RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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big E -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/23/2013 13:31:36)

The "Snicker-SNACK!" pop-up for the Vorpal Edge weapons (and spoiler: the Honed Vorpal Edge) lacks a concluding quotation mark.

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the new version. Thanks! ~IMR

AcidDrago -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/25/2013 18:21:34)

In the quest Pools of Eternity a.k.a Transient Immortality, one of Herous lines has a typo.

I think our mystery man IS my log-lost brother.

One of Visia's lines also has an error.

He may found found the location of the Pools of Eternity.

Should be: He may have found

Fixed both. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/2/2013 17:21:31)

The most recent Absolution quest has a number of typoes in the spelling of Ryuusei's name; there are instances in which the name is misspelled "Ryussei."

And in the war, "Limkragg" is misspelled "Limmkragg."

Fixed both. Thanks! ~IMR

Kyouhei -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/21/2013 16:45:11)

The Fire creature in Nowhere still says "Here" Instead of "Hear" in it's description...

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Avalonmerlin -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/31/2013 15:52:01)

The loading screen for Golems at Granemor says "Azamy...", not "Azamay...".

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

battlesiege15 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/31/2013 18:19:06)

Rogue Knight might need his description updated in the future... if he gets updated along with the Kngiht quests.


He travels the land looking for a fight. Are you brave enough to face this experienced knight? He will pay 375 gold pieces to whoever bests him!

But he only gives:

Level	42	
XP	36	
Gold	67	

Not very important but stumbled onto it while I was looking for bad knight puns

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

the clan master -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/12/2013 22:14:51)

In the Book titled "THE FISHERMAN" on the Isle D'Oriens, theirs a typo on the 7th page in the sentences: "A row of statues stood facing out onto the ocean, each with s solemn look spread across their face." It should be: "A row of statues stood facing out onto the ocean, each with a solemn look spread across their faces."

edited 6/16/13
In the book "The Not So Epic Tale of the Gecko on a Tree" their is a sentence on the 28th page that says: "Not quite awake yet, she had tried to roll over put found empty space under her and fell." But it should say "Not quite awake yet, she had tried to roll over but found empty space under her and fell."

Also in the same book but on page 30: “Yes, but... anyway... How do you eat? Reptilians of your king eat insects.” It should be “Yes, but... anyway... How do you eat? Reptilians of your kind eat insects.”

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

zekefreed777 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/19/2013 22:43:06)

Demon Knights in the Pria Knight's training have in the description:

"One of Stormfallen''s Demon Knights"

Two apostrophes instead of one. I was directed to post here because of that.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Airenal -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/19/2013 22:52:07)

The new Pria Knight skills seem to have a slight miscalculation. I have resists of Fire, water, ice, and energy are 40%, Earth is 6%, and Light is -27%, and "Evils Bane!" costs 16,109 SP to use outside of the Knight Training Quests. I'd give a pic but I have no idea how to post a picture.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/24/2013 7:10:38)

LSC v1, on Hydra day:

"Empowered by the hydra essence, your attacks rends your opponent's flesh!" and "[...], your attacks rends your opponent further!"

Either "your attack rends" or "your attacks rend", but not both :/

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/3/2013 10:14:08)

In Absol-ution I, One of Mirror Ryuusei's lines in the initial dialogue contains an error.

Ryuusei: As much as I appreciate the sentiment... Nevermind, the differences between my analog and I are of very much secondary importance now.

Although the wiki says "I," in-game it is really "a."

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/11/2013 7:21:23)

Alnaphar, quest for the Overlord set, fighting the level 45 Nameless King variant before you enter the first shop, pops up this:


The The Nameless King invokes the undefined's Privilege!

While I'm not sure that "The The" is intended (The Nameless King invokes... sounds reasonable enough for me), I'm pretty sure the "undefined" part should be changed.

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/12/2013 16:00:21)

In Xov's Fire Part I, the first two speech bubbles when get to the Dark Lands and the one immediately after "Thank you Vephoma" just say {dynamic text}.

Fixed both. Thanks! ~IMR

Lukeorion1 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/16/2013 21:05:36)

In the City of Deren, when talking to King Tralin, he says,

"Within the Drakel strongholds it was, however, an apotasy." This should be an apostasy.

This dialog is found after clicking, "Curious about the city!", on the 27th dialog bubble.

...EDIT: After continuing the dialog, it also says, "It was an joy and privilege to be called his son; even if he was many hundreds of years younger than I." This should be an a. A Joy, not an joy.

This is on the... 29th? Yeah, the 29th dialog bubble.


Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

Mark Chung -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/19/2013 4:43:43)

In Xov's Fire Part I,

<<You>>: It wasn't easy, but then, it never is. The two-bear was a nice touch. How long did it take for you to pin it to that creature's hde? Vephoma? What could the Beastmaster want with me?


Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

Yndlnoot -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/27/2013 20:09:53)

In the Ghost Rusters quest:

Except for the people who bought you stolen loot. You should repay everyone, or else get used to the taste of Guardian-brand gruel!

It should be "your" instead of "you".

Should be fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. ~IMR

Grixus Faldor -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/29/2013 6:54:32)

Valencia, Golden Giftboxes:

"You have 1 Golden Gift Boxes."

"Boxes" should be "box" in that instance, as it's the singular. "Gift Box(es)" should be "Giftbox(es)" without the space, but that's just pedantry on my part.

Fixed both. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

Ninjaty -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/6/2013 6:54:43)

Basically every armor saying "armour" either as part of their description or title should be fixed. A very annoying inconsistency for an american game, especially since games teaches spelling, so this inconsistency could confuse and carry over to the individuals learning the spelling from here.

Since there is no good in-game reason for it, it doesn't make sense for any armor to deviate from the american spelling. A simple query run at the armor table would easily fix this.

I'm Canadian, and I'll spell it however I want. ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/11/2013 16:46:20)

From the Frogzard Knight version of the tournament:


General Herous: Young Knight, I know that you were the one who stuck into our castle and spied on us.

Should be snuck.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Traveler -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/15/2013 10:06:39)

This one is not exactly a typo, but it doesn't really fit in any other thread, so I think it belongs here.
And it probably isn't something new, either, but I noticed it yesterday and I have never seen it reported anywhere.

On the character pages, after the links to the item lists from the headings of each category (weapons, armours, etc.) were removed, only the link for House Paintings was left. But now, that link leads to a "Page Moved or Deleted" notice.
So either the link is redirected to an updated paintings list (if such thing exists) or it should be eliminated from character pages, leaving just a plain heading.
(It would also be a goot time for either removing the underline from "House Paintings" and "House Guards" or underlining the rest of the headings. It is completely unimportant, but I'm neurotic enough to be bothered by that lack of consistency).

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

The Jop -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/23/2013 1:39:02)

In the current Dragon War quest, Galanoth is called Lord Barrius.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Yndlnoot -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/25/2013 23:26:36)

In the 11th Anniversary quest, the Fear Drake's dialogue would sometimes say "{dynamic text}" instead of what he is supposed to say.

This should be fixed. If not, then post in the Quest Bugs that (whatever quest links to it) is pointing to the wrong version of the war. Thanks! ~IMR

Veral77 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/27/2013 11:02:08)

The monster Clowder of Thunder Cat might better be called Clowder of Thunder Cats.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/17/2013 6:10:59)

The special Preview with Scions first appearance has "To be continued" at the end spelled as "contiunued".

zekefreed777 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/17/2013 14:45:06)

In the Dragon Knight maze, the Fire Champ has "The firefy breath has burned you!"

'Tis should be fiery (or toasty [;)])

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

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