RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2012 20:01:09)

^ Drakelon Prototype/Drakelon Steam Dragon was specifically changed years ago to not trigger as it not a living creature it has no blood to cause a trigger against. It's a robot.

Desmodus -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/18/2012 22:21:11)

Thunder Troll is underpaid.

Found this during a run through of the lvl 90 Chimeran set quest. As you can see I'm in my Lord of the Skies form with my Airenal's Lance and the lvl 75 chimeran shield. Vince and my Hummingpotamus are with me. To be sure it wasn't just a small graphical bug in his screen there I slayed him. This shows that his rewards are, in fact, broken. None of the other monsters appeared to have this problem.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/18/2012 22:31:42)

^that, my friend, is a dream version monster I believe.

Hmm could've sworn someone (Chii I think) said that they'd try to take care of him :P

Cortaeali -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/22/2012 23:46:19)

So i'm pretty sure this is a monster glitch and not a weapon glitch, but when fighting the shadow dragon on the shadowpony quest, the light dragon blade doesn't light up, or do non elemental damage to the dragon. I haven't played in a while so I don't know if there is still non elemental damage, or if it's just supposed to be light damage, but nonetheless I've figured that it's not registering it as a dragonoid creature.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/23/2012 0:23:54)

Actually its not a glitch at all. Shadow dragons aren't tagged as dragons (except for Nith) because they are only counterparts to Lores creatures and thus don't white have draconic blood in them...

Loga -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/30/2012 19:45:56)

Akriloth doesn't seem to be fight able anymore i get the blue scroll of death whenever i try

Which Akriloth (name, level)? Where are you fighting him? Does it come with an XML error pop-up? ~In Media Res

kratoss -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/1/2012 23:41:33)

Whenever I try to fight Rouge Pirate but it won't load (random battles). I faced this enemy before but it keeps loading every time (it was about 3 or 4 times).

Mister Stone -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/2/2012 19:11:45)

This isn't really too serious but when I was fighting Essence of Energy Dragon the damage he was dealing to me was shown on the right side rather than the left. This happened the whole battle, btw and it fixed itself when I switched to Desert Conqueror to Douse. It went back on the right when I went back to Thunderbird, though

asphaltdragon -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/3/2012 21:06:39)

I'm trying to complete the quest for the attic imp in Yulgar's inn, but the fraction of Frankencarrot never has a check mark. I went and cleared my cache, but instead of fixing it, it just made it worse and deleted the Seed Spitter Leaf and Snayl Tail. I've killed him four times now, and tried a different armor, weapon, and pet. Also tried a different browser, same result. I've only tried this on The Farm though, I haven't ran into him in the random battles.

Shadow Genesis -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/5/2012 14:34:54)

^this might sound kind of dumb, but did you click his head to take the chunk? if you click his head a msg should pop up saying "You took a chunk of Frankencarrot's head" and then it should be checked off. just making sure, did u click him or just kill him?

No, it's really bugged. I'm working on a fix. ~In Media Res

ctype -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/6/2012 18:27:35)

Not sure how many people have realized this, but whenever fighting a pack, on the hit that beats a monster, so long as there is more than one, you do much less damage than you would typically do, and when the monster is defeated, your damage goes back to normal.

Shadow Genesis -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/6/2012 18:54:04)

^thats intentional. think about it as if each of the pack monsters have indiv. hp like the new commy. zard enemy shows. now all of those indiv. HPs are grouped in the bottom combined to make 1 big HP. so lets say im fighting a zard pack of 3, and the indiv health would show that 1 zard has 100 HP, one has 300, and one has 450 HP. So if i do one strike against the one that has 100 HP and that strike is a 250 dmg strike, i only deal 100 dmg, since he dies after 100, and i cant change my strike mid-attack to another enemy to deal the difference to the other enemy.

hope that makes sense

battlesiege15 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/6/2012 20:50:17)

not sure where this goes, but I've found that when fighting the Rayfish, my Airenals Lance still allows me to summon Lord of the Skies.

It's quite handy but doubt it's intentional... That said, this may apply to the Shearhide forms and Gigasnide Transformation miscs too (that allow you to change form)

Gandalf_The_White -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/7/2012 12:16:24)

I believe this is the right area for this, if not I apologize.

Type of bug: Monster (Grimweld) Will not load.

Bug details: The monster portion of the load screen is stuck at loading, when trying to train my Strength stat.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 15.0.1
Flash version: 11.3.300.271
Number of players online: 1303
Operating System: Windows Vista Basic

I have tried on both Adventurer and Guardian servers, and in Google Chrome as well as Firefox.

Fixed. Sorry 'bout that. ~In Media Res

majesticstar3800 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/10/2012 15:52:39)

Please pardon me if this is the wrong place for it.

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports. I do not think so.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Dull Woodland Pack is giving way less EXP than supposed to

Bug details: The monser was only giving 117 EXP, which is WAY BELOW normal for a level 75 monster. In normal level 75 monbsters, they gives 1179 EXP.
Before bug occurred: Everything was normal, was battling woodland pack

During Bug: Everything was normal.

After bug: Nothing happened. Everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.

Item Bugged: Dull Woodland Pack
Screenshot link:
Character page link:

I was using the latest version of Flash, in Google Chrome.

Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

tyloki -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/12/2012 19:54:02)

Has this bug been reported before? This has possibly been reported in the Game Engine Bugs as a Database XMLQuery Error of unknown origin, and by Loga above, without details (I am adding details)
Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Monster loading causes Blue Screen of Death
Bug details: I see a Database XMLQuery Error every time Akriloth the Fire Dragon tries to load. I am level 139, and have encountered it in random adventure, the Blood Crystal Axe Quest, and in the Fire War Time Scroll Quest. The dragon (I presume) is the Level 100 version.
Before bug occurred: Everything normal
During Bug: N/A
After bug: Returned to Falerin's Domicile when encountered in Great Fire War

Flash Version: 11.3
Browser: Firefox Version 15
Number of Players online: Irrelevant.
OS: Windows 7

Edit: Just replayed miss fixit's blood crystal axe quest and haven't been seeing the error.

Edit #2: Fought Akriloth the Fire Dragon (older animation) in a different quest, with no problems. It may be a problem specific to the Great Fire War. Prior to seeing the error, Akriloth disappears from the mountain.

Edit #3: This bug appears to now be fixed.

Sir Harlequin -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/14/2012 21:07:27)

In assassin class quest 2, fail first thug, replay, next thug is named "Thug (reuse me)"

I somehow doubt that (reuse me) was meant to be left in his name, but I could be wrong.

Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

enverto -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/18/2012 15:29:48)

I am a lvl 20 guardian and I was doing the shapeshifting training and I came upon the sea squirt. However, for some reason, the sea squirt had a chi shield that had no listed power (and obviously the monster did not have SP to run out of). All my attacks just power drained the chi shield, but the shield never came down, and finally, the sea squirt killed me. I have restarted the quest a few times and each time, the sea squirt seems to have this chi shield.
However, I just did the Miss Fixit Aelthai's Lighting quest and randomly came upon a sea squirt again. This one also had a chi shield that is indestructible. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but it does seem a bit unfair...

Monster SP is equal to your Flee cost. He regens a bit of SP every turn, so he basically has regeneration.

I noticed that your character doesn't have an Energy weapon. Try getting one, and he should be a lot easier. ~In Media Res

Edit 1: Ah, I actually was doing the Aelthai's Lightning quest to get an energy weapon. I guess I'll try and finish that quickly then. Thanks!

Iouapie -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/18/2012 19:32:08)

The Void, Communicantzard.

After killing the spirithealer zard I began to attack the communicantzard but my first hit caused him to fully heal and start rapidly gaining hp. Up to 2million hp. After that a script error occured and my I don't how to describe what is happening (Now actually) but my character and the monster seem to be in a never ending loop.


Investigating. Were you doing anything weird, like attacking his MP/SP? ~In Media Res

No I was not I was only attacking his hp. This glitch may have been caused by a script error but that error didn't occur until he reached 2million hp (thats when the loop started [I have a video of the loop, if needed] this is my character page if this helps

Locos_Docos -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/19/2012 8:19:12)

The latest Paxian war boss, Jacques.

It's Chi Shield description can change from this description: "Blocks incoming Wind, Energy, and Light damage to HP by paying SP. Overflow damage is redirected to HP as Harm damage."

To the following description while Jacques is attacking: "Blocks the next 100000 incoming HP damage. Costs 0.529399161858546 SP per point of damage prevented. Activates when struck by Wind, Energy, or Light."

The description change is not the point of this post. The point of this post is pointing out that Jacques is using the same Chi Shield that the level 140 Sea Fiend currently has (if not, then at least there is something very, very, very wrong with this Chi Shield anyway).

He's intended to use a Chi Shield. ~In Media Res

But are those numbers supposed to be that ludicrously extreme?

For the 100,000, the Chi Shield automatically turns off when the monster runs out of SP. I just needed a large enough number so that the Chi Shield wouldn't run out before the monster's SP does. (We don't have an "infinite" setting for the Chi Shield.) If he has 100 SP left and the Chi Shield is at 100,000, then it'll just absorb 100 damage and turn off.

The efficiency is because he's giving up a skill attack for this, and skills are worth a lot of damage. ~In Media Res

Arcadia -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/21/2012 12:18:17)

Anyone tried 'Decimating' the commi-zard?

Go on... dares ya!

so0meone -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/21/2012 23:16:01)

I'm having the same problem with the CommunicantZard. I was using Ebon Spear (112) , Radiant Solaris Plate, Radiant Solaris Shield, FGM (110) and Scrumptious Bora'Jee when it happened.

afterlifex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/21/2012 23:31:58)

Monster: CommunicantZard
Bug: was able to occasionally dmg it with a light weapon even thou it shows 0% light resistance.
Sorry it's being healed by it.

Items in use: Oaklore Crusher, Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G, Blazing Solaris Shield


the new selection window shows it has 95k out of 2.7k HP but it's HP bar says closer to 4k.

HP bar will not drop.

edit: also to note the lightspiritzard can heal CommunicantZard above full HP. (still working on the above thou)

edit: another issue, CommunicantZard healed itself above it normal HP(in the HP bar) then my light att readjusted it to what the selection window displayed.

edit: after the point that it had full healed itself any element attack is (personal and pet) massively increasing it HP. (showing in the selection window)
edit: the game is lagging with each attack
edit: and final a crash during a player att with any and all kind of animation plays. Player, pet, monster attacks we all die, we re-enter, drink pots etc.. Monster HP bar shows 4.5 mil HP.

edit: I can repeatedly duplicate this, after CommunicantZard(lightspiritzard is already dead) heals itself past it's normal HP my attacks will begin to heal it.

Iouapie -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/22/2012 9:04:24)

afterlifex- This is similar to the glitch i've been having but mine was triggered differently cause the only light weapon i was using was sila's staff

afterlifex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/22/2012 9:13:19)

The weapon element doesn't matter nor does it have to be a player attack. It seems to be based on any dmg.

edit: another find the lightspirtitzard doesn't need to be dead for this to happen. The trigger for this seem the be when c.zard goes above it's normal HP.
Thou with lightspirtitzard around it much hard to do

edit: to go even further, it can also happen to the lightspirtitzard, so it happens to whichever has more HP then normal do to the healing. This happening will also reduce the other monster HP down to 1 HP when the other monsters HP exceeds their total normal HP.

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