RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Bassman96 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/21/2013 16:45:27)

When escaping the rip in the sky, when vince offers you the plunger he says "It/'s a tight fit" with a slash.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/12/2013 19:10:37)

From Do Moglin Dream of Electric Sheep?:


Minister Bree'ha: The more pertinent question is why do you which to do such a thing? It would not do to have it interfere with my own plans.

Should be wish.

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/20/2013 3:08:41)

From Do Moglin Dream of Electric Doom Sheep? Part II:


Ghup: Three3 to stream right into the imaging chamber so they can enter the virtual world directly, minister...

Should be Three.


Kabroz: Then you'd better start clearing out some these undead Guardians, «You».

Should be some of these.

Also, gender recognition in the following lines from the Stormfallen version of the Knight Tournament isn't working (the masculine words are used even if your character is female):


Tathlin: I gave you all of my knowledge, I treated you like a brother. Why would you betray me and my trust?

Tyranna: His request is my own. Stormfallen is ending the war, and I am disbanding your Crimson Legion, effective immediately.

Fixed the Knight ones. I'm leaving the Doom Sheep ones to Kam. ~IMR

EDIT: Fixed the Frostval ones, although I'm pretty sure that the quest isn't accessible anymore. ~IMR

Gipsy Danger -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/27/2013 20:01:58)

Trjegul Jr. Pet, message when monster rolls save against special:

"the worse" should be "the worst"

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

tecreatoromega -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/31/2013 0:52:44)

In the "Fiends Like These..." quest in the Elemental Orbs Saga (at time of posting, it is on the today's event menu, when your character, Noctros, and Jacques arrive at a cave (which leads into the clan base of Noctros) your character says that "You mean this old cave leads right into to your mansion? Why didn't you ever get that fixed?"

The error is the use of both the word "into" and the word "to" together. I am certain it should be either
"You mean this old cave leads right into your mansion?"
"You mean this old cave leads right to your mansion?"
Not both "into" AND "to".

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the new file. Thanks! ~IMR

tecreatoromega -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/31/2013 17:44:45)

I was going through the books in the rip in the sky, and noticed something in the blue book on the bookshelf, titled "The Fisherman." On page 7, right at the bottom of the page (if the scroll bar is all the way to the top) it says "A row of statues stood facing out onto the ocean, each with s solemn look spread..."
This should probably say each with a solemn look. I also love how you tied Jacques into the elemental orb saga, but that is unrelated. I thought I would let you know of this minor typo.

A second typo (I believe...) is located in the same book on page 13. If the scroll bar is located as high as it can go, about halfway through the page lies the text
"You may join me here if you wish, for I can give you the gift of Aerdu..."

Should this be Aerodu? Or the gift of Aerodu? Aerdu is missing the o that should come between the r and d. Either choice is alright with me, and this may have been intentional, but it is inconsistent with the relationships between the other clan leaders and the name of their gifts earlier in the story.

Another typo, in the green book about Pae, on the 28th page in the first paragraph, lies the text
"Still they not had a Gecko to study."
Should this be "Still they had not had a Gecko to study?
I don't know what is correct here, but I am fairly certain that the current one is incorrect. Maybe "Still, they'd not had a Gecko to study."

Another typo lies in the same book on page 30, at the very bottom.
"Yes, but...anyway... How do you eat? Reptilians of your king eat insects."
Should this be Reptilians of your kind?


All fixed! Log out/in to get the fixes. Thanks! ~IMR

tecreatoromega -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/5/2014 19:16:58)

Sorry for posting so much, but in the quest where Aelthai introduces you to Kamui (Titled "Who's Kamui?" on Aelthai's quest selection screen.) when you meet up with the Robocockatrice, after your character throws corn at it, the chat bubble that says "BAKAWWWKKK!!!" comes from the bird, and displays your characters name. If this is intended to mock the bird, the chat bubble should probably be coming from your character. If it is intended for the bird to be making the noise, it should probably say Robocockatrice on the chat bubble.

Also, in Kill the Beast Part 1 (in the Truphma Saga from Robina in her store) when you fight the Ramleoness, sometimes it will heal itself and the text at the top of the screen will say
"The beast's fury allows it to shake of its wounds"
This should probably read
"The beast's fury allows it to shake off its wounds"

Fixed both. Thanks! ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/9/2014 20:13:28)

The following lines from the opening cutscene of Ultimon IV don't notice if your character is female:


ElBhe: I'll go get «You» and his adventurer allies to come help us.

Lord Barrius: I'm fairly confident that he can handle himself against these monsters. It's Ultimon himself I'm worried about.
Fixed this part. Thanks! ~IMR

Likewise for this line from Darkovian Ultimatum:


Diviara: This is very bad. He is right. We need to get him to Cagliari at once. That creature... no, creature is wrong... being?... no, entity is very bad news.

Fixed this too. Thanks! ~IMR

Archlist -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/12/2014 20:09:17)

This is not really a typo but an older version of the text, however it is misleading for people so it needs to be corrected:

In the Varrinsqu Keep quest, Warlic says there are 3 spells that can be combined from the different scrolls -- this is true for Adventurers, but Guardians can combine all 6, so actually after getting 3 spells they might be tricked into believing that they already found them all.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Darches -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/3/2014 6:43:52)

For the new FireWere & IceWere pets...
"Alpha is the individual in the community with the highest rank"
"Beta animals often act as second-in-command to the reigning alpha"
"Omega animals are subordinate to all others in the community"

The top leveled pets should be called Alpha, then Beta, and Omega should be the lowest leveled. Probably.

Wait, that's a thing? I was just using Omega because it sounds cool. I REALLY should've paid more attention in bio class ._.

Okay, the top-levelled ones are now "Supreme". Thanks! ~IMR

xMrBrian -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/10/2014 22:19:25)

Hello, sorry to bother you, but I've noticed a typo on the Battleon News scroll:


THIS WEEK: Why would e a team of mercenaries be hired to hunt you down?

There is a random letter e after 'would'.

Thank you for your time.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Yndlnoot -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/3/2014 17:45:28)

In the Quest for the Defender Orb, the second sign misspells Captain Rhubarb with the "I" and "A" switched.

Also, in the Myth of Trigoras,


Hapfjell: And who,exactly, are you-

there is no space after the comma following "who".

Found another typo: in Morgul's quest about Balthor the Slaxe, one of Grink's lines says


That's alright-- Atleast you realized who I was before you just jumped in and started hacking away at me. Not that I'd feel anything, since I'm just an undead skeleton.

There shoud be a space between "at least".

While Blackhawke talks about the lack of baths fighters take,

You can use the rest room, but I heard there are wierd shower monsters in the shower.

It should be "weird".

When Vince informs the player of how Isle d'Oriens works,

The water uptake system anchors us to the real world, and the cylindrical tethers hold us to the Ethereal Realm. You can see our tehters from the Courtyard outside.

Fixed everything. Thanks! ~IMR

Kaelin -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/5/2014 15:28:39)

In the 2013 April Fool's quest (with Donovan gaining attributes of many of Lore's creatures), this occurs in the scene Kamui gives my character the NightSever:


Kamui: My inventions always work!
Player: ...not even gonna take the bait.
Cenara: {dynamic text}
Player: Right... let's go!

"{dynamic text}" should be corrected to whatever Cenara is supposed to say.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

big E -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/14/2014 10:45:01)

In the latest release (Edge of Extinction 2), Jhan is consistently misspelled as "Jan".

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

big E -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/3/2014 13:35:48)

The very last line of the Kindred quest - "I will, Iaitsu, I will..." - has Iaitsu misspelled as Iiatsu.

(Double posting allowed for separate issues? Merge posts if necessary.)

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rhowena -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/21/2014 5:17:03)

More non-working gender recognition:

Facing the Darkness:


Protestor #2: He is a sympathizer.
Protestor #1: Let's show him how we deal with Brilhado sympathizers, boys!

Past Unravelled III:


Scion: You are a very busy man.

Also in Facing the Darkness, the new Lord President's name is consistently spelled Auricarius, but during his previous appearance in The Rise of Omega and brief mention in The Final Battle, it was Auricarus.

Fixed everything. The Bril's name has been retconned to Auricarius. ~IMR

Ianthe -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/27/2014 11:03:20)

Todo: Change old Tera Suul items to Tera'Suul.

Done. Thanks, charming stranger! ~IMR

IamSoSmart -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/31/2014 12:58:25)

When you click on twilly and then select fred on strike, twilly will talk. In the end of the second line it says: "and ha declared"

Should be: "and he declared"

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Eradication -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2014 23:13:41)

The Benthic Dweller's blind attack says "You are blinded by the overwheling brightness!" I believe it should be overwhelming. This happens in-game and is also in the monster's encyclopedia entry.

Fixed Thanks! ~IMR

Dilwar -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/15/2014 12:37:11)

When using the Shadowfeeder Pendant's active it says "Your pendant accellerates the speed of all on your side".

There should be only one l in accelerate.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Dilwar -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2014 14:08:20)

Using the Cloaked Noctoru Dagger it seems like there is an extra space between Cloaked__Noctoru? Doesn't seem right in the Weapon list?

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Illavilata -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/22/2014 0:50:09)

Upon completing Moglin Forest, in the Reward Shop, you can purchase

Forest Champion Axe, Spears and Wands. While Axe and Spears have correct descriptions, the Wands (All of them) use the Axe description instead.

"Twilly and the other moglins crafted this axe for you in recognition of your valor in overcoming the dangers of the Moglin Forest!"

It should be "this wand" instead for the Forest Champion Wands.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

KaizerWolf -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/1/2014 0:32:25)

Gambler's Blade

On successfully poisoning the enemy, the word, "poisoned" is misspelled as "poiosned".

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

tecreatoromega -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/15/2014 15:56:27)

In the "War on Paxia!" quest in the Elemental Orb/Chessmaster Saga, after Geoto shows you the wind orb and talks about it, the Geoto clan member comes in. However, the text bubble says his name is GOTO Clan Member. This should probably be Geoto.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Aak -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/25/2014 20:41:32)

On the Naga Yaga in RA the description reads, "One the serpentine Naga race's most powerful spellcasters." This should probably instead be "One of the serpentine Naga race's most powerful spelcasters.", or even "One of the most powerful spellcasters of the serpentine Naga race."

In my personal opinion the latter seems just a little simpler to read as it seems to come off my tongue eaisier than "One of the serpentine Naga race's most powerful spelcasters.", which it a bit difficult to understand when the words are ordered like that.

Fixed (I just added the word "of"). Thanks! ~IMR

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