Grace Xisthrith -> Bard of War Weapon Set Bonus Elecomp Questions (7/12/2024 20:09:14)
Basic idea of the post, should the bard of war set bonus get elecomp? Set bonus being the weapon giving pet crit while attacking with the weapon of the same element. Here's the weapon: Pet crit chance boosts are .4% melee to 1% crit chance, I'm pretty sure. So, 2x crit chance (10%) or 3x crit chance (20%) would be worth 4% melee and 8% melee respectively. These don't work with the FSB logic, I believe FSB is usually 5% melee per item, so you'd expect slightly different numbers, but that's not what the GBI is about. Potentially, you could have the armor grant the weapon elecomp, as it works with the same assumptions. The recent tribal shaman armor and weapon do this, the weapon spell gains elecomp when used with the armor. Same (ish) with broomstrider armor. AKA, there is precedent for a "FSB" of two same element items giving elecomp to power. That being said, I'm gonna use 1.5x elecomp as an example for Bard because it's easy, a 1.5x multiplier on a 3x pet crit chance would not be much, instead of 20% added, it would be 30% added, so just another 4% melee. That's next to nothing for elecomp, the price of using the wrong element gear to fight a monster. I'd make a case that in theory, since you have to attack with the weapon or otherwise do damage with an elemental effect, like a spell, you could say that the value of the elecomp is 100% melee x Elecomp -100% melee. Basically, you have to basic attack with the weapon, therefore your action is worth at least 100% melee, so the 100% melee of wrong element gear should be compensated by the 1.5x multiplier. This would mean you'd get 50% melee of value instead, which is... ~125% pet crit chance. So. using off element gear would provide an actually significant benefit. The implications for this would be relatively wide reaching. Obviously, this elecomp would only work with bards of the same element as their weapons. However, you could apply this logic to bloodzerkers and bloodmages, (and other items, but those are very easy comparisons) which I think would actually make them much more desireable. Since they already have high elecomp, you'd get closer to 70% melee worth of output (assuming a basic 1.7x elecomp, I don't actually remember the elecomp for bloodmages or bloodzerkers), so you'd be gaining 70% melee for using the weapon with the corresponding armor. For bloodzerkers, I'd say that "should" be +70% damage in one way or another, for bloodmages, I'd say +35% spell damage, as an example. Obviously, this would really change up the game, and maybe accidentally propose updates for a lot of old items that have FSBs. I don't necessarily think it's a good idea for the game, it would add a boatload of power to already very strong items, but I was curious about people's thoughts about it. Let me know if I made any mistakes here, or significant logic leaps.