Mimi / Tired Girl (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Mimi / Tired Girl (10/6/2023 22:24:10)


Mimi / Tired Girl

Location: Mimi's Mistake, The Trail of Myx

Quests given

Shops owned

Mimi's Mistake

Tired Girl: It's– I think it's my fault...

Tired Girl: Tired...

Mimi: T-thanks...

Mimi: I— I wasn't looking, I was so exhausted, I—

The Trail of Myx

???: Ahem!

???: Allow me!

Mimi: You cleared the way (and I'm all rested up!), so now it's my turn to help you out!

Mimi: Thank you <Character>, you're too kind!
Mimi: But it was really you and <Dragon> who made it possible.
Mimi: I was able to slip through the undead because you cleared so many of them out! And weakened Myx!

Mimi: Does that mean I'm out of a job...?
Mimi: Oh no... I still have rent to pay... not to mention the student loans...

Mimi: ...I'm sorry, what?

Mimi: Thanks, everyone. Maybe I'll even find time this year to do some trick-or-treating of my own!


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