RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (Full Version)

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Ben. -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 16:05:02)

~|hello benji18|~
How do you have a functioning marriage if you are on the forums and AQ about 10 hours a day on average?
~|been divorced over a year now|~
Baseball or Hockey?
Favorite Movie?
Favorire item in AQ?
~|my Daimyo pet|~
Bye Bye

Suikoman444 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 16:06:46)

~|hello Suik|~
If you could be any animal what would you be?
~|black panther|~
Have fun answering the rest of these, mostly pointless questions :P
~|I will...thanks...|~

lol0999 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 16:09:47)

hey SCAKK (did i spell it right lol)
Do you like pie?
ummm pie do you like all pies?
~|lemon is the best|~
why is goofy your idol?
~|do not talk bad about the Goofy|~
do you like mickey mouse?
~|he is ok I guess|~
have you ever played gw or wow?
last of all is being an AK does it rock?
bye hope you can anwser these stupid questions
P.S me keep my cookies and you get pies rofl

NINdeathfromair -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 17:45:26)

~|Yo NINdeathfromair |~
So how did ya become an archnight
~|I was abducted *cough* *cough*|~
What is your favorite hot dish
What is your favorite weapon
~|my UIK|~
WHat is your fvorite movie
What is your favoite band?

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 18:36:15)

Wow, I didn't see this coming (not that you don't deserve it). Did you?
~|me either...but I can not complain a bit|~
Favorite AQ (you don't have to have these)...

Weapon? ~|UIK|~

Armour? ~|NMP|~

Class Armour? ~|Paladin|~

Shield? ~|Starblaze ( just looks cool )|~

Pet? ~|Daimyo|~

Guest? ~|Guardian Angel|~

Spell? ~|Avalanche Extreme|~

Monster? ~|Savy Merchant|~

NPC? ~|Artix ( he heals )|~

Favorite forum? (other then CR&A)
~|GGD of course..however I go all over the forum|~
I'll be back later with more seemingly random questions... If the other outrageous quesitons that people ask you don't rot your brain first ;)

natoru -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 21:12:46)

what is your favorite music?
~|all kinds|~
how did you become an arcknight?
~|I was abducted during *cough* *cough*|~
do you always answer goofy to questions about moglins?
do you like cabbage?
i personaly dont like chocolate chip cookies unless they're really soft, but do you like sugar cookies as well?
what's your favorite kind of pie? mine's apple(especially the krispy cream apple pies, yum!)
~|my mom's homemade lemon pie...mmmmmmmm....|~
is there any way u could tell me how to do the ring quest?
~|check the encyclopedia...there is an entry on it|~
wanna be freinds?
~|waves at new friend [image][/image]|~

Jedi Master X2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 21:25:53)

~|the sky|~
Where do you live in South Carolina? I live in Norht Myrtle Beach.
~|near the top|~
Have you ever been to Myrtle Beach, SC?
~|several times|~
Did your life have any major changes when you became an AK?
~|more responsilities|~
What kind of car do you have?
~|2002 ford windstar ( family van )|~
What is the most important thing that you look for when you rate a character?
~|the detremine everything else|~
What do you consider the best item in AQ?
~|Yulgar's shop|~
Do you have a job besides AK like in the real world?
~|forklift operator in a wharehouse|~
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
~|math teacher|~
Sony or Microsoft?
~|sony computer running microsoft products|~
Sony or Nintendo?
Nintendo or Microsoft?
PS3 or XBOX 360?
~|never had either|~
PSP or DS?
~|never had either|~
Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?
~|star wars|~
DOOM or Duke Nukem?
What is your favorite Sport?
~|football...go 49ers|~
See ya around man.

acendude -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 22:33:30)

ok me again...
~|uh oh|~
who is cooler? SCAKK or goofy?
~|goofy of course|~
have you ever been to chicago?
im from chicago...
~|not me|~
chicago or new york style deep dish?
~|never had new york deep dish|~
you better of answered chicago...

no seriously you better of said chicago...

yea, 49ers are pretty good...
~|not this year|~
but not as good as the bears [8|]
~|don't be mean|~
whats your favorite baseball team?
~|game takes to long to watch|~
cubs or white sox?

yankees or red sox?

mets or giants?

south carolina or south carolina?
~|the bottom carolina|~
do you like ggd or cr&a better?
whats your favorite smiley to use in a post?
how would you describe yourself?
~|my avatar does that|~
righty or lefty?
cool or hot?
girls or girls?
i like girls...

anyway you can probably tell im bored...
~|I get like that too|~
have fun doing the rest of these pointless questions...
~|I will|~
~|applies goofy questions|~
~|applies Goofy answer|~
yea i went there...
anyway ttyl!
if the boards are ever going slow i would mind an occasional conversation...

via email [:@]
~|or AIM|~
ok seriously im going now.
ok now i am.

xxXxx -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 22:44:27)

WOO! post 34!!!
~|33rd response|~
~|hey xx xx ... |~
Will you visit my AQ Bloopers?
~|I have pretty funny|~
I remember when you were just a normal player, you helped me alot! Thanks!
~|glad I could help|~
What did you do to become a AK?
~|I was abducted by *argh* |~
You like your job so far? If not, I can take over...
~|It is good...|~
Who's your favorite AK/Mod?
~|They are all favs here|~
How many Character do you own and what lvl are they all?
~|4 character 92 , 83 , 81 , 76|~
How many times have you donated to AQ?
Why dont you join a clan?
~|never really looked|~
What do you perfer:

Zorbak or Kabroz?
Chicken or Kitchen?
~|chicken in the kitchen|~
X or Z?
[:)] or [:D]

acendude -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 23:10:32)

quick one:
fyi: this is my main source or entertainment right now [&:]
~|me too|~
cats or dogs?
aol or yahoo?
mickey or minnie?( no goofy [sm=action-smiley-015.gif])
you said goofy didnt you...
p.s. i added you to my mikegolf91 aim.
new suggestion: this should be a permanent thread so we can bug you 24/7!
~|the horror|~
ok later [sm=sport-smiley-018.gif]

Jedi Master X2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 23:35:10)

I'm back
~|Uh Oh|~
What is your favorite Non-AQ game?
~|final Fantasy --- Super Nintendo ones|~
What other Non- AQ games do you play?
~|other RPG games|~
Do you have msn? Mine is
~|yes..not giving out here...|~
What is your favorite letter?
Star Gate SG-1 or Battlestar Galactica?
Sith or Jedi?
Rebels or Imperials?
Clones or CIS?
Lightsaber or Blaster?
If you could pick a lightsaber color what would it be?
Have you ever played Halo?
If you were President for a Day what would you do?
~|no taxes for a day on anything|~
If you could live anywhere where would it be?
~|in a house|~
What is your favorite car?
~|1968 Shelby Cobra|~
Rap or Rock?
School or Work?
Big or small?
Hungry or Thristy?
Here or there?
war or peace?
~|basically the same thing|~
cable or satelite?

Deer Crossing -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/19/2006 23:37:38)

Okay, rating center and writing both going slow, so here comes another set of questions.
Are you sarcastic in real life? I get that vibe from you.
If you cannot tell, I am very sarcastic.
~|me too|~
Favorite food? ~|steak|~
person besides Goofy? ~|is there anybody else|~
game? ~|AQ of course|~
sport? ~|football|~
book? ~|anything by John Grisham and Stephen King|~
movie? ~|Matrix and Blade|~

Movie/book Category? ~|Sci-Fi / Adventure|~

Ever seen the Rocky series? If no, then skip the rest.
Who is your favorite person from the movies? Mine is Ivan Drago.
~|the coach in part 1|~

Favorite quote from Rocky? Mine is, "Iv he dies, he dies." -Drago
~|"hs jaw is like iron" do not remember who said it though|~
Favorite quote from anything?
~|Do hear that..It is the sound of inevitability" Agent Smith|~
Ever seen ConAir? If so, what is your opinion of it? I really enjoyed it. My favorite part would have to be when the insane convict says, "Define irony. A bunch of idiots on a plane, dancing to a song, written by a band that died in a plane crash." ~|have not seen in a long time|~

See ya later SCAKK. I'll come back if I get bored some more.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 5:33:04)

Do you like lions? ~|The Cowardly Lion|~
Are you allergic to prawns?If not,then what? ~|nothing that Iknow of|~
Are you Chinese? ~|cherokee indian|~
Want to read my story?Click on the second link in my sig. ~|later|~
Why do you think that Sir Lanceler is a girl in the first link in my sig? ~|unknown|~

Legasee -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 5:42:12)

It's the wonderous SCAKK! SQUEE!!
~|Legasee! SQUEE!!|~
How's it going? Did you get particularly aggravated when they sprung the GGD patrol onto you? :p ~|pretty good..volunteered|~

Did they at least give you a spare packet of padlocks to see you on your way?
~|whole bucket of them actually|~
Are you still more designated to CRaA or is it in between now?
~|stuck in the middle|~
Question, who made that Pw07z0rrxx!!! Do00mezx 1337 avatar of yours? ^-^;
~|the new one was a Doodman Special ( he also did the sig )|~
When did this whole goofy persona sink into your image? I don't mind, I was just wondering :) ~|Disney World many years ago|~

How's smbdoll treating ya? I hear she's serving additional bones with ketchup towards the evenings now! PROMOTION!! :p ~|I don't get ketchup|~

Why Black Panther? Is it because they're a great resource for cologne? *Made from real black panther skin, so you know it's good!* ~|sneaks in and attacks without warning|~

I'll be off now, I believe smbdoll's torturing sessions have began now so I'll leave ya to it! Later!
~|[image][/image]Bye...don't leave me alone here....|~

~Legasee ~|SCAKK|~

Renevslink -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 6:17:34)

Yo SCAKK What up.
~|what down|~
Quick question Light or Dark?
Whats your favorite colour?
How come you like Goofy?
~|I am actually like that in person ( acting not looking )|~
Do you have a pet (in real life)?
~|do 2 kids count|~
If not, wich one would you like?
~|fish are easy and allowed where I live|~
Me busy. me go now. ~|me stay|~

winged_slayer32 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 7:22:52)

To. this is the winged dude flying back again. or maybe here and back there again.
~|SCAKK ducks down|~
i am addicted to wings.. heh, what to do?
~|clip them|~
Did you watch disney when you were young?
~|still do|~
what you think about school?
~|those were the days|~
do you come from america?
~|born and raised|~
steak or cheese?
~|steak with cheese on my salad|~
umm i m' gonna take your cookie jar and eat it.
~|burst into tears|~
so hopefully you become a mod (maybe in my dreams).
~|you never know what the future holds|~
godbye and hail the archknight scaak! ~|is my name that hard to spell SCAKK|~


ice cream man -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 15:10:49)

Top of the Morning to ya, err wait its not morning...
~|[image][/image]evening now|~

How's the AK life treating you?
~|so far so good|~
What's your job? (not on forums)
~|forklift operator|~
Where do you live?
~|south carolina|~
Where would you like to live?
~|in a house|~
Is it fun being a dad?
~|best time of my life|~
Do you like to draw?
Well lol i guess that's it for now
~|and I was on a roll|~
Have a good afternoon.

PS. I know i didn't use very much creativity in my questions but don't worry, *Puts on vader mask* I WILL be back
with much better questions, if you'd like me to return. ~|come back anytime|~

Gama Lance -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 15:31:57)

Ha Ha this will be as long as I can make it.
~|gets comfortable|~
Favorite color?

Do you like Star Wars?

If so, who is your favorite character?

If not, Are you mad man? Star Wars is the best thing ever!

favorite show?

favorite thing to do?
~|nothing inparticular|~

~|not one specific|~

getting tired?

collect any cards?
~|used I just buy and sell|~

favorite vacation spot?

best friend?
~|my kids|~

is my name cool?

tired yet?
~|nope....are you|~

almost done.

have you met Artix?

tired yet?????????
~|not hardly|~

you are finishe For now mwahahahaha

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 16:28:07)

~|Hello Chilly X|~
How are you doing today?
Look at this.
Watch the preveiw!
~|I did|~

Wilderock -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 17:13:35)

Favorite Color?
Favorite Disney Person?
Favorite Show?
~|CSI - SG1|~
Favorite weapon in AQ?
~|my new DH|~
FAvorite classi in AQ?
~|Dracomancer ( half-dragon is cool )|~
Coke or pepsi?
MAC or PC?
Guns or Swords?
~|Swords just look cool|~
PSP or DS?
Favorite Mod/AK?
~|I like all equally|~
(Finish off what first comes to your mind)

Ice ~|tea|~

Tele ~|vision|~

Adventure ~|Quest|~

Rune ~|scape|~

Martial ~|law|~

Water ~|world ( very bad movie )|~

Chocolate ~|moose|~

Pop ~|tart|~

Thats it, and its my first meed the mod/ak
~|ok...mine too|~

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 18:44:46)

Uh oh SCAKK... Haven't you ever seen a Meet the AK before? If you sleep at all, that's the time when everyone posts... ;)
~|or go to work...ugh|~
I'll make this short.
Do you have a character in zardwars.
Simpsons of Family Guy?
~|Grounds Keeper Willy|~
Did you have fun spelunking through all of these backed up questions?
~|of course|~
~|the icon|~
~|the idol|~

Freddy Krueger -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 19:13:57)

i followed reens link...and i was sent here!
whats up with that?
~|forum magic...Poof!|~
in your avatar... goofy, from kingdom hearts! i like that game.
~|Goofy is the man..never played the game though...|~
kingdom hearts2 coming march 26th.getting it the dayit comes out!
~|can I borrow|~

Slayer Zach -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 19:26:45)

Me again, SCAKK! Hello!
~|welcome back|~
So how has your day been going today?
~|so far so good|~
I noticed you got a new avatar. I like it, SCAKK!
~|Doodman Special|~
How has everyone been treating you on the forums?
~|some good..some mean|~
Any new accomplishments?
~|new sig|~
What do you do besides AQ/Forums related?
~|work in a wharehouse..and play with my 2 girls|~
Bye, SCAKK! Talk to you later!

Gallant -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 19:39:55)

*Walks into room*
~|Wipe your feet please....[:D]|~

Hey SCAKK! Long time no see, literally.
~|Hello...where did you go|~
I used to see you on the Q&A section of the fourms answering questions like *snaps*, though I never saw you get one star there.
~|got a few there and in GGD|~
Whats your second favorite food?
Do you get superpowers when you become a mod?
~|Flies through the air....uses laser vision to delete athread....|~
Do mods ever sleep?
~|Ionly sleep abput 2-3 hours a night|~
Were you ever a member of *It whom has not name*? (Hint- ALOT of threads in OOC were locked on this topic that people flamed about)
Favorite Music?
~|rock ... alternative...|~
Whats up with Goofy?
~|my Idol|~
Well thats all I have on my mind right now... See you later..somewhat..
~|[image][/image] Until next we meet...|~

Deer Crossing -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 21:25:23)

Okay, this time I have a new idea.
Let's talk pie.
~|pies...SCAKK starts to drool|~

What is your favorite flavor?
Thin or thick crust?
~|thin and flacky|~
Hot or cold?
Homemade or factory?
~|my Mom's|~
Can you alphebatize every flavor of pie known to man, and several known to monkies?
~|give me a dictionary , a pencil and several pieces of paper|~
Cya later.

I need your address. That, or just the url of an online dictionary.[;)]

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