Bio: A lone fisherman, he spends his days fishing in the cold waters with his bamboo pole. Even though there are few fish to be found it was the life he had dreamed of. There was nothing more he could wish for... right? He then transformed into a hideous looking beast, all because of that one wish. His story could be found in Paxia's Library (Blue Book). During the Wind Orb war Jacques is given the power of Geoto's clan while he still had the power Nautica gave him. During the storming of Nocturu's castle Jacques was attacked by the Necropolis Fiend and gained a new power?
Function: If his wish is fulfilled he will help with the war effort as a guest. He also helps you get the Water Orb. Aids you as a guest in the Element of Surprise quest and Paxia Under Siege and in the With Friends Like These... quest.