Arachnalchemy (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Arachnalchemy (2/23/2025 15:58:25)


Access Point: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Imbue Potions!
Access Point: Click on Arachnalchemy Lab -> Imbue Potions!
Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider)
Release Date: February 21st, 2025

Potion Imbue


  • Upon drinking a Health Potion, if the player has at least one effect imbue that has points put into it (excluding Mutagen U), 'Arachnaboost' is applied for 4 turns inclusive to the player.
  • Players can only get up to a total of 16 points, which are accumulated from completing the Arachnalchemy Training quests.
  • Each effect imbuement can only have a total of 8 points invested into them at once.
  • Arachnalchemy does not affect Health Potions used by temporary classes and guests.
  • Players can imbue or remove effects at any time.

    Dire Wolf Spider

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +3 STR per point (max +24).

    Desert Diver

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Desert Diver)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +3 DEX per point (max +24).

    Elemental Orb Weaver

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Elemental Orb Weaver)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +3 INT per point (max +24).

    Extra-Fluffy Spider

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Extra-Fluffy Spider)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +3 CHA per point (max +24).

    Greater Green Cloverarachnid

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Greater Green Cloverarachnid)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +3 LUK per point (max +24).

    Tog-Eater Spider

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Tog-Eater Spider)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +2 Bonus per point (max +24).

    False Amulet

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (False Amulet)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +2 Bonus per point (max +24).

    Mutagen S

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen S)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: +2% Non-Crit Damage Reduction per point (max +8%).

    Mutagen D

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen D)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: +3% DoT Damage Reduction per point (max +12%).

    Mutagen I

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen I)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: +4% Crit Damage Reduction per point (max +16%).

    Flat Shadow

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Flat Shadow)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: +3 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance per point (max +12).

    Oaklore Knight

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Oaklore Knight)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: +5 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense per point (max +20).

    Titan Goliath

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Titan Goliath)

    Cost: 1 point per upgrade

    Effect: +4 Immobility Resist per point (max +32).

    Berry Biter

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Berry Biter)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: While affected by 'Arachnaboost' and if the player lands a hit, applies 'Arachnacoating', a Melee weapon element DoT effect equal to 1% of the player's Health Potion healing, rounded down, to target for 1 turn (max +4%).

    Patchwork Tograntula

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Patchwork Tograntula)

    Cost: 2 points per upgrade

    Effect: A Constant HoT equal to 1% of the player's Health Potion healing, rounded down (max +4%).

    Mutagen U

    Requirements: Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen U)

    Cost: 4 points per upgrade

    Effect: 'Arachnaboost' gains +1 turn duration (max +2).

    Other information
  • Arachnalchemy allows the player to imbue effects to their Health Potions; more information can be found in February 21st, 2025 Design Notes.
  • Arachnalchemy have been a long teased feature since Riadne's appearance in Void Ship on April 4th, 2014.

    Image Archive
  • Arachnalchemy Interface

    Thanks to Darkflarezero for effects information.

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