 ArchKnight DragonFable
Sandsea Path (That A'Way! Book 3 - The Sandsea Book 3) Access Point: That A'Way! (Book 3) -> Right -> Up Right -> Right, The Sandsea (Book 3) -> Down Requirements: None Release Date: November 11th, 2022 Quests Available Injured Merchant Desert Thug Camp Glass Lair The Forgotten Dragon Arguing and Frustrated Moglins The Sandwitch Shop NPCs Arguing Moglin Friendly Farmer Frustrated Moglin Injured Merchant Rose Researcher Rose Soldier Strange Merchant Tired Rose Soldier Wandering Moglin Wary Farmer Shops Chest Belt of Golden Sand (Shop) Dialogue Rose Soldiers Tired Rose Soldier: It's... a long way to Duat, isn't it? Rose Soldier: They're still trying to build the road to extend the supply lines. Tired Rose Soldier: You'd think the citizens of Duat would help and start building from their end too! Rose Soldier: You can tell that to their faces after we make it. Wandering Moglin Wandering Moglin: Hello! Wandering Moglin: Remember to stay hydrated! Accept Water - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. You too! Injured Merchant Injured Merchant: Oh dear, oh my... <Character>: What happened? Do you need help? Injured Merchant: Oh, I'll be alright. It's my merchandise I worry about! Injured Merchant: You see, I was delivering my items to Duat, and out of nowhere I was attacked by bandits! Injured Merchant: Can you believe it?! Literally out of nowhere! They emerged from out of the sand! Injured Merchant: I tried to fight them off, but I'm no fighter! Injured Merchant: Oh my... and so, they took all my items and hid in that abandoned port you can see over there... <Character>: Say no more. I will deal with them! Injured Merchant: Oh wow, you will!? Injured Merchant: I... I can't thank you enough! If... if you see anything that you like among my goods that you like, feel free to help yourself! Injured Merchant: May the Avatars guide you! Quest! - begins Desert Thug Camp quest. Strange Merchant Strange Merchant: Hello there, stranger. If I were you, I would not venture any further. Strange Merchant: These dunes hide terrible secrets! Terrible, I tell you! Have you seen it? In the sky? The radiant beast?! Strange Merchant: Legends say that it resides past the ruins of the golden people, in its lair made of glass and sand!! Strange Merchant: BEWARE! <Character>: Umm... Strange Merchant: ... Would you like to buy a scorpion? Golden Ruins If you approach the chest: Pick Lock - begins Lockpick minigame; see other information for solution. After completing the Lockpick minigame: Open Chest - opens Belt of Golden Sand (Shop). Cacti Farmers Friendly Farmer: Hello there, traveler! Wary Farmer: You best be clearin' on outta here soon as possible. Wary Farmer: The cacti are rearing up to be mighty rowdy, and we don't want you caught up in it. What are you doing here? Friendly Farmer: We're herding our flock of free-range spineless cacti, of course! Friendly Farmer: Poor things can't really take care of themselves, what with no spines. Wary Farmer: Yup. But they're just itchin' to migrate, any day now. Best you don't get run over by the stampede! Friendly Farmer: Don't you worry, we'll keep them off the roads and out of the dunes! Wary Farmer: You take care now! Goodbye, then. Arguing and Frustrated Moglins Arguing Moglin: You do it! Frustrated Moglin: No, you do it! Arguing Moglin: NO, YOU! Frustrated Moglin: YOU!! Arguing Moglin: Wait, an idea just approached! Arguing Moglin: Hey there, big fella. Say, are you a supporter of the arts? <Character>: Uhh... sure, I suppose! Arguing Moglin: Perfect, splendid, marvelous! Arguing Moglin: You see, we are the writers of the esteemed cooking book "Cooking Yaga"! Arguing Moglin: We travel around the Lore in search of witchy cuisine! Arguing Moglin: Say, would you like to be included in our newest chapter? <Character>: Um, why? Arguing Moglin: Awesome, that's just awesome! Arguing Moglin: We'd be eternally grateful if you could venture into the tomb that is behind me... Arguing Moglin: ... and acquire the perfect sandwich from one of the Sand Witches in the region! <Character>: ... <Character>: Sure, why not. Arguing Moglin: Exquisite! Off you go now! Quest! - begins The Sandwitch Shop quest. Rose Researcher Rose Researcher: Watch your step, wanderer. Rose Researcher: We're currently excavating some ruins from under the dunes. Rose Researcher: You would do well not to disturb the sands. What kind of ruins are these? Rose Researcher: We're not sure. The locals think they're from before even Sek-Duat. Rose Researcher: To them, it's just some rubble, but... Rose Researcher: We've been tasked with finding anything we can about the history of magic in Greenguard. Rose Researcher: These ruins may have once been an outpost of ancient mages. - Are the ruins dangerous?
Rose Researcher: Ha! If they were, it wouldn't just be us out here in the sand. Rose Researcher: Besides, if there was power here, Sek-Duat would have claimed it long ago. Rose Researcher: No, we're just looking for scraps of history. At least the architecture is nice! Good luck... Other information Combination for picking the chest: spoiler:
Nick, Jab, Nick, Tap, Wiggle, Tap
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 5/11/2024 19:05:36 >