Lost Constellation, The (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Lost Constellation, The (7/6/2024 23:15:47)

The Lost Constellation

Location: Arena at the Edge of Time -> Beyond Stars -> The Lost Constellation
Requirements: None
Release Date: July 5th, 2024

Objective: The Ateala rarely sing of an ever shifting constellation lost to space and time, but there are always those adventurous souls who seek the legend...
Objective completed: Changing, shifting, yet always the same end.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(X) Eclipse Fang
(X) Galaxy Gel
(X) Mega Starsnail
(X) Star Mantis
(X) Stardust Flower
(X) Stellar Tog
(1) Dardarayu, (1) Yahvro - Boss


Celestial Axe Haft

Access to Blinding Star Shard (Shop) and Blinding Star Shard Merge.

After finding your way through the constellation and defeating the boss:
  • Complete Quest
  • Blinding Star Shard Merge - opens Blinding Star Shard Merge shop.

    Other information
  • The Lost Constellation is a 250+ room (5x5x10) random dungeon, with the goal of locating the boss: Dardarayu and Yahvro.
    • The dungeon is divided by 10 floors—each containing 25+ rooms (5x5).
    • In the first nine floors, you can find a room that contains a locked portal that descends to another floor; you must find a cloud of stars and disperse it to traverse around the floors.
    • The boss and the exit will always be on the final floor.
  • The starting room contains a HP/MP healing pad and Blinding Star Shard Merge shop.
  • Monsters in this quest have varied HP, signified by their size during the battle.
  • Three buttons appear in the top-right corner to assist your navigation;
    • Set Telepoint - sets the current room as a Telepoint, which allows you to instantly return to this room if you become lost or reach a dead end; you may set another Telepoint at any time, but it will overwrite the previous one.
    • Go to Telepoint - returns to the aforementioned Telepoint from any room in the dungeon.
    • Go back to start. - returns to the starting room, but resets your Telepoint if previously set; this option does not appear in the starting room.
    • Tele to Boss - will only appear in the starting room if the boss room was found; returns to the boss room.
    • These buttons are removed upon entering the boss room.
  • Losing a battle at any point within the quest will return you to the starting room.
  • Stepping in the edges of a glowing orange runic circle while not pulsing by a blue runic circle will remove 30% current HP from the player; rooms containing that trap will reactivate continuously.
  • While exploring, some dead ends may contain items beneficial to you;
    • Healing Pad - contains a healing pad that heals HP, MP, or both.
    • HP potion stand - contains a single HP potion; stacks up to 5; will remain for the duration of the login session; the room containing a HP potion will spawn outside the edge of each floor.
    • MP potion stand - contains a single MP potion; stacks up to 5; will remain for the duration of the login session; the room containing a MP potion will spawn outside the edge of each floor.
    • Star Shard - allows you to pick one of three colors of Stardust that will be added to their temporary inventory; same color of Stardust can appear multiple times; can be rerolled to randomly change 3 available options; players gain 5 rerolls by default and gain 2 more rerolls for every Blinding Star Shard (Shop) was opened; becomes inaccessible once one of Stardust is purchased, or clicking the 'Pass' button.
    • Star Shard with an Eclipse Fang - opens Blinding Star Shard (Shop) for the purchase of a single Blinding Star Shard; requires you to battle an Eclipse Fang before opening the shop; the room containing a guarded star shard will spawn outside the edge of each floor.
  • While exploring The Lost Constellation, each monster (except Dardarayu and Yahvro) has a random chance to be affected by one of ten 'Stellar Shift' permanent status effects upon the beginning of the battle, signified by a colored outline:
    • White - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Avd)' (+30 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to monster.
    • Red - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Melee)' (+60 Melee Avoidance) to monster.
    • Green - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Pierce)' (+60 Pierce Avoidance) to monster.
    • Blue - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Magic)' (+60 Magic Avoidance) to monster.
    • Orange - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Offense)' (+20% Boost, +20 Bonus) to monster..
    • Pink - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Boost)' (+40% Boost) to monster.
    • Light Purple - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Bonus)' (+40 Bonus) to monster.
    • Yellow - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Crit)' (+50 Crit) to monster.
    • Gray - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Res)' (+20 All Resist, -20 Health Resist) to monster.
    • Dark Green - Permanently applies 'Stellar Shift (Thorns)' (Retaliates 10% of monster's damage range to the attacker) to monster.

    • Monsters affected by a 'Stellar Shift' status effect will reward bonus Gold upon their defeat.
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Telepoint not set.
  • Telepoint set at coordinates <X>, <Y>, <Z>.
  • You're already here!
  • You disperse the cloud of stars. Somewhere, a way has opened!
  • This cloud of stars has already been dispersed.
  • You find a health potion! You now have <1-5>.
  • You find a health potion! But you can't carry any more.
  • You find a mana potion! You now have <1-5>.
  • You find a mana potion! But you can't carry any more.

  • Thanks to Darkflarezero for other information.

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