RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Silverdragon -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/12/2006 14:12:45)

Sea squirt
location: Aria's pet store
price 750
about 50% of the time: 2 hits ranged water for 1-9
about 30% of the time: 1 hit melee water 5-17
20% of the it doesn't attack
this is all very approximate, as I use my SS as backup pet. I'm getting the missing info when I'll log in.

In the epic quest part 15, a whole lot of npcs are available as guests, heres the list
Vince the drakel
Sir Ta*can't remeber the rest of his name, you know the knight*
Mecruria* not sure*

dragon_sorceror -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/12/2006 17:49:04)

Yes I finally have created the Nerkitten enyclopedia entry! Please tell me if there is something wrong.

Location: Aria's Petshop
Level: 10
Price: 800
Sellback: 160
Training difficulty: 40

Attack 1:
Hits: 3
Damage: 1-4 each
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Ranged
BTH: 20% BTH
Attack Rate: 47% + .50 of CHA
Other: Increases its base and random damage by 40% and BTH by 3%. Buff only happens four times.

Attack 2:
Hits: 1
Damage: 5-20
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Melee
BTH: 20%
Attack Rate: 47%+ .50 of CHA
Other: Lowers all monster stats/resistance by 3. The weaker an elemental resistance is, the more that element is nerfed. Nerf only happens up to four times.

Description: This lil guy will melt your heart... and then rip it out of your chest. Even this runt of the litter seems to be secretly plotting your downfall, maybe a lot of affection will help your case?

Location: Guardian Tower Shop
Level: 50
Price: 60,000
Sellback: 12,000
Training difficulty: 80

Attack 1:
Hits: 3
Damage: 3-9 each
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Ranged
BTH: 25%
Attack Rate: 27+ .50 of CHA
Other: Increases its base and random damage by 40% and BTH by 3%. Buff only happens four times.

Attack 2:
Hits: 1
Damage: 15-45
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Melee
BTH: 25%
Attack Rate: 27+ .50 of CHA
Other: Lowers all monster stats/resistance by 5. The weaker an elemental resistance is, the more that element is nerfed. Nerf only happens four times.

Description: This lil guy will melt your heart... and then rip it out of your chest. Even this runt of the litter seems to be secretly plotting your downfall, maybe a lot of affection will help your case?


Location: Guardian Tower Shop
Level: 90
Price: 90,000
Sellback: 18,000
Training difficulty: 120

Hits: 3
Damage: 5-13
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Ranged
BTH: 30
Attack Rate: 7%+ .50 of CHA
Other: Increases its base and random damage by 40% and BTH by 3%. Buff only happens four times.

Hits: 1
Damage: 25-65
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Melee
BTH: 30
Attack Rate: 7%+ .50 CHA
Other: Lowers all monster stats by 6. The weaker an elemental resistance is, the more that element is nerfed. Nerf only happens four times.

Description: This lil guy will melt your heart... and then rip it out of your chest. Even this runt of the litter seems to be secretly plotting your downfall, maybe a lot of affection will help your case?



Normal Pose:
Attack 1:
Attack 2:

Tha Stunna -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/13/2006 3:01:07)

Galanoth activates on the trigger word nightraider. He also activates on draco; it does not have to be dracolith specifically as listed. He will do element x damage to the dracowolves
and nightraiders in Nightbane's fortress. When galanoth fights a monster with one of the trigger words, his dragon blade glows.

E, vampireslayer will not do combo damage on dracowolves, as listed correctly in the index, but vampireslayer class attacks will.

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/13/2006 3:04:53)

EDIT: Never mind.

Sol -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/13/2006 4:33:02)


dragon_sorceror - Hey, that looks just like an exact copy of UltimateAq's Nerfkitten information [8D]...

And yep there's a couple of errors...
1. "Attack Rate: 47% + .50 of CHA" is the overall Attack Rate for Nerfkitten, not for each of its attacks...
2. Its Attack 2 (Nerf) is supposed to do 100% Base and 500% Random 100% Stats according to Kalanyr (First attack 3 X 100% Base 100% Random 100% Stats).
So 2nd Attack for Lvl 10 Nerfkitten should do 1-20, not 5-20. Mine just did only 1 damage on its Attack 2.

Lvl 10's Attack 2: 1-20
Lvl 50's Attack 2: 3-45
Lvl 90's Attack 2: 5-65

Also BTH needs to be re-tested. If I'm not wrong UltimateAq's BTH usually exceeds the actual BTH by 15.

UAQ uses the total BTH, so it will be higher than any value here since there's an automatic +15% BTH on pets and guests. And yes, the attacks do 100% base and random and 100% base 500% random. But that value is divided by 3 from the shop information first ~Suikomna444

^ Divide by 3? Uh huh, which was exactly what I did.
So that means there's nothing wrong with my info o_O

Huh, I guess so ~Suikoman444

Doomsday -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/13/2006 18:56:44)

Galanoth has been changed to a flag trigger, hence anything flagged as "Dragon" in the database will trigger him...

Dox Para -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/14/2006 4:14:39)



(Post # 47)

.25 and 25% are the exact same thing. .25*200=50. Not that .5 you came up with somewhere. ~Suikoman444

  • It doesn't say 0.25 or 25% in the Encyclopedia, it's 0.25%.
    You need to remove the "%". Because 0.25% is 0.0025 (not 0.25).

    (That's where I got the 0.5 from: 0.0025*200=0.5).

    Perhaps to avoid future confusion, AQ can move the "%" like so:
    - Attack Rate: 26% + (0.25 * [Player CHA])% (Caps at 50%)

  • Also, the sellback is 12500 for a 5000 cost?

  • Impulse Warrior -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/15/2006 4:24:44)

    in encycopedia it says razorclaw price is 1250 is 1750 tokens in the shop

    Dudalicous -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/16/2006 22:09:15)

    heres a pic of pumpkin enforcer
    Clickity Click

    Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/17/2006 14:43:10)

    the crikeydile damage is now 2-5. It got a nerf[:(]

    Sol -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2006 1:52:24)

    Probably pointed out ages ago, but...

    1. Stretched Squib and Blubbler Squib do Ranged attacks, not Melee.

    2. Squibs have 2 attacks, not just 1.
    Attack 1: 1 X [ 14 - 44 ]
    Attack 2: 2 X [ 14 - 44 ]

    yellowpoloboy -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2006 1:58:19)



    Probably pointed out ages ago, but...

    1. Stretched Squib and Blubbler Squib do Ranged attacks, not Melee.

    2. Squibs have 2 attacks, not just 1.
    Attack 1: 1 X [ 14 - 44 ]
    Attack 2: 2 X [ 14 - 44 ]

    I'm pretty sure the second attack (the double one) is 2 hits of 7-22, so the total damage on each different attack comes out to be the same.

    Sol -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2006 2:12:24)

    ^ Either they got buffed or the old stats were wrong, but both of mine do 2 X [ 14 - 44 ] o_o

    Count Krisarius -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/19/2006 19:19:08)

    I think the encyclopedia entry of King BURP is off. It says 3 hits of 6-18, but I've gotten as high as 33 for one of the three hits (with 15 CHA against 100% earth).

    jeffreyge1 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/20/2006 2:36:43)


    ORIGINAL: kingkong120

    gogg is rare...

    The Z-Token Pet Gogg is no longer avalible, as of quote above

    Legasee -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 12:19:40)

    Turkey Lurky

    Picture: Clicky!
    Location: Aria's Pet Shop
    Element: Wind

    Levels: 5/35/60/80
    Price: 300/800/1500/3000 Gold
    Sellback: 60/160/300/600 Gold

    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 9-27/9-36/9-45/18-63
    Training Difficulty: 10/10/50/80
    BTH: ?/?/?/?

    Description: This turkey is ready to throw everything at your monster enemies!

    ravemaster_13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 12:24:42)


    ORIGINAL: Legasee

    Turkey Lurky

    Levels: 5/35/60/80
    Price: 300/800/1500/3000 Gold
    Location: Aria's Pet Shop

    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 9-27/9-36/9-45/18-63
    Sellback: ?/?/?/600
    BTH: Unknown

    Description: This turkey is ready to throw everything at your monster enemies!

    The symbol on the turkey is Wind, but it does Earth damage with one of its attacks..and fire with another

    FeelNFine -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 12:35:14)

    Turkey does one hit of fire, or 8 9 hits of earth. Fire and nothing are about eqal chance, earth is rare.

    master of the gates -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 12:38:32)

    the turkey lurky does 1 hit of fire, and 9 hits of earth...

    the level 80 version does:

    Hits: 9
    element: earth
    Type: ranged
    damage: 2-7 per hit
    Rate: depends on CHA


    hits: 1
    element: fire
    type: ranged
    damage: 2-7 i believe
    rate: depends on CHA

    description: This turkey is ready to throw everything at your monster enemies!

    Training Difficulty: 80

    Ear Etienne -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 14:02:41)

    Here is something interesting....His type is wind but all he does is earth and fire. I bought him for the wind damage and look what it got me...[:(][:'(]

    spindle -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 14:12:45)

    if anyone remembers the Maple Leaf Turkey, that's all that the Turkey Lurky is, just has a pilgrim hat on instead of no hat

    Sol -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 15:09:37)

    ^ Attack rate seems to be exactly like the Maple Leaf Turkey (33.3% rate for Attack 1 and 33.3% for Attack 2).

    Does nothing 1/3 of the time even at Max Cha :(

    Legasee -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 15:17:55)

    Not quite, spindle. This turkey variant has four levelled versions instead (The additional level 35, and level 80 alternative). Neither Maple or Pilgrim had level 35 or 80 versions, so it's not entirely the same.

    Ello -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 20:44:25)

    New Entry:

    Guardian Gift Box (2006)

    Level: 10
    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Fire

    Price: 500 Gold
    Sellback: 100 Gold

    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 4-12
    Number of hits: 1
    Training Difficulty: 20
    BTH: ?

    Description: There is something ALIVE inside this box. There don't seem to be any holes in it, so in order to be alive it must be MAGICAL! This box will open at the end of Frostval to reveal the true pet inside!

    Guardian Gift Box (2006)

    Level: 40
    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Fire

    Price: 1000 gold
    Sellback: 200 Gold

    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 6-18
    Number of hits: 1
    Training Difficulty: 30
    BTH: ?

    Description: There is something ALIVE inside this box. There don't seem to be any holes in it, so in order to be alive it must be MAGICAL! This box will open at the end of Frostval to reveal the true pet inside!

    Guardian Gift Box (2006)

    Level: 70
    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Fire

    Price: 1500 Gold
    Sellback: 300 Gold

    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 10-26
    Number of hits: 1
    Training Difficulty: 35
    BTH: ?

    Description: There is something ALIVE inside this box. There don't seem to be any holes in it, so in order to be alive it must be MAGICAL! This box will open at the end of Frostval to reveal the true pet inside!



    Gift Box (2006)

    Level: 5
    Location: Aria's Pet Shop
    Element: Fire

    Price: 200 Gold
    Sellback: 40 Gold

    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 2-8
    Number of hits: 1
    Training Difficulty:
    BTH: ?

    Description: There is something ALIVE inside this box. There don't seem to be any holes in it, so in order to be alive it must be MAGICAL! This box will open at the end of Frostval to reveal the true pet inside!

    Gift Box (2006)

    Level: 30
    Location: Aria's Pet Shop
    Element: Fire

    Price: 800 Gold
    Sellback: 160 Gold

    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 4-14
    Number of hits: 1
    Training Difficulty:
    BTH: ?

    Description: There is something ALIVE inside this box. There don't seem to be any holes in it, so in order to be alive it must be MAGICAL! This box will open at the end of Frostval to reveal the true pet inside!

    Pic --->

    Sh4dofl4me -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/22/2006 21:39:58)

    Robina-Frostval version

    Level: 0
    Location: Frostval War Event
    Element: Monster's Weakest Element. If light or darkness, will turn to next weakest. Always fire if you fight in war first.

    Price: N/A
    Sellback: N/A

    Attack Type: Range
    Damage: 10-17
    Number of hits: 2
    BTH: 15%

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