 ArchKnight DragonFable
The Trail of Myx Location: Friday the 13th: EbilTreats -> To the War! -> The Trail of Myx Requirements: Completion of Mimi's Mistake, 100% War Meter* Release Date: October 20th, 2023 Objective: You managed to fight though the undead horde and catch up with Myx! Objective completed: Happy Mogloween! Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (1) Possessed Myx - Boss NPCs Bubble Cauldron Sisters Mimi Myx Toil Trouble Zorbak Rewards Scythes Tactical Sweeper Capes Backup Broom Dialogue <Dragon> joins you as pet. *You and your dragon have located Myx on Amityvale, however, Myx appears to have lost control of himself as he is summoning the undead from Zorbak's staff inside of him.* <Character>: There he is! We finally caught up to him! <Dragon>: Let's beat the staff out of him! | *Daring roar* <Character>: A tad excessive... but sounds like a plan! <Character>: Sorry, Myx, but it's for your own good! Myx: BLRTPLFRTPTL! Battle! - begins battle with Possessed Myx. Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. Run Away! - returns to Friday the 13th: EbilTreats. *After defeating Myx, he appears to be dazed, however, the undead is still summoned from Zorbak's staff inside of him.* <Character>: Well, we definitely beat him up. <Dragon>: But he's still making more undead! He hasn't coughed up the staff! | *Annoying growls* <Character>: There has to be a way... <Character>: <Dragon>, do you think you could fly inside and grab it? *Your dragon glares angrily.* <Dragon>: Can't you just reach in with your long arms? | *Deflecting grumbles* <Character>: There's still undead coming out! What if one of them bit me? ???: Ahem! <Character>: Huh? ???: Allow me! *You turn around to found out that Mimi has been woken up and now flying with her broom.* Mimi: You cleared the way (and I'm all rested up!), so now it's my turn to help you out! *Mimi uses one of her fingers before twitching it several times, shrinking herself to microscopic level in order to retrieve Zorbak's staff inside Myx.* ... *Few seconds later, the shrunken Mimi have retrieved Zorbak's staff inside of Myx; back in Croft, you reported your mission's success to the Cauldron Sisters.* <Character>: ... you should have seen her, Sisters! She swooped in and got Zorbak's staff out just like that! <Dragon>: I mean, we did most of the work... | *Grumbles* Bubble: ...Coulda just blown him up... Mimi: Thank you <Character>, you're too kind! Mimi: But it was really you and <Dragon> who made it possible. Mimi: I was able to slip through the undead because you cleared so many of them out! And weakened Myx! Myx: About that... you didn't have to dent my vessel so much, <Character>! Now it needs a good polishing, hmph. Zorbak: Meh, who cares, my staff is safe! Zorbak: Did you miss me? Zorbak: Did you miss youw mastew? Zorbak: Did youuu? *You grin at Zorbak.* Trouble: Yet again, what would we do without you, <Character>! Bubble: Let's just stick to the good ol' trick-or-treating instead of home delivery, hehehe... Mimi: Does that mean I'm out of a job...? Mimi: Oh no... I still have rent to pay... not to mention the student loans... <Character>: I thought you were getting paid in candy? *Mimi blinks rapidly in confusion.* Mimi: ...I'm sorry, what? Myx: Always read the fine print! *Mimi gasps in confusion as her appearance becomes a hand-drawn sketch of herself while her eyes and mouth widen; scene briefly turns black and white.* <Character>: Sisters, isn't there something you can do for her? She saved Mogloween! <Dragon>: With our help! | *Chiming-in chirp* <Character>: Shush, <Dragon>! *Your dragon glances back in surprise.* Bubble: I guess we could scrape something together... Trouble: Yes, the candy business isn't exactly not profitable... Toil: Oh what are we saying? Toil: Of course we'll take care of you, Mimi. Don't you worry about a thing! <Character>: See, that wasn't so hard, now was it? Mimi: Thanks, everyone. Maybe I'll even find time this year to do some trick-or-treating of my own! Trouble: Speaking of which, with all the candy undead defeated and all the civilians safe, it's time! Cauldron Sisters: Happy Mogloween! *Scene fades to black.* Complete Quest Other information *Due to delays, the boss fight was released four days after reaching 100% War Meter. This quest replaced Uh oh! quest on October 20th, 2023.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 11/11/2023 11:26:57 >