Marauderator 🧭
Skill proc rate A random integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive), R, is rolled each turn. A variable reliant on trained dragon skill points and player CHA/LUK, S, is determined by the formula: (0.1 * <Dragon's skill points> + [Player's CHA + Player's LUK] / 10) + 10, rounded up. When R </= S, pet dragons will use a skill; otherwise, pet dragons will use a standard attack (Magic/Fighting alternate attack chance inclusive). To eliminate the skill proc rate and have more control over which skills pet dragons use, enable Manual Pet Actions. Other information Draco is this pet's default name; to change their name and/or color palette from the default, visit Dragon Customization. In order to make pet dragons stronger, players can feed them (maximum once per day) to gain skill points. Pet dragons can then be trained with these skill points to unlock unique abilities (see Pet Dragon Skills). More information on feeding and training pet dragons can be found in-game at Sunbreeze Grove, or in the Complete Dragon Guide. - Growing pet dragons to the toddler and kid stages provides +100 free skill points each, amounting to +200 free skill points; this functionality was implemented on June 20th, 2023.
Kid dragons may be equipped with Kid Dragon Accessories. Pet dragons received a major overhaul to their skills on June 21st, 2019. Initially all pet dragons were able to use the secondary Tier 0 skills; this was changed to be exclusive for kid dragons on September 7th, 2019. 'Tickles' skill previously also applied -[Mischief skill level * 0.3] Bonus to target; the Bonus to Hit component was removed on March 7th, 2020. The following changes were implemented on January 1st, 2021:- Kid dragons' damage, Crit, and Bonus were increased.
- 'Elemental Supernova' and 'Outrage' skills were bug fixed.
The following changes were implemented on June 23rd, 2023:- 'Tickles' skill increased its effectiveness from applying +[Mischief skill level * 0.05] Health Resist to target.
- 'Magic', 'Fighting', and 'Outrage' skills were modified.
The following changes were implemented on April 19th, 2024:- Tier 1 skills were renamed to their proper names.
- Tooltips for <Dragon> were updated.
Also See: <Dragon> (Guest) (All Versions) Pet Dragon Thanks to Jay for entry rewrite, images, other information, and corrections. Peachii for original entry rewrite. TwinBlade. for location links. Ash for stat information. BigBen14 and jovele for attack images. BadHulk for information and corrections. DragonBlade for updated information. Niki, Paz Vi, and Stephen Nix for corrections. 2019–Present Skills Thanks to Verlyrus for skill information. Jay for original entry. DemonicDarkwraith for updated information and updated images. Kevin DF, Rubioalto, Solanaceae, and TFS for corrections. 2015–2019 Skills Thanks to Jay for entry rewrite and corrections. Mr G W for skill information. 2007–2015 Skills Thanks to Jay for entry rewrite and corrections. Peachii for original entry. Alopex Lagopus, Cheese, .Diz, foxtrotfire, HippyMaster, The Nameless, noamba, PaperClip OF DOOM, princeof, and timeteller516 for entry information. Black_Mage, Dark Master of Chaos, The Random Legend, Safiron, and Tolkienfanatic for information. Armakuny, BigBen14, General Greivous, Omega2064, vampire hunter, and wolfman_naruto for additions. ArchMagus Orodalf, ArcticRaider, ILmaster13, Links, RamDF, Rander, Sasuke Uchiha, and Trans21 for corrections.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/1/2024 11:18:25 >