flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/17/2006 9:44:32)
swenn: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=2728219 that's my game and my site, you don't need html knowledge to create a Flash site(but you could) you can make a guestbook, but Flash itself can't, so you'll need a server-side language like ASP, PHP, CGI or JSP I suggest you to learn PHP, since it's easy, fast and more secure than ASP you can make a picture change like that: //myMC is a MovieClip's instance name
//change is a frame label in myMC. It's the animation yuo want to play when the mouse is on the movieClip
//if you only have one image and not an animation, change gotoAndPlay into gotoAndStop hope that helps edit: argg somebody you beat me[&:] a small guestbook could use XML or notepad to save informations, but a big one require database, like Access or MySQL