Ambush in the Bushes (Full Version)

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Tolkienfanatic -> Ambush in the Bushes (10/6/2006 23:43:13)

Ambush in the Bushes

Location: Path connecting Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) and Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)
Requirements: None
Release Date: October 6th, 2006

Objective: In a dark and secluded part of Oaklore forest, several Darkwolf Bandits tried to take your gold. BIG mistake.
Objective completed: In a dark and secluded part of Oaklore forest, several Darkwolf Bandits tried to take your gold. BIG mistake.

Experience rewarded: 36
Gold rewarded: 3

(3) Renegade Ambusher - Boss




*Three Darkwolf Renegades ambush you in a secluded part of Oaklore Forest.*

Renegade: HA, another victim falls prey to the Darkwolf Renegades. Your gold or your HP...NOW!
<Character>: Hmm. How about... YOUR gold or YOUR HP. Then I won't have to hurt you guys.
Renegade: Our gold? You've got some nerve hero, you would made a good Greywolf Renegade. Too bad we have to waste you. GET <him/her/them>!

*You battle the Renegades; after defeating them, you move forward through the Oaklore Forest, completing the quest.*

Other information
  • This quest may only be completed once.

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for current entry reformat and corrections.
  • PaperClip OF DOOM for initial entry reformat.
  • SlyCooperFan1 and Stephen Nix for information and corrections.
  • Peachii, Stridoom, and Voodoo Master for corrections.

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