Waker of Wind -> RE: Pets/Guests v2 (4/8/2006 19:13:53)
ATTACK 1 Hits: 5 Damage: Level^.1 - (Level^.1)+(Level^.3) BTH: +0% Element: Fire Attack Type: Magic Attack Rate: ? ATTACK 2 Hits: 1 Damage: Level^.5 - (Level^.5)+(Level^.7) BTH: +0% Element: Fire Attack Type: Melee Attack Rate: ? Yep, that's Mercuria's damage in the entry. I have a concern... For example, attack 2 starts off with Level^.5 - (Level^.5). When you calculate this out, it equals zero of course. Does having this extra formula actually do anything? If you think about it, it might just be a typo, and it might actually be Level^.5 - ((Level^.5)+(Level^.7)). Or, it maybe (Level^.5) - (Level^.5 + Level^.7). Sorry if i'm wrong, i'm just making sure. Edit: Nevermind... Kolo234 corrected me. The "-" isn't a minus sign, and i thought it was >.>