RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (Full Version)

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Man sward -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 21:37:49)

Dont these questions ever get annoying?
Oh well...
~|throws in penny|~
You seem to like pie..
I like blueberry [&:]
~|is good too|~
What would you do If someone wasted a pie?
~|give them a rotten egg|~
If a wood chuck can chuck wood, how much wood could that wood chuck, chuck?
~|A woodchuck would chuck as much woo as a woodchuck could chuck.|~
How'd you end up choosing "Goofy" as you avatar?
~|I have Goofy stuff all over...|~
Why not Mickey Mouse?
~|to easy..he is every where|~
Ok..bye bye

Deer Crossing -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 21:44:43)

One quick question. Do you mind if I write the story on how you came to worship goofy so much? Also, nice avvy. *Bows to the overwhelming awesoeness of SCAKK's newest shrine to Goofy*

~|Stands in line for the first copy....It was a gift from Doodman as well as my new sig...Check first post....|~

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/20/2006 22:30:14)



~|Hello Chilly X|~
How are you doing today?
Look at this.
Watch the preveiw!
~|I did|~

What did you think of the preveiw?
~|I liked it|~

Bob James Bob -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/21/2006 1:46:21)

Hello SCAKK,
So could i ask you some questions?
~|that is why you are...yes?|~
To be or not to be?
~|or not to be|~
Why did you do it?
~|looked like fun|~
Why did Xyfrag kill me horribly?
~|he had a headache|~
Did you have anything to do with the zombies outside my house last night?
~|runs from the backyard|~
What is the square root of Pi?
If Peter Piper pick a pack of pickled peppers how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
~|1...he hates pickles|~
Can goofly fly?
~|in a plane|~
Do you have super duper magical powers? (Like being able to lick your elbow)
~|I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit|~
Do mods get a free salad bar?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when i say-
Hippo- ~|drome|~

Tetris- ~|blocks|~

Slardabartfast- ~|delamiters|~

Ice Cream- ~|cone|~

Lawn Mower- ~|man...strange movie|~

Stapler- ~|red line|~

Guitar- ~|rock|~

Its has been fun SCAKK
~|yes it has|~

Black Luster Soldi -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/21/2006 15:50:52)

What do you like doing in internet?
~|all sorts of things|~
Have I rated you in Silver City Rating Center?
~|runs to go look|~
I think I rated you, you were the first one right?
~|I was one of the first in your center|~
Nice, so how did you become an AK?

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/21/2006 20:30:17)

~|welcome back|~
Do you like answering questions from other members?
~| is fun|~
How much longer is this thread going to be here for before it gets locked?
~|til Sunday|~
Okay. Thank you. Bye, SCAKK.

Sublex -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 4:29:04)

What would you do, if i said that Donald Duck was better than Goofy?
~|I would take you out back and make you watch Goofy movies until you switched to Goofy...J/K|~

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 5:07:57)

What did you think of my story?
~|Pretty good|~

eagle88 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 9:43:38)

Good Morning to you SCAKK!!! ^_^
~|afternoon Eagle88|~
Awk- is Sublex out of his mind?! Goofy is clearly awesome XD
~|Yes..the non-believer|~
So, which singing comedian do you like best: Al Yankovic, Tom Lehrer, Spike Jones, Tim Cavanagh or Luke Ski?
~|Wierd Al|~
How about movie composers- John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman, Harry Gregson Williams, Hans Zimmer or Marco Beltrami?
~|Only recogonize John Williams and Hans Zimmer|~
A quality control question: Which is better- Squawk or Talon?
~|I would say Sqauwk...You Sqauwk they listen or incomes the Talon.|~
*checks the time* Awk- my time draws to a close!!! See ya later ^_^
~| soon to...|~

sqks -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 15:19:07)

Whats your favorite quest in AQ?
~|Tripple Challenge ( 699 straight )|~
What type of music do you listen to?
~|All kinds as long as it had a good beat|~
Do you like Fall Out Boy or Greenday?
Do you get to you the adventure quest team(i think thats what its called) server since you are an AK?
Do you like to play paintball?
~|never tried it|~
If you do like to play what is your favorite team/gun?
~|read above answer....|~

Gama Lance -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 16:21:33)

I am back.
~|Oh no not again...J/K....|~

Do you know Artix's email? {If you do I do not want to know it just to know if you have it}

Which is better George Lucas, or Artix?
~|George Lucas = Movies / Artix = Games put them together and BOOM|~

Do you have any Star Wars games? If so which ones?

Which is better: SCAKK or Galanoth?(I vote Galanoth)

play any other online games? If so which ones?

All I can come up with now, bye! (For now)

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 16:59:53)

~|Hello Chilly X|~

I just wanted to know, if you saw/heard someone say "Chilly X" would you think of me or would you forget that I even existed? Be honest! [:D]
~|I would remember|~
Do you eat Hot Pockets?
Do you like meatballs?
~|on spaghetti|~
I know you like Goofy but do you like Mickey Mouse?
~|not really|~

confury -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 17:04:44)

~|Yo. confury|~
Do you like Anime?
What's your favorite kind of Pizza?
~|I usually get it with ham , italian sausage and pineapple|~
What made you like Goofy so much? Is it because he's Goofy?
~|he is like or am I like him or .... my head hurts now|~
Do you like rating people?
Does rating people help you with your own character?
~|yes it does...|~
Do you like to read?
What's your favorite Novels?
~|I usually on read certain authors|~
Have you read any of these;

Incident at Hawk's Hill

High Heat

Night Hoops
~|no to all|~
C yah SCAKK.Good to have such a great person as an ArchKnight.

~1337~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 17:09:32)



What do you like to do when you are not on the forums/game?
~|I have a full time job and 2 wonderful kids|~

Do you enjoy being an AK?
~|very much so|~

Was you surprised when you got the news about being an AK?
~|yes I was...|~

What is your favorite thing to do on the forums?
~|interact with others...|~

Ohh its getting late where I live, so bye and hope I will meet you again;)

~|Bye...until next we meet..|~

paladin37 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 18:48:40)

~|Hey paladin37|~
What is your real job? ~|forklift operartor|~
How old were you when you first started this game? ~|29|~
How do you have so much patience? ~|I have always had a lot of patience|~
What level is your main AQ Character? ~|92|~
Do you have any effect on what happens in AQ? ~|nope|~
Have you ever chatted with Artix? ~|nope|~
In AQ,What is your favorite.....
Item? ~|My new Dragonhand and also my UIK|~
Class? ~|Oddly enough Ninja|~
NPC? ~|dragonslayer Twilly|~
Event? ~|any war that takes a long time|~
What race are you? ~|Cherokee Indian|~
Who PMed you asking if you wanted be an AK? ~|did not get a PM|~
Whats your favorite movie? ~|Matrix|~
What kind of computer do you have? ~|Sony Vaio|~
Do you play any other games,if so what are your favorites? ~|RPGs on the SNES|~
Why did you pick the name "SCAKK"? ~|intials of people in family whan I was married|~
What time is it where you live right now? ~|Server time 4:17 pm|~

Thank You.(haha,I love Goofy too!)
~|You are welcome...Goofy is the Goof|~

setherd -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 18:55:03)

Hi SCAAK, do you know me?
~|hello sethered...of course|~
Whats is the best part of being a AK?
~|able to help more people|~
Where do you live, country and city?
~|US...South Carolina....|~
How long to you play AQ/forums a day?
~|weekday 6-8 hours ( not straight ) weekends 8-14 ( not straight )|~
Do you sports? What team?
~|SF 49ers....|~
Kids, wife, or how old are you?
~|2 twins girls 4 years old...divorced...30|~
What is your best advice for a rater/center?
~|be kind and cuteous and helpful|~
In your opinion what got you to be elected a AK?
~|follow the rules and just being helpful to all|~
Ok, I have to get this off my chest, when I first rated you awhile back I wanted to know if you like the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" ~|never saw it...[:@]...missed it|~

Thats all for now
Cya SCAAK ;) ~|Bye stherd...;)|~

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/22/2006 20:27:35)

Your new avvy pwns absolutely every other one I've ever seen.
~|thanks..Doodman special|~
Highest level character you've ever rated?
Have you beaten the night horror yet?
~|first meeting|~
Favorite graphic smiley?
Favorite text smiley?
~|do not use them often enough|~
Have you ever seen "The Crawling Eye"?
Do you have any pets?
If so...

How many?

What kind?


What breed?

What gender?

What age?

manslayer68 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 2:16:48)

Hi *whisper* this is my second time doing this since a long time....
~|*whispers* ok I won't tell *whispers*|~
How you been?
~|fine and yourself|~
How it going being an ArchKnights?
How old are you?
What your favorite thing to do in AQ?
What your favorite food?
Do you like me to speak leet[:D]?
~|not really...makes ears bleed and head hurt|~
What is 100/1*10-1000+100?
~|oh no not math...but it is 100...math was my favorite in school|~
What your favorite color?
Who your favorite character in cartoon?
Do you like me?
How do you like? ~|friend|~
Well goodbye and have fun

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 7:17:36)

Goofy is so funny when he's clumsy. ~|well Garsh...|~
Do you like potatoes? ~|mashed an smashed|~
Did you ever watch Jungle Cubs?It's a spin off of Jungle Book.I parodized some of the episodes in the story I showed you. ~|my girls have|~
Salmon or trouts? ~|[:'(] fish|~
What would you do if all roads really went to the giant dustbin? ~|get a really big vaccuum|~

ballbag432 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 15:10:13)

hmmm something very western about my greeting lol
~|it's ok|~
you know i remember when you we're a normal member except you we're very helpful i think you deserve becoming a arch knight
~|thanks...I always try to help when an where I can|~

what do you think of kabroz
~|evil or ebil or nice or nibe|~
yes me and kazbroz share many things and we both share those wiht stewie grifiin[:D]

Well cya later[sm=DSoN.gif]
~|later gator|~

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 15:11:17)

~|hello Chilly X|~
Do you have AIM?

Xunvir Dar`Xil -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 20:24:54)

~|hello Drizzit|~
ok i only have a few questions (i not good at thinking up questions..)
~|ok...well you can come back later|~
1) Favorite Anime?
~|don't watch enough to even know their names...sorry|~
2) Favorite Anime Character from said anime?

3) do you play any MMOs? if so which one..if everquest..whats your character (server/name/level/race/class)
~|tried RS ( hated it ) and Everquest ( boring )|~
4) what do you do when you get bored of AQ?
~|go on the forums...I actually spend more time on the forums thanon the game|~
cyas :)

Chilly X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 21:39:55)

~|hello again|~
You might have answerd this question already for me (I forget if you did) but how much longer will this thread be here for?
~|it will end Sunday sometime|~
Do you read the Dragon Fable Design Notes?
~|a little|~
Do you like chocolate?
~|dark chocolate|~
Okay. That is all. Bye SCAKK.

Man sward -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 22:04:29)

Howdy Again!
~|welcome back|~
But If a wood chuck can chuck all the wood chuck in the world, how much wood chuck would be left for another wood chuck?
~|a toothpick|~
Apparently you can see I like tongue Twisters[sm=icon_cool.gif]
~|tied in knots are you|~
Whats your Favourite Video Game Console?
Favourite Book to read?
~|To many to list|~
Have you ever studied Philosphy?
~|a little|~
To be or not to be?
~|is to be not|~
Do you spend more time playing Aq or talking on the forums?
What is your favourite element?
Favourite Football team?
I like the Rams...

Favourite Baseball team?
~|none really|~
I like the Blue jays

Favourite Hockey team?
~|just watch to see the fights|~
The canucks rule.

Do you play any of those sports listed up above?
~|used to play baseball|~
Ya! my birthday is in two days!
~|happy early birthday|~
Ok...i cant think of anymore questions
~|come back when you can|~
~|BYE Man Sward|~

Swallowtail -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - SCAKK (2/23/2006 23:52:43)

Hello! ^_^ (I missed metal's thread so I told myself I wouldn't miss yours)
How are you?
~|doing good|~
When did you start liking goofy?
~|since I saw a cartoon of his many years ago|~
Do you know of/enjoy those Chuck Norris facts?
~|they are quit interesting...his son had a hand in the making of Walker..|~
Do you like the Sabres even though they don't get in too many fights? (i do ;P)
Are you really 30? If so, then I feel slightly younger (no offence ^_^)
~|yep...born 1975|~
So, what's your favorite smilie?
What do you do when you're not Arch Knighting?
~|rate people and play the game|~
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? (oooooh!)
~|not much...Chuck Norris would just break the wood with his hands|~
Is where you live nice and warm? Or at least above freezing right now? (if so, I'm jealous)
~|42 degrees right now|~
Do you like Rush?
~|some of their songs|~
What sorts of music DO you like, then?
~|rock / alternative ... and alot of other types|~
Lastly.... can i have a hug? *puppy eyes*
Thanks for answering ^_^
~|*snuggles* Swallowtail|~

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