RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (Full Version)

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somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/1/2006 19:11:06)

Can't be too hard... =D Maybe just plot a bunch of point's x, y, and z for two intertwining sine curves. The convert to cartesian coordinates, connect lines, and boom you're done. [8|] lol. I'll help with the 3-d part, but -no thanks - I don't want to participate-too busy.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/2/2006 19:20:47)

anyone have Flash problem? Lol

scorpion123 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/2/2006 22:27:47)

yo can u give me alink that other 1 says page does not exist

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/3/2006 18:06:38)


ORIGINAL: somebody621

Can't be too hard... =D Maybe just plot a bunch of point's x, y, and z for two intertwining sine curves. The convert to cartesian coordinates, connect lines, and boom you're done. [8|] lol. I'll help with the 3-d part, but -no thanks - I don't want to participate-too busy.

no I Mean one that is formed out of little balls that actually spins.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/5/2006 17:07:14)

Oops... You meant the little spiral things that spin around. It still shouldn't be so hard. The only time you actually need sine and cosine calculations is while plotting the spiral coordinates, and rotating the coordinates.

Make a for loop to increase y.
within each loop, make an object with x, y, and z value.
(In flash 7, for loops are the fastest kind)
Make a corresponding angle to the y.
y is equal to the y.
z is equal to the sine of the angle multiplied by the radius of the double helix
x is equal to the cosine of the angle multiplied by the radius of the double helix

(in other words)

z axis^ / angle line
az<---------> = x axis
where this is a layer of y

use the sine and cosine values to find the coordinates of the end of the angle line so you can find the x and z coordinates
In the loop, x2 is equal to y and angle2 is angle + 180 degrees (pi radiens); the object that holds this value is also object2 + y
Find y2 and z2 using the same formula.
Before you end the loop, also find the values for the cartesian coordinates.

I think that should find the x, y, and z for points on the spirals. Of course though, it was done right up on the spot, so it might not work.
Edit2: I was bored and did a non-rotating version of it. DNA

And here is the crappily organized and unstructured code... beware... no comments and no depth swapping ( too lazy )

var dist:Number = 800;
var centerX:Number = Stage.width/2;
var centerY:Number = Stage.height/2;
var pi = Math.PI;
var wave = new Object();
wave.radius = 50;
wave.interval = 25;
function findCar(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number):Array{
	//This function is almost copied code from Glen Rhodes' book, "Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Game Development"
	var zFactor:Number = dist/z;
	var sX:Number = x * zFactor + centerX;
	var sY:Number = y * zFactor + centerY;
	var ar:Array = [sX, sY];

for(y = -centerX; y<Stage.height; y+= wave.interval){
	var loop:Number = y/wave.interval
	var d1:String = "Object1_" + loop;
	wave[d1] = new Object();
	var d2:String = "Object2_" + loop;
	wave[d2] = new Object();
	var a:Number = y * 30;
	var radians:Number = a * pi/180;
	var z:Number = Math.sin(radians)*wave.radius;
	var x:Number = Math.cos(radians)*wave.radius;
	var x2:Number = x * -1;
	var z2:Number = z * -1;
	var ar1:Array = findCar(x, y, z+ 1500);
	var ar2:Array = findCar(x2, y, z2+1500);
	wave[d1].sx = ar1[0];
	wave[d2].sx = ar2[0];
	wave[d1].sy = ar1[1];
	wave[d2].sy = ar2[1];
	var n1:String = "b1_" + loop;
	var n2:String = "b2_" + loop;
	_root.attachMovie("b", n1, loop + 600);
	_root.attachMovie("b", n2, loop);
	var b1:MovieClip = _root[n1]
	var b2:MovieClip = _root[n2]
	b1._x = ar1[0];
	b1._y = ar1[1];
	b2._x = ar2[0];
	b2._y = ar2[1];
	//again, formula from Glen Rhodes' book, "Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Game Development"
	b1._xscale = b1._yscale = 100 * dist/(z + 1500);
	b2._xscale = b2._yscale = 100 * dist/(z2 + 1500);
	_root.lineStyle( 1, 0x0000ff, 100 );
	_root.moveTo(ar1[0], ar1[1]);
	_root.lineTo(ar2[0], ar2[1]);
Edit1: Does everyone not feel flash worth it now? It can be a real treat once you learn how to use it.
Edit3:Is it possible to access variables outside of a class inside the class without get and set? NVM gotit

IF Microsoft gets ANYWHERE with Sparkle, I'm buying macs the rest of my life.
If anyone here has anything to do with sparkle, well...

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/8/2006 22:59:58)

Whats sparkle?

EDIT: oh i found it...

it says... [mumbles]...


how... how could they?


(they also have a flash competitor called WPF

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/11/2006 12:02:50)

lol, WPF was released one years ago..and...Flash is better[:)]
ok, since there's no questions anymore, here's one:
why is Flash SO SLOW!!!!!!?????? Yesterday I tried to do one of the effect that you can see in windows media player... Flash ran so slow....

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/11/2006 20:48:08)

Flash 9 is extremely fast...

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/12/2006 11:54:36)

I AM using flash 9+flash player 9...
are you sure it's fast?
I'm not sure my computer is fast...

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/12/2006 13:56:28)

is flash 9 have upgrades flash 8 doesn't have? i have flash 8 pro but never heard announcements of flash 9's release

VampireHSS -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/12/2006 20:30:02)

I'm making a website in flash and I will need some scripts. Thanks in advance for those who help me. Today I made the template base. When I finish it, I will animate it. I want two animations. One only at the beginning and other loopable.

I need the scripts for the two animations and for the buttons. I need another script to make the text in the pages load from my computer.
Can anyone help me?
Once again, thanks in advance.

edit: I'm gonna work with 4 layers, one for the template, other for the effect, another for the text and another for the buttons, in case it matters.

lil boi blue: Yes, however it is still a beta if I'm not mistaken.

whitewing -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/12/2006 23:05:07)

Hey yo,[8|]does anyone have cool avatars

swenn -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/18/2006 6:05:05)

I want to ask exactly the ame question ad vampirehss I'm making an site also so i like to now:
How can i make text field load an external .txt file?Gotten that


How can i make an text scrolling bar(Like the one on internet pages,on the right)So that i can use unlimeted text in smal text boxes.?

If i make an custom cursor and i try to drag something the cursor stops following the mouse, is there a way to fix it ?

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/18/2006 17:00:20)

this is easy. For the scroll bar, if you use Flash mx or 8(not mx 2004), use the UI component scroll pane
for mx 2004, use UI component textField

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/18/2006 18:33:15)

flsg, i dont know what a UI component is so you may have to give instructions and explain it lol

TwilightPrincess -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/20/2006 11:24:56)

haha, i just made a thread asking where do i get flash and then i read the stickies. lol
and also, is flash 8 a .zip file?
if it is thats just a wqste to downlaod cus i have winzip but i dont know how to use it, lolz
i unzipped GIMP by accident, lol

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/20/2006 13:19:53) (do not worry when it brings you to ) go to downloads and free trials and look for flash 8 pro

it is an application file, meaning once it is on your computer you gotta double click it to get it started(installation

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/21/2006 10:37:39)

lil boi blue: I'm dissapointed lol...UI component are tool for flash website animation too...
just click it under the window option

Xavia -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/24/2006 9:31:26)

help pls ~ i'm new to flash and have just created a animated signature for my clan how/can i display it? i saved it as a swf movie as it is to large if i make it an animated gif

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/24/2006 18:37:26)

you cant put swfs (this forum does not support HTML) on theese boards, you need to export as a gif and check off animated.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/25/2006 17:48:35)

either way you are not allowed to have animated sigs on the board here, just static

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/25/2006 18:28:27)

If an .as file is hosted online, how would you access it?

chrislongden3 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/25/2006 18:56:08)

How do motion guides work in flash, i guessed it works with motion tweens but how exactly do i create a motion guide and attribute it to a specific tween. I use Flash MX2004.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/26/2006 11:48:01)


ORIGINAL: somebody621

If an .as file is hosted online, how would you access it?

uhh....remote admin control? Lol

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/26/2006 12:39:52)

for motion guide do the following

  • open fla document
  • right click on "Layer 1" and select "add motion guide"
  • click on frame 1 in the "Guide layer" and draw whatever you want but it has to be in one continuous line (i use pencil tool)
  • click on frame 1 in "layer 1" and create an object you wish to move on the 'track' for now just make a circle to keep it simple,
  • select the circle and make it a movie clip, then click and drag it onto the track (the white circle should hook onto the track)
  • right click on frame 1 in "layer 1" and make it motion tween. then make a frame on 10, 20, 30. and just 1 frame on 30 for the "guide layer
  • on 10, place the circle on another part of the track, then do the same for 20 and 30 should be back where it started
  • now click Ctrl Enter to play it

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