DemonicDarkwraith -> Arachnalchemy (2/23/2025 15:58:25)
[image][/image]Arachnalchemy Access Point: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Imbue Potions! Access Point: Click on Arachnalchemy Lab -> Imbue Potions! Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider) Release Date: February 21st, 2025 Potion Imbue General Upon drinking a Health Potion, if the player has at least one effect imbue that has points put into it (excluding Mutagen U), 'Arachnaboost' is applied for 4 turns inclusive to the player. Players can only get up to a total of 16 points, which are accumulated from completing the Arachnalchemy Training quests. Each effect imbuement can only have a total of 8 points invested into them at once. Arachnalchemy does not affect Health Potions used by temporary classes and guests. Players can imbue or remove effects at any time. Dire Wolf Spider Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +3 STR per point (max +24). Desert Diver Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Desert Diver) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +3 DEX per point (max +24). Elemental Orb Weaver Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Elemental Orb Weaver) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +3 INT per point (max +24). Extra-Fluffy Spider Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Extra-Fluffy Spider) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +3 CHA per point (max +24). Greater Green Cloverarachnid Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Greater Green Cloverarachnid) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +3 LUK per point (max +24). Tog-Eater Spider Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Tog-Eater Spider) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +2 Bonus per point (max +24). False Amulet Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (False Amulet) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +2 Bonus per point (max +24). Mutagen S Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen S) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: +2% Non-Crit Damage Reduction per point (max +8%). Mutagen D Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen D) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: +3% DoT Damage Reduction per point (max +12%). Mutagen I Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen I) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: +4% Crit Damage Reduction per point (max +16%). Flat Shadow Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Flat Shadow) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: +3 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance per point (max +12). Oaklore Knight Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Oaklore Knight) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: +5 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense per point (max +20). Titan Goliath Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Titan Goliath) Cost: 1 point per upgrade Effect: +4 Immobility Resist per point (max +32). Berry Biter Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Berry Biter) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: While affected by 'Arachnaboost' and if the player lands a hit, applies 'Arachnacoating', a Melee weapon element DoT effect equal to 1% of the player's Health Potion healing, rounded down, to target for 1 turn (max +4%). Patchwork Tograntula Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Patchwork Tograntula) Cost: 2 points per upgrade Effect: A Constant HoT equal to 1% of the player's Health Potion healing, rounded down (max +4%). Mutagen U Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen U) Cost: 4 points per upgrade Effect: 'Arachnaboost' gains +1 turn duration (max +2). Other information Arachnalchemy allows the player to imbue effects to their Health Potions; more information can be found in February 21st, 2025 Design Notes. Arachnalchemy have been a long teased feature since Riadne's appearance in Void Ship on April 4th, 2014. Image Archive Arachnalchemy Interface Thanks to Darkflarezero for effects information.