlet for collaboration. As such, to any competitor targeted by a Spite attack, please treat it with the appropriate severity.

The Arena will open at 11:59 pm EDT on Wednesday, August 16th. The first Cut will be made 10 days later, at 11:59 pm EDT on Saturday, August 26th. This is an increased time from prior years - and while this does have the potential to increase the duration of finals for those who last until the end, it should better enable everyone to actually get a decent way into combat before the cuts start. While the announcements for Cuts may not be made exactly at midnight, any posts after the deadline will not be included in my decision.

As with the Arena OOC threads, I will be editing in any questions about the Grand Arena here! Starting with:

What are the dimensions of the Grand Arena?
The Grand Arena is slightly larger than the Paragon arenas. From the geographic center, it is 80 feet (or 24.38 meters) to the boundary wall. The Pillars are all 60 feet (18.2 meters) away from the center, and placed at equidistant points forming a circle. Earth is at Cardinal North, and the order in which the Chosen are listed here is the order in which their respective elements are, moving clockwise around the arena.

How do our characters get transported to the Grand Arena?
Once a Combatant is removed from the Paragon Arena, you are free to perceive the transition from that point in whichever way best fits your narrative. You may have arena officials guide you to the foyers before the gates behind your respective pillar and use those to enter, or have your Elemental Patron transport you in some way, depositing you in front of your gate or next to their pillar. The Finale starts at noon, roughly half an hour after the Paragon fights end (to give spectators time to relocate). While not required, each combatant has the option of a full heal/restore to the point they were upon entering the Paragon Phase, as well as the restoration of any ammo/armor/weapons that were lost or damaged in the first round, enacted however they wish in the transition. Please reach out to me if you have specific questions about this mechanic.

Can we interact with the Pillars?
The Pillars take the form of the most recent Champion of their element from years past. They are solid, like the gemstone pedestals they are placed on, and currently stationary. They are unbreakable, appearing and acting as normal statues during the combat, with the exception that they will injure those who are not their Paragon who come into direct contact with them (fire would leave minor burns, energy a small shock, etc.).

Once again, thank you to everyone for participating in the Elemental Championships! Even if you did not make it through to the Finals, stick around to watch and cheer on your favorites either here or in the Discord server! Additionally, you can move your characters to the Spectators Thread - where anyone can enter the stands and witness the Finals while in-character! As stated prior, Spectators is treated similar to the Yulgar’s Inn Roleplay, where characters do not need extensive (or any) bios, you can include as many people as you’d like in your conversation or simply just observe, and no fighting is allowed. It is entirely for fun (or for practice), and anyone can join in whether or not you participated in this year's ECs. Keep in mind: Any conversations or activities here DO NOT IMPACT those fighting in the final arena. It is for the spectators' enjoyment only.

In addition, I would love to hear feedback on how YOU, the players, felt this year's ECs were run! I strive to improve with each year I run these, and your thoughts help me do so. The feedback form may be filled out anonymously, and can be found here!

For anyone who would like to continue improving their own role-playing skills, I encourage you to check out either the Role Playing Academy or the Combat Training forums, or else swing by the casual Role-Play Yulgar’s Inn. Additionally, keep an eye on the Role Playing General Discussion for any future, member-led RP’s, or feel free to look into creating your own!

Lastly, I am happy to give feedback on individual performances in the Elemental Championships. People are welcome to PM me to ask for said feedback, but please be patient if it takes a while for me to respond as I will be slightly busy judging the Finals Phase.

I hope to see all of you return for our other annual RP competition, Where Powers Collide, in January, or to the Elemental Championships of 2024!

Best of luck to all of our Paragons!

DaiTigris -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/19/2023 9:48:18)

Requesting a 24hr extension.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/19/2023 16:51:51)

@DaiTigris - Granted. Your new deadline is 23:59 ET (Forum Time) on Sunday, August 20th. I recommend tracking your pacing if possible to aim for 3 posts out by the time the first cut roles around. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/22/2023 23:20:04)

Posted with collab from TripleChaos.

deathlord45 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/23/2023 21:52:46)

Requesting a 12hr extension

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/24/2023 0:09:44)

@deathlord45 - Granted. Your new deadline is 11:21am ET (Forum Time) on Thursday, August 24th. You have one 24 hour remaining. Do your best to still get into the action before the cut this Sunday!

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/26/2023 23:07:35)

Posted with collab from TripleChaos.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/26/2023 23:10:17)

Posted with collab and approval from Death.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/27/2023 14:00:17)

I am super thrilled with the amount of action that we've gotten to by the first cut, and I really appreciate everyone who put forth the effort to either get their third post in, or to ensure significant collaboration to drive combat forward. A very good start, so keep up the momentum!

That said, our 10 days have now passed, and it is indeed time for the first Cut. Posts have been read - and any posts made after 11:59pm EDT on Saturday, August 26th were not considered for this decision.

@DaiTigris - you had an absolutely wonderful showing, especially for your rookie year! It was a blast getting to see Mooth's personality, and I know a fair few other writers who really enjoyed the character as well. Mooth will have to seek elsewhere for her coming battles - provided she survives her last moments in the arena - but it would be an absolute joy to see you back again for future events.

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit to the will of the arena and leave, Surrender to your opponent in a collaborated death, or attack in Spite and leave your character free for slaughter afterwards. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Mooth has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have either 24 hours or until when your next idle deadline would have been to post, whichever comes second.

The next cut will occur in 4 days, on Wednesday, August 30th, at 11:59pm ET (Forum Time)

deathlord45 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/28/2023 9:56:25)

Requesting a 12hr extension

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/28/2023 19:24:38)

@deathlord45 - Granted. Your new deadline is 11:20pm ET (Forum Time) on Monday, August 28th. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/29/2023 23:00:32)

Posted with collab from TripleChaos.

Oddball -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/30/2023 22:15:41)

Requesting a 24hr extension!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/30/2023 22:49:09)

@Oddball - Granted. Your new deadline is 00:17am on Friday, September first. You have one 12 hour extension remaining. This does move your deadline to just behind TripleChaos, so if you have collaborations planned with him, be sure to discuss those in advance.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (8/31/2023 10:07:57)

4 days have passed, the pressure is ramping up, and the excitement is ever growing! I'm glad to see that everyone has continued to push for strong combat and stronger writing. That said, we have passed our time for another Cut - and thus, one more must withdraw. Posts have been read - and any posts made after 11:59pm EDT on Wednesday, August 30th were not considered for this decision.

@deathlord45 - Bjhonkcioucles was an absolute terror for everyone to experience and a blast for me to read. I love the duality you captured between a well-reasoned mind, and the animalistic collection of its chimeric form. With favor withdrawn, Bjhonkcioucles will need to seek favors elsewhere - but I'm sure Bren would be willing to find a translator if it wishes to continue educating the people of the city about the differences between a duck and a goose. Hope to see more of your creations in a future event!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit to the will of the arena and leave, Surrender to your opponent in a collaborated death, or attack in Spite and leave your character free for slaughter afterwards. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Bjhonkcioucles has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have either 24 hours or until when your next idle deadline would have been to post, whichever comes second.

The next cut will occur in 4 days, on Sunday, September 3rd, at 11:59pm ET (Forum Time)

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/2/2023 22:52:57)

Posted with, shocking no one, more collab from Triplechaos.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/4/2023 13:14:40)

And it is time for another Cut! Glad to see the combat is flying almost faster than everyone's keyboards, but 4 days have passed, and one more must leave the arena. Any posts made after 11:59pm ETD were not considered for this decision.

@TripleChaos - Ezkeraz was a lot of fun to watch, especially with how you successfully pulled off hints of alternate timelines in his arguments without turning it into a time travel headache. Serious kudos for that! With favor withdrawn, Ezkeraz will need to search for a way home in another manner, although Lore can be fun as well. Excited to see if he makes it back one day, or what you come back with another year!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit to the will of the arena and leave, Surrender to your opponent in a collaborated death, or attack in Spite and leave your character free for slaughter afterwards. I'm aware you have a post due today, so if you have that written already and wish to post that as-is so as to avoid creating an Extension snowball with your collab partner, that is fine with me. You will then need to make your choice known directly following that post either here or in the thread itself - if it is not posted within 24 hours after your initial deadline as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Ezkeraz has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have either until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

The next cut will occur in 4 days, on Thursday, September 7th, at 11:59pm ET (Forum Time)

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/6/2023 19:15:19)

@Star Requesting a 12 hour extension

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/6/2023 22:50:02)

@Dragonknight315 - Granted. Your new deadline is 8:45am ET (Forum Time) on Friday, September 8th. Note this does put your post behind both Ronin Of Dreams and ChaosRipJaw, so coordinate as necessary.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/8/2023 19:30:56)

And our fabulous five must now become the fantastic four - as the time for the next cut has come and gone. Any posts made after 11:59pm ETD on Thursday, August 7th were not considered for this decision.

@Oddball - Parralia has been an absolutely wonderful showing this year! Having a Magical Girl was a first for me, and it ended up being a complete delight. I am sure that her presence has brought hope to many of the Spectators - but the Arena will no longer be the place that she can look to for hope of her own. Curious to see if it will be the Magia Spes or her Devil that handles her exit, but in either case, I absolute hope to see you back again another year.

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit to the will of the arena and leave, Surrender to your opponent in a collaborated death, or attack in Spite and leave your character free for slaughter afterwards. I'm aware you have a post due today, so if you have that written already and wish to post that as-is so as to avoid creating an Extension snowball with your collab partners, that is fine with me. You will then need to make your choice known directly following that post either here or in the thread itself - if it is not posted within 24 hours after your initial deadline as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Parralia has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

To everyone else: the Finale is drawing ever nearer. Remember that every post counts. Utilize your character's skills to the full extent of their abilities, and your own with your collaboration partners to ensure you are fighting (and writing) to the best of your ability.

Impress me.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/10/2023 21:43:37)

Heavy collaboration with Chaos this post, particularly over pushing through Three Fingers, and the exchange that followed. We also elected to reach the same concluding moment of action this time around, given the tumultuous nature of impending decisions.

I.e., the chaos is only going to get worse. XD

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/10/2023 22:42:15)

Posted with collab from Dragonknight315

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/12/2023 0:10:49)

And tonight, our fantastic four will become the Final Three! A huge round of applause for everyone who made it this far - you should all be very proud of yourselves. That said, we are up to the penultimate round of decisions, and thus, one more shall be Cut. Any posts made after 11:59pm EDT on Monday, September 11th were not considered in this decision.

@Ronin Of Dreams - you absolutely did a wonderful job in capturing the movement and action of Sterling in the arena, and you delivered a strong and engaging character in the process! Sterling's attitude and spunk made for a fun perspective in the Arena, but the choice now falls to him if he wishes to fall with his Pillar, or pursue a path elsewhere. I am sure I will see your writing again!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit to the will of the arena and leave, Surrender to your opponent in a collaborated death, or attack in Spite and leave your character free for slaughter afterwards. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Sterling has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impede the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have either 24 hours or until when your next idle deadline would have been to post, whichever comes second.

Dragonknight315, ChaosRiphaw, and Apocalypse! Congratulations to our Final Three! At this point, all of you are safe from Idling even should you not manage further posts - although I strongly encourage that you continue the momentum forward. This is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels; it is the time to show me what you can do. You have less than a week to prove to the Elemental Lords (and to me) why you deserve to wear the Champion's Crown. Use your time wisely.

The Arena will be locked just over 4 days from now - at 11:59am EDT on Saturday, September 16th. This gives you all an extra 12 hours into the weekend to ensure proper time for collaboration for the final posts. I will likely need at least a day after the Arena locks for deliberations to crown a Champion.

Good luck.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/13/2023 23:36:00)

Sterling has now quit the field. Collab occurred with Chaos, and the post was also vetted by Apoc. Not that I had an idle timer per se, but I wanted that up and out of the way as close to what that would have been regardless for their enhanced freedoms.

Been an honor!

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2023= Finals OOC (9/15/2023 20:20:24)

Posted with collab from Dragonknight315 and ChaosRipjaw.

I bid adieu.

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