RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/15/2012 4:05:36)

In our new release, the "Bird of Prey" monster is not showing any damage values inflicted to it. You hurt it, but no damage is shown whatsoever.

Using Firefox 13, latest version of flash player, my OS is Windows XP.

P4RAD0X -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/17/2012 14:39:51)

Whenever Zardosaurus rex in the 'Dinozard' quest does a attack with a roaring animation AQ freezes its extremely annoying as this has happened 3 times now.

The roar attack is when it does its sound effect... that must be the problem. I'm not sure how to solve it, but I'll pass it on. ~In Media Res

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/18/2012 4:39:22)

While the Scisszard is described as being a demon in the description, the morningstar mysterious cross doesn't treat it as one. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but just thought I'd report it, as it seemed counter-intuitive. I have only personally experienced the level 110 version, but I'm going to assume it would also hold true for the other versions.

Fixed. They're now demons. Thanks for the report! ~In Media Res

Panda Claws -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/19/2012 19:37:36)

I started playing AQ again today, and I went into the void.

There they had this weird strong dragons, and it said they gave me 1,000,000+ exp and 1,000,000+ gold
I thought this was a joke at first, as they were unbeatable but I fought them and beat them and got an insane reward from it.
Then I checked the encyclopedia and saw that they should only give 18k xp/gold.

jackalrama -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/20/2012 10:23:05)

@Panda Claws: That is not a bug. There was and is currently a sweep. The encyclopedia entries have not been updated for most creatures.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/20/2012 11:14:07)

just saying but undead xyphos refuses to load for some reason

jk... it worked the second time around. weird

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/24/2012 1:48:43)

The Level 130 Nerfkitten attacks says mana damage even though I have no mana and then I take health damage.

cormy1 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/30/2012 0:39:25)

Skull Ape (Undead) does not trigger Shadowslayer shield

Roblos -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/2/2012 22:53:23)

The monster Dragonslayer (90) activates the Dragon Partisan, so it must have a dragon tag (as told to me in Q&A by battlesiegue 15). Which is as I suppose incorrect.

SirPro -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/3/2012 12:53:01)

no matter what equipment im wearing or what browser im in (even used safari for this one) my quest for the morningstar set ends when i get to meduso due to the player not loading no matter how long i wait i really hope this bug gets checked out

Gn3ranger -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/12/2012 7:23:15)

When I was facing Ice Burrower in the nemesis quest I got out death and he said,"Prepare thyself for oblivion",and then after death said his speech his melee,range,and mage defenses continued to raise to 680 each if i remember right and dodged all of deaths hits.

Rising Darkness -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/13/2012 14:37:42)

On my way to the shadow set, I received a PWD on Navith. It just so happened that on this turn, he melded into the shadows, and tried to dodge all the hits. One hit, (the 3rd or 4th, I couldn't tell) hit him while all the others were blocked.

I'm new to the forums, so please correct me if anything is off.

0Neo -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/13/2012 20:45:27)

while i fight against Ultra Akriloth, Dragon from the plasma dragon quest, i was wearing the King's Reign and it activated its effect of privilege, when it doesn't work the action menu disappears and i cant do anything other than reloading the page

Glenn132 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/14/2012 13:33:50)

That is a problem with the armor not the monster. A problem I see is more of a point of illogicalness. The herd master does two attack of damage however only one is seen

Rising Darkness -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/18/2012 10:46:10)

When fighting Sir Pwnsalot, he has to reduce your health to zero. However, when you have low health and do a self damaging attack like ArchMage Research III, your health will be reduced to zero an he will say something like "Oops. I can't do anything about stats for a dead person. We will have to try this again another time." Fighting him with zero health afterwards will also have him display the message, then promptly lower your stat.

EDIT: If you wait for a few seconds after he says this, you will actually die. However, you can avoid going to death by clicking Okay, and you are sent to the guardian tower.

Neil 1000000 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/19/2012 18:36:29)

On the Prepare for battle loading screen against Staton it keeps freezing while loading the monster. It's happened 4 times now and is... very annoying..

I had my Overlord's Dynasty, Z-Blade Scythe and Overlord's Legend equipped and it still didn't work.. but when I switched my equipment it loaded just like that.

Ward_Point -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/20/2012 7:35:36)

Monster: Uncle Wyvern
Bug: Uncle Wyvern not being "grounded" after being hit with Guardian Dragon/Guardian Dragon Junior/Powerword Die.

Armour: Algern's Carapace 104/124
Shield: Tornado Shield
Pet: Nightfall's Omen
Guest: Locomotive V
Weapon: Spear of Awe (Water) or Guardian Spear.

I'm hazarding a guess, and guessing it's a problem with how Uncle Wyvern responds to auto-hits.

spiderlord -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/21/2012 13:54:56)

When in the Triple Challenge, I encountered an O'Teeny(3). All of them had the dialogue come up, and when I clicked all three OKs, the game froze.

Shadow Genesis -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/21/2012 13:57:40)

Parakkas is bugged again. instead of fighting him with his torment blade you fight a regular archdemon with ones resistances and health, but its just named Parakkas....

Chaoelemental -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/25/2012 1:08:08)

Against Uncle Wyvern, when it says I resisted his paralysis poison, I still get paralyzed next turn

EDIT: it'll happen quite often that it still paralyzes me, but I just resisted it and was not paralyzed once.

ExGuardian -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/4/2012 20:32:22)

The plant dragon displays the woodland pack headshot

I fought the plant dragon again, and then it didn't have a headshot. bug?

BTW I'm on safari on the nemesis quest.

Sorry, I couldn't duplicate it. ~In Media Res

Mithos -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/5/2012 18:48:38)

Undead Brute, level 30 (Not sure about other level versions of it) currently has 222 Ranged defense, making it pretty much immune to any Ranged attacks...

Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Glenn132 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/10/2012 12:41:06)

The shade set (nightfall set at my level) seems to have trouble with Chimeras as in a battle with one (level 135) I was unable to get the "afraid" effect from the Chimera other then a moment of 25% chance to do nothing set at 0 round(s). Also the Nightfall's omen was unable to blind it.

PS I preferred the "dark energy" light around the enemy that Nightfall's omen did.

larryofdoom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2012 19:51:27)

Drakelon prototype == clearly is a drakel based creature and i do not receive my dragon shield or giga dragon blade bonuses when fighting it. please fix this it makes my run through of dragonspine very tedious having to switch weapons every so often to deal with this nuisance i didn't pay z tokens for my giga dragon blade for it to not do as stated. i do not believe this to be a simple fix by any means but i will wait patiently for the repair to take place. i have made this complaint before and never received a response that i know of.

character name whitefang
armor elite dragon slayer armor
weapon giga dragon blade
shield dragon slayer shield (charged)
pet big clone / little clone depending on the time i fought this creature this has been on going for a very long time.

thank you for you time and please keep this great game going.

It's not a drakel - it's a big hunk of metal.

Last I checked, the in-game explanation for dragonbane is that drakel/dragons have a genetic weakness to it. So for something to be weak against dragonbane, it needs drakel/dragon DNA of some kind. The Drakelon Prototype isn't made of drakel flesh, so it doesn't qualify as a drakel. ~In Media Res

larryofdoom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2012 19:56:58)

yes but he wears armor constructed from dragon scales which are nearly negated by the giga/mega dragon blade.

just a personal thought no actual data or game proof behind this that is just why i believe this to be so.

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