RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (Full Version)

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somebody621 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 14:32:09)

Unless the character is in the ground movieclip, if the ground is all one movieclip, that should not happen.
Oh, and does anybody know if it's possible to draw gradient fills using actionscript?

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 14:36:48)

what the script is for is when you use different music in the same film, i made a new dynamic pic of odd matches ice w/ fire.


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

balls name bob in the instance box down in the properties tab, now on the stage, make a line the same color as your background and make it a movieclip and give it the instance name Uwall and place it in the sky where you want the top of your ball to stop moving up,

give your ball who's name is now bob this code or add it on

onClipEvent (load) {
moveSpeed = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {this._x += 20;}
else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {this._y -= moveSpeed;}
else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {this._y += moveSpeed;}
else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {this._x += -20;}}

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {if (this.hitTest(_root.Uwall)) {_y = _y+20;}}

20 is how fast the guy goes so if you change the movespeed you'll have to do the same for the _y=_y+20 thing, also if that doesn't work make sure that
1)the uwall is in the sky not the earth,
2)switch the {_y = _y+20;}} to {_y = _y-20;}}
3)prey to god or whoever you believe in/dont believe in

do you know what i mean by instance names? and for the part so that he cant walk on grass i forgot how to make it so that it doesn't err...well so that the guy stops when he hits the diagonal line not space it takes up in a transform box, sure some other actionscript gurus here know, im all about art, know little AS

somebody621 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 14:42:03)

If you want him to stop when he hits the diagonal grass, the solution is to use tile-based structure. You could also use vector collisions. Of course, this takes some knowledge of math and how to manipulate formulas into flash.
Lil Boi Blue: very interesting elements put together. It might help to put in parallax so the perspective is more defined, but otherwise pretty good art. Also, try to make animations, not on the main timeline, but in a movieclip.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:06:01)

lol, it is in a movie clip, they are all movieclips (the ice things) i was just stupid enough to realize that i copy and pasted the MC so that what i did to one would repeat among all the others, get it?

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:12:34)


ORIGINAL: somebody621

Unless the character is in the ground movieclip, if the ground is all one movieclip, that should not happen.
Oh, and does anybody know if it's possible to draw gradient fills using actionscript?

me!!! lol
use beginGardenFill()

somebody621 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:14:30)

flsg:Isn't it beginGradientFill()?
lil boi blue:No, I mean that the animation should be in a movie clip.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:28:42)

i know, you mean like double click the MC and place the animation within the MC right? i did it, if im ever going to use it for a game i'll fix it but for now im fine with it

here is a pic that i did in 2 minutes, it has to do with the craze for flash, just look around at how many people have gotten into flash with the past two weeks, i started my flash thread awhile back and noone did flash, i began one of the begining ones and now everyone's doing it

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:28:55)

yeah, it's something like that[8D]
I suggest not to use hitTest() in those kind of games
lil boi blue: LOL!!!

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:32:25)

it annoys me sometimes, i get more feedback for my art from this thread rather than my actual thread, its like "come on" this is the thread im supposed to help people but its turned purely to AS questions lol, but i like everyone going for AS rather than graphic design, leaves me less competition

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:34:20)

you can draw thing with AS, but you can't program thing by drawing graphics[8D]
that's the big advantage of AS

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 15:41:01)

but the advantage of learning to steady your hand really pays off with things like this this is probably my favorite picture that i've ever made because i feel its the best, i never got around to animating the water because i would need an individual picture every time

somebody621 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (3/11/2006 17:34:05)

lil boi blue: not necessarily. You could use dynamic masks, which again, is actionscript.
Is it possible to change the matrix of a gradient fill once it has been made? If so, how?

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