Kharhaz -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/31/2008 12:40:40)
Game crashing/stuck in loading XP sp1 Firefox flash 12984 Playing Now Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:22:49 PM EST At first I thought it was just dumb luck, but at this point I've had AQ crash on me 4 times in the past week. It's not anything consistent, the only thing I can remember being the same all time was FGM as a guest. It happened in 4 different locations, Fairwind Springs, Keld Naer, Nightbane's, and Dragonspine. Twice I had the dragon blade just to rub salt in the wound. I wasn't keeping the best track of this at first, but the 2 times I'm sure that it happened while loading the next battle, and the last time was a freeze while in battle. The in battle freeze happened when the paladin class armor options were opened, it would take mana off but not attack, and none of the graphics appeared to be moving. Just an irritant more then anything (mainly with loosing the dragon blade twice), and I've been able to get right back in every time.