RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (Full Version)

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somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/28/2006 17:57:23)

No, I mean for classpaths. Is it even possible?

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/28/2006 18:56:15)

somebody621: I was joking. In fact, the AS script in loaded during the COMPILE time, not RUN time. So the only thing you need to load is the swf file that uses the AS file
so you don't need to upload an AS file. What's the point? lol

kuramas_foxy_rose -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/29/2006 18:27:11)

This is where I post thread help? I hope so... I'm always posting in the wrong section.

I keep losing my way to my suggestion shortcut, other than in my sig. Can you subscribe your on thread? If so, how?

chrislongden3 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/29/2006 18:56:11)


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

for motion guide do the following

  • open fla document
  • right click on "Layer 1" and select "add motion guide"
  • click on frame 1 in the "Guide layer" and draw whatever you want but it has to be in one continuous line (i use pencil tool)
  • click on frame 1 in "layer 1" and create an object you wish to move on the 'track' for now just make a circle to keep it simple,
  • select the circle and make it a movie clip, then click and drag it onto the track (the white circle should hook onto the track)
  • right click on frame 1 in "layer 1" and make it motion tween. then make a frame on 10, 20, 30. and just 1 frame on 30 for the "guide layer
  • on 10, place the circle on another part of the track, then do the same for 20 and 30 should be back where it started
  • now click Ctrl Enter to play it

thanks, but is it neccesary to do the 10,20,30 frames thing. I tested it without the frames on 10 and 20 and it worked fine. Is there any reason why i should do this.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (8/29/2006 19:26:24)

not really, just i did it at that moment and i like explaining things in tens instead of single frame animations so, other than that no reason

Zoltan -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/1/2006 0:34:04)

Heh, Good to see your all chugging away helping the flash newcomers and others, I just, in a nut shell devotend 2 months too WoW. Im kinda over the whole 'online community' thing, so just thought ide say hi! [:)][:D][8D]

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/3/2006 0:17:48)

hey, guys havent posted in a while, I made this.

credit to keith peters for the original code.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/3/2006 2:30:19)

hey zoltan! that looks like it was made in macromedia swift/flash 8 pro. just because it has the 3D look to it

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/3/2006 23:38:52)

Mathus: Can you pm me the 3-d algorithm you're using? It seems pretty fast.

Meanwhile, messing with vectors and the SAT. I'm wondering if anybody has any articles to help?

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/4/2006 2:33:13)

hey, sombody, I pmed (if thats a word) it to you[:D]. see if you can make my double helix out of it. Ive tried all I could with that, but no dice[>:].

EDIT: I made another 3D one: your mouse around)

looks pretty good, and runs fast too.

Whats SAT?

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/5/2006 18:54:30)

SAT = the separating axis theorem. It's a good collision algorithm. I understand the theory and know how to do it, but still have some bugs.

var dist:Number = 800;
var centerX:Number = Stage.width/2;
var centerY:Number = Stage.height/2;
var pi = Math.PI;
var wave = new Object();
var fl:Number = 250;
wave.radius = 50;
wave.interval = 25;
wave.angle = 15.5;
_root.lineStyle( 1, 0x0000ff, 100 );
for(y = -centerX; y<Stage.height; y+= wave.interval){
	var loop:Number = y/wave.interval
	var d1:String = "Object1_" + loop;
	wave[d1] = new Object();
	var d2:String = "Object2_" + loop;
	wave[d2] = new Object();
	var o1:Object = wave[d1];
	var o2:Object = wave[d2];
	var a:Number = y * wave.angle;
	var radians:Number = a * pi/180;
	o1.z = Math.sin(radians)*wave.radius;
	o1.x = Math.cos(radians)*wave.radius;
	o1.y = y - centerY + 25;
	o2.x = o1.x * -1;
	o2.z = o1.z * -1;
	o2.y = o1.y;
	var n1:String = "b1_" + loop;
	var n2:String = "b2_" + loop;
	_root.attachMovie("b", n1, loop + 1000);
	_root.attachMovie("b", n2, loop);
function onEnterFrame():Void {
	_root.lineStyle( 1, 0x0000ff, 100 );
	for (var i:Number = 0; i<loop; i++) {
		var n1:String = "b1_" + i;
		var n2:String = "b2_" + i;
		var b1:MovieClip = _root[n1];
		var b2:MovieClip = _root[n2];
		var ball:Object = wave["Object1_"+i];
		var ball2:Object = wave["Object2_"+i];
		var angleY:Number = (centerX)*.0005;
		var cosY:Number = Math.cos(angleY);
		var sinY:Number = Math.sin(angleY);
		var x1:Number = ball.x*cosY-ball.z*sinY;
		var z1:Number = ball.z*cosY+ball.x*sinY;
		var x2:Number = ball2.x*cosY-ball2.z*sinY;
		var z2:Number = ball2.z*cosY+ball2.x*sinY;
		ball.x = x1;
		ball.z = z1;
		ball2.x = x2;
		ball2.z = z2;
		var scale:Number = fl/(fl+ball.z);
		b1._xscale = b1._yscale=scale*100;
		b1._x = centerX+ball.x*scale;
		b1._y = centerY+ball.y*scale;
		var j:Number = -ball.z;
		while(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(j) != undefined){
		var scale2:Number = fl/(fl+ball2.z);
		b2._xscale = b2._yscale=scale2*100;
		b2._x = centerX+ball2.x*scale2;
		b2._y = centerY+ball2.y*scale2;
		var k:Number = -ball2.z;
		while(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(k) != undefined){
		moveTo(b1._x, b1._y);
		lineTo(b2._x, b2._y);

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/9/2006 14:49:04)

Ive forgotten how to make the AQ style system attacks. So that a random number shows up at a particular point during the timeline. Could you please explain this.

blings -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/13/2006 4:52:42)

yer 1 thing i have to ask about
when i get an image from sumwhere and i import to flash (professional 8 if it helps), i try to edit the image and chaneg colours but it just screws up thewhole time how can i solve this?
p.s. sorry for the language

independence quiad!! -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/13/2006 6:34:44)

yuo probably have to trace bitmap which is in Modify/Bitmap then click on trace bitmap

blings -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/13/2006 8:03:44)

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG ty so much you do not know how much that meant to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/14/2006 11:14:01)

What about my question?

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/14/2006 17:45:30)

AQ uses a pretty simple system(from what I've seen). There is a textbox embedded into every monster. Everytime you make an attack, you pass the damage amount to the textbox and make the textbox visible.

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/15/2006 1:06:51)

but what is the code. As i want to attack the air randomly and make it attack.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/15/2006 17:47:38)

That, you'll have to learn on your own. Honestly, you can't have people tell you how to do everything.

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/16/2006 3:14:06)

Very well. Coz ie tried out over 10 types of coding for this.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/16/2006 11:13:15)

darklord517, i have a tutorial on that system, but lets make things interesting lol, the tutorial is a link between pages 3 & 6

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/17/2006 9:14:03)

hi everyone, I'm back(computer crashed lol)
darklord517: how can you try 10 type of coding on this?
let me give you some paths to follow:
a textfield in the enemy
a random number shows in the textfield
textfield is here when the enemy is being attacked

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/17/2006 12:01:47)

Meh, dont worry coz i dont have 2 enemies. I have a single enemy hitting the air and doing something damage. flsg if you knew which types of codes i tried youd understand. Also my dynamic text box isnt working for some reason.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/18/2006 20:59:29)

We really ought to make a scope tutorial. Also, darklord, if you want, you can post some code so we can understand what's wrong.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (9/20/2006 23:25:24) sorry guys, im leavin aq

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