somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/5/2006 18:15:16)
So many people are now just asking for direct codes. I think it should be better to just give the logic if it's complex and let the user figure out how to code the syntax. If the user does not understand a particular part of the code, he or she should ask I don't have a problem with that; just with people taking code for granted and asking for it. Everything takes some logic and planning, and I think you should take the time to relax and just make a plan or a chart to help you visualize the code. For example, for Crimson Dragon -------------------------------------------------------- when the person does an action to acquire exp -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- immediately add exp -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- if and only if the exp happens to be above the amount of exp needed -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- set the amount of exp back to zero, increase level and stats, etc. -------------------------------------------------------- If you don't understand the code, take the time and learn everything about it and how it works. There is a ton of info on the front page. How else do you get better? Just some of my ideals