RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (Full Version)

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Z -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 6:53:18)

Eternal!!! Oh my goodness, it's the Z! Nei ho ma?

I've met you a lot of times in 'Meet the Moderators' threads in diferent forums... I'm still allowed to meet you here, right? =D Hehe. No, you are strictly forbidden to enter any more "Meet the ArchKnights" Threads, because I said so. You should know better, Z. I'm highly disappointed. Grr.

Heh. Just kidding.

Remember what I said about your MtAK thread on IRC some time ago? >=) No; I only remember your scary dream. << >>

Question time...I'm not highly intelligent; you should know that!

Chinese: What is the four-letter word for the story of 'The Hare and the Tortoise'? Use pinyin. Dunno. Sorry (I told you, my Chinese isn't great :x).

English: Singular form of the word 'alumni'? Alumnus.

Maths: Write Euler's four-square identity. Hello?! I'm only 14. << >> I can't know that by now; at least not what I'm taught. 'Course, I could Google it, but that'd be cheating, right?

Physics: Write the three Newton's laws of motion. 1) The Law of Inertia - Basically every object tends to remain in a single state of uniform motion unless another force is applied to it.
2) Force = Acceleration * Mass. I owe my geometry teacher for that one.
3) For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Chemistry: What is Bose-Einstein condenstate? I've never taken chemistry before.

Biology: What do plant cells and animal cells have in common? They are the same; the only difference is that Plant Cells have a cell wall, have a different shape (more of a rectangle), and have Clorophyll. I think so, at least.

History: When was the United States Declaration of Independence written? July 4, 1776.

Geography: Name five branches of geography. *Dies*

Music: Name the four main types of musical instruments. String, Woodwind, Brass, and...Percussion.

Eternal: How much time do you use to moderate the forums in a week? I use about an hour daily. I don't work much on the weekends, though.

Thanks a lot for the signature! *Snuggles* When will you update your gallery again? Soon...very soon. I updated it just a couple of days ago! :D

How busy are you? You seem so busy...:
[18:22] * Eternal has joined #battleon
[18:31] * Eternal has quit IRC (Distracted:)

Heh. I was hopping on to tell SCAKK to lock something for me. ;)

I'll stop the questions now, or Reens will sue me for torturing an AK. *calls Reens*

[18:52] * Z sets mode: +Z-Snuggle Eternal

Hope to see you more often! =D

Edit: Forgot one thing!
[21:38] * Z sets mode: +<3 Eternal


Awwww, thanks man. =] *ChaoSnuggles*

crunchy chix -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 7:17:41)

Ok I say something tell me wat it means Oh no, not these! D:

OMG Orange Mango Greenery

kk Kindergarten Kids XD

idk I Don't Know -_-

idc I don't Care >>

***@$#%&*@#@#$ my Toe[:@] *No wait don't answer that[sm=icon_eek.gif]*


Bill Grogans Goat Whatever.

Xylophone You.

LOL Lawl

winged_slayer32 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 7:31:45)

hey.. *flies down.. only to crash and lie on the floor...* Oh noes!

Ok.. now shall we get on with the questions.. the first set shall intrude your privacy.. and to prevent fighting back.. you're tied to a chair. *snaps fingers and eternal chaos is tied up to a chair* *Escapes*

ok.. are you like maxwell, a male using female avvies last time...? What? No, I'm innocent!

Ok.. that's the end. T_T

Now.. the real questions. >_>;

the youngest AK ever... know any AKs from foreign lands like somewhere in france or asia...? Um, yeah! Wallo from England. :O

it must be tough being the youngest... good luck. Yep. <<

so rice or steak? Both. Depends on what mood I'm in.

now... if you had a chance of being artix.. what would you do? I would do what Artix does...drink coffee, stare at vultures...all the good stuff...Heh.

Manga to anime? Anime > Manga

Favourite anime...? (To tell you, mine;s related to either fantasy or robots......) Don't really have one.

That's it.. this is WS, winged slayer.. flying off! *gets zapped by lightning...* opf.. D: Bye!

aNyThInG -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 7:32:45)

Hello there! *snuggle eternal* It's Anything!

- So, re you the clone of Eternal? Yeah, how'd you know?

- Why Eternal Chaos? Because. Yeah.

- What console do you have? GC. I should have gotten a PS2, though.

- So how do you feel like being an AK? It's pretty nice being an AK, though it gives me obligations. :)

- Is it tough to mod this board? Nah. Suik does all the work. >:P

- DVo you have favourite novel? Eragon. Haven't read any of Dan Brown's books yet, though.

- What program do you use to make graphic art? Photshop CS2? Yep.

- What is the best art work you ever made using a graphic program? All on my dA! ;)

- Favourite acter and actress? Orlando Bloom. As for actress, I can't really say. :O Never really had one.

- Do you think Blizzard is responsible for kids that died because of playing their game non stop, die of hunger etc? Blizzard? Not familiar. D:

- Are you a geek or a nerd? Geek. Not a nerd, a geek.

- Are you a gothic or emo? I've been called emo just for the heck of it, but nah - I'm FAR from either of those.

- What type of clothings do you like to wear? Shorts, Flip Flops, Skateboard Shoes, T-Shirts, Hooded get the drill.

- Hey, can I use your avatar as my display picture in my msn? No! Evilz! Well yah, I guess, since it's not my artwork. If it's my artwork though, then noes! You shall nots!

- Also, do you have msn so that I could as you? Please? I don't have MSN. Sorry.

That's all for now. I can't think of any other question. This is just basically random quetion ;p Hehehehe. <3

Bye! *snuggle*

Frozen Fire -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 8:37:38)

Grah!! Chaos will come!!! (just kidding) Oh noes!

So just answer me next to the Q/s. Ex: Are you weird?--- No. Im not weird

Just like that.

You sure you're the youngest archy? Cuz' I heard Waker that he's younger than you. I'm not sure. Waker's 15.

Am I kind? (Here goes my silly questions) Sure. ;P

What grade (or year) are you in? Well, guess.

Do I have a nice name? (He we go again...) I <3 it. :P

Why is 'Eternal Chaos' your name? Read the previous answers. Came off the top of my head.

Who's that girl in your avvy? Tifa Lockheart from FFVII Advent Children.

Where do you live? (If in U.S.A, pls. metion the state) California.

What's better: Cookie or Pie? Cookie. Pie is good too, but cookie is good for a normal snack. Unwholesome, but...yummy?

Can we chat at yahoo messenger? (If you have..) Don't have YIM.

Do you have a boy friend? ...Isn't 14 a little young for that?

Okay, I'm done. I'll come back next week!!! Next week, this won't be here! You better come back before Sunday! :D


AQ or DF? DF. :) See you around!

Mystical Z -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 19:03:28)

Hello, Eternal Chaos-sama. :O It is teh Mystical-kun!

How is it like being the youngest AK? Feel any pressure that is probably self-imposed? Nah. I mess around a lot. :P

When were you born, forums-wise? I was born in Strategy. :)

Did you get any shiny titles before you became AK? Yeah; you haven't seen? "Heart of an Angel" was the old title.

I noticed you're using a Tifa Lockheart Avvy. Hehe.

Which is your favorite TV show eva? Don't watch much TV.

Do you still watch cartoons? Yeah, but not often. I still like them, though.

If you have to describe yourself, what would it be? Lazy.

How do you do in school? Straight As, mostly A+. ;)

Do you have many forums friends? 'Course I do. Otherwise, I would have left this place ages ago.

When were you 'Knighted'? About two months ago?

In a scale of 1 to 100, how much do you like AQ? DF? Please, be honesto. Both about 75-ish. That's good for my standards. ;)

Who's your best friend in the forums? People would be jealous if I said his/her name. ;)

Who's your favorite administrator? Pae. You poke, she eats. Heheheheheh.

Do you feel crazy sometimes when you have to do ArchKnight duty? YES D:

Hehehe. Not really. I try to stay calm though, and not get anyone mad at me. X_X Bye Mystical!

MajorSamus -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 19:09:29)

Like OMG! Eternal. Like OMG! MajorSamus!

I'll keep this post relitivly short. I'll give the shot at the whole waka doodle Ask all the AKs posts later. Short is good. XD

Note: i like to talk with a british accient when I do so; just a heads up. Oh noes!

So.. See your pretty good a Gimp or whatever program you use... ;) I have both GIMP and CS2. Thanks!

Yhes. I'll stick with my oringal questions.. Later.. XD

Ever see RvB? Nope.

If so, favourtie season?

See you around.

Rimblade -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 19:28:08)

Like, ZOMG! I think I see Eternal Chaos!!!!!111!!! Like, ZOMG! I think I see Mr. Flibbles!!!!!!111!!!

Nobody has EVER started a MtM post like that, right? Probably. I like Shiny little banners.

What is my name? Mr. Flibbles.

What is my quest? The Mr. Flibbles Quest.

What is the square root of that thing over there? 2.5165848987832459815

Have you met Mr. Flibble? Aren't you Mr. Flibble?

Isn't he cute? Uh-huh! *hug*

EGADS! You take that back at once! T_T

Sooo.... this is the Info Submission board, riiiiiight?'s the tell the Pedia AKs to hurry up with their updates board. << >> Hence my laziness.

What do you do here? Nothing. D:

Are you a secretary? Maybe. ;)

How are the wages? Wages? What wages?

Are you lieing to me?! ...Huh?

But.... but.... I thought I knew you! ;_; OMG! YOU MAKES ME CRYZ!

Would you mind playing some melodramatic music? *plays melodramatic musica*

Fine- I'm leaving! NOOOOOOOOESS! Come backs...


You bum. ~Eternal

I want Rimblade back. T_T

Mystical Z -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 20:17:49)

More questions. ^_^ Okay. :)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? It's physically capable, but not intelligent enough to chuck wood. Not this one, anyways.

I am thinking. What is it?

Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ice cream? Strawberry!

Are you happy, angry, laid-back, or just don't care? Laid-back.

What's your life ambition? Ooh, good question! Hehehe, you may find out someday...

Which Final Fantasy? VII and X

If you're an A student, what is your hardest class? Science. Probably because it's harder for me to understand.

Do you play an instrument? Piano. Want to be able to play Guitar. ;)

Yellow. What just came to your mind? Duck.

Purple. What just came to your mind? Reens.

Z. What just came to your mind? Z.324. Well, you come more in the "Mystical" section. ;)

Anger. What just came to your mind? History.

Friendly. What just came to your mind? j00.

Naive. What just came to your mind? Me.

Importance. What just came to your mind? Obligations. Homework.

Wisdom. What just came to your mind? Hehehe, you know. ;)

Locked. What just came to your mind? ICED

What do you think of my psychology test? D: Decent.

What do you think of my lapses as a Japanese? You're Japanese? Really? :O NO!

Where you born here, or moved here? Moved here

What's your least favorite game? Pickle-ball...hate it. T_T

Shadow188 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 20:21:59)

Hi, I'm back with some more questions WB!

Who's your favorite Ak/Mod here besides yourself? Ice

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for? Extremely Good Health...yes, a realistic wish

Would you rather be fashionably early, or fashionably late? Early :O

What's your favorite holiday in real life? Dia de los muertos and Christmas

Who's the girl in your avatar? Tifa Lockheart from FFVII

Heres a comment for your edit in my last post, I felt sad too when Axel died, he was so cool ;_;

So have you seen an episode of Bleach yet? Or are you taking your time lol Nah, too busy

What's your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings III

What's your favorite show? N/A

How does it feel to be the youngest AK? Scary :|

Well that's all, I won't bother you with anymore questions

K. See ya.

Manofthetrees -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 20:45:26)

its me again[sm=Artix.jpg] (no im not artix) =/

more stalker-like questions:

are you in 8th grade or are you a freshman? *Shh*

what race are you? *Shh*

what race do you want to be? I'm fine the way I am. I honestly don't care.

How do you like:

debating? So-so

anime?[:'(] So-so, not that obsessed w/ it ;P

Japan? [:'(] Japan's a nice place. Crowded, though.

me? (im 14, 9th grade) Amusing.

my suggestions? (see sig) I thought Advertisement was a no-no?

my sig? ...

my stalker-like vibe? Bad.

other questions:

Any tips on becoming an AK? Not really. >>

Would you recomend me for AKer-ship? (even after all this stalker-like spam?) Your asking really makes it a no...

Why were you chosen to be an AK? I have no idea.

Hair color? Why?

eye color? Brown

other stuff? Tall :O

bye for now, see you when you least expect it. Hehe. Bye!

MajorSamus -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 20:51:53)

Wow. Your like the most active AK person editor. I shall thus give you:


I'll make that in Gimp.. Tomomrrow.[:)]


Nixtrix -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 21:20:42)

ohhh another MtAK thread!

Your lucky i'm low on questions right now or your wrist would begin to hurt Oh dear.

If you ruled the world what would you do with it? Rule the world with logic, ban all pollution somehow, and prevent whatever bad that I could.

Favorite type of firework? The shiny big ones. :D

Favorite AQ rare you currently have? Oldest one you have? One that you want to get? Fav: Crescent Blade ~ Oldest: Vampire Form ~Wishlist: Dragonhand

Favorie Mod? AK? Forumite? Fav Mod: Ice :O

On a scale of 1-10 how surprised were you when you were asked to become an AK? 10 X_X

What is your dream job? Don't know yet.

If you could meet anyone in the world who would you want to meet? Oprah

Ask me a question and i'll answer it! Nah. My wrist hurts.

Alright i'm out of questions, for now.... *Whew* XD

Just wait i'll come back with more. ...Is that a threat? :P

Bye! Cya!

Ninja Paladin -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 21:27:00)

=D EC! *snuggles*

1. What's your fastest time on a mile? 6:35 from last year.

2. What's the farthest distance you can run before you get too tired? Around 6 miles.

3. Can you speak any languages besides english? Spanish and Chinese

4. What's your favorite drink? Pearl Milk Tea

5. Do you like other sports besides cross country? Track and Field

6. Are you male or female? I can never tell with you AKs >.> Hush.

7. Who's your favorite AK/mod/KoO (besides yourself :P)? Rim. I need entertainment now and then.

8. What do you plan on majoring in college? Not sure yet.

9. How did you become an AK? I was asked. :P

10. What did you do when you found out you were an AK? I gasped. << >>

Well, that's all for now. I'll be back! =D Okay! See ya! <3

Lord Ouranos -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 21:31:54)

Muhahaha, it is me, the ebil Lord O! AHHHH IT'S LORD O, THE GUY WHO KEPT ME UP TILL 12AM!

How long have you been on the forums? Almost 2 years.

What is your favourite colour? Ultramarine

Which Paxia clan do you plan on joining? Not sure. So many choices!

Who made you an AK? Ice

Do you have any advice on how to become an AK? Be yourself. ;)

What is your favourite forum? Equipment Comparison

Who is your favourite forumite? Favoritism now? Wouldn't people get jealous?

What do you wish would be added to the game? New variety of quests.

Well, that is about it. I think you will do a great job here in the encyclopedia, just dont forget about the Paxia forums (there are barely any mods there as it is). Heh. I won't forget. :P

So keep up the good work. Thanks Lord O! <3

Kane1073 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/17/2006 21:43:47)

hmm.. weird threads these

If you could live anywhere on (in, around, over, etc.) the earth, where would it be? Right where I am now.

What year would it be? Now. Tech is perfect, Earth hasn't been totally fried up yet.

Penguins? <3

pi, pie, or pye? Pae.

di, die, or dye? Die.

If person A has a weapon that does 7-27 damage with 4% bth and no special, and person B has a a weapon that does 8-26 damage with a 1% 100/100/400 special, how long will it take them to get to saint louis? Approximately 8748951532 nanoseconds.

if you could be any AQ monster, what would you be and why? I don't want to be any of them. X_X

if you could change one thing in the world, what it be (and why)? It would be that people would have equal rights in other countries.

If it turned out that there was no god after all, would you care? Yes I would.

if I stopped asking questions, would be happier? Go on.

does happiness really matter? YEAH!

what's the most important thing you've ever done (said/felt/been to)? Helping w/ organizations...I felt like I had a purpose.

do you have a role model? My friends.

do you listen to music when you work? I try not to.

do you work? Homework?

[random question]? Maybe.

How many fingers am I holding up? 90.

hmm.. I guess that's everything =]
Have fun [;)] You too!

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/18/2006 10:35:33)

/me yetisnuggles EC [:D] Whoa! It's the Iceman! *snuggles*

bahaha .. I use my evil Mod powers to post in your topic *snicker* Noes! I locked it! You shalt not post in my thread!

So, you seem to be enjoying your AK-ness then? Hehe, yeah. :P

Wow, 14 .. I remember being 14 ... I think [;)] .. what's the thing you're looking forward to the most in the next 5 years or so? ...Making Varsity, although I'm not sure if I can or not. Getting into Varsity teams is really tough. I'm going to try to keep up my straight As in high school too, so hopefully that can be achieved. I haven't planned anything to do in the future yet, though. ;)

You're doing a great job as an AK ... I'm proud of you [:)] Awwwww thanks!

Well, that's my 3 smilies done ... So I'm just about done. One last question then - if you had the chance, would you want to swim with dolphins? Dolphins are fun, but I would rather swim with yetis. XD

Cheers! Cheers, Ice. ;)


Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 20:37:34)

HI Hey there!

How do you keep up with school and AKing and straight A's AND sports? Who ever said I was human?

Do you like seafood? Of course! I love seafood. Japanese Food is great (so is Italian)!

What is your favorite type of food (no junk food + ice cream ex. Pasta is a must.

Do you follow baseball? Not really. << >>

Who do you think will win the world series? Unpredictable, it is. :D

Now for REAL questions

Who built the hun empire and was it bigger than the mongol empire? /me does not know

What are you thinking to major in? Science, possibly. Not sure yet.

Are your teachers good? Some are, some are terrible.

Who built the tajma hall (wrong spelling I know) and why? It's Taj Mahal. Are you going to make me Google these? <<

Now for more silly questions

Have you seen me on the forums? Yah!

Do you belong to any clubs/clans? Not currently.

I think thats all Alrighty, then. ;)

BYE Byebye!

ninjamaster27 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 20:44:24)


what do you do if you just got tricked outside kalanyr's outhouse[>:][:@]

Go scream at Kalanyr for tricking you, and send my minions after him. Grr.

(You know I was kidding, right?)

awwwwwwwww you were kidding?[:(][:D]

lord_asparagus -> RE: Meet the AKs ~ Eternal Chaos! (And...we're back!) (10/19/2006 20:55:13)

Do you know who I am? Yeah! You're that DF guy! I remember your name from working on my old guide.

If not, shame be unto you. Well, no shame! :D

Now for the questions...

Have you ever challenged Mr. Flibble to mortal combat? Mr. Flibbles cannot beat the likes of me. I am superior.

Do you like asparagus? To be honest, I like all vegetables, but I refuse to eat asparagus without some kind of flavoring.

Do you like chicken? Yes.

Have you ever eaten a piano? YUMMY!

Whole? Unfortunately, no.

Do you like gum? I don't like gum. It makes me nauseaus (don't know why).

Do you like the kind of gum made with gum base and blasting powder? :O

Does 1+1=Llama? Yeah!

Does 2+2=Fish? No, 2+2 = Pie

If both of the above are true, what does 1+2 equal? Llama-Pie

-Lord Q. Byebye!

twilight_dweller -> RE: Meet the AKs ~ Eternal Chaos! (And...we're back!) (10/19/2006 21:01:16)

Do you know who I am? Maybe. ;)

Are you a fan of Monty Python in general? To be honest, not really - I've never seen much.

Do you hate it when people talk in chatspeak? Oh. My. Goodness. Totally.

'Cuz I do.

How'd you become an AK? (How many times have I been asked that? Lol.) I was asked. :P

How do you disable stickykeys? I hate stickykeys. I will never touch the Shift Key more than twice in succession. I don't know how. << >> And I don't want to try it out.

What is your favorite video game? Kingdom Hearts II, never played it though. I just love the emotional stuffs in it. =]

That's it for now! Okay then!

Bye! Bye! <3

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Meet the AKs ~ Eternal Chaos! (And...we're back!) (10/19/2006 21:30:39)

OK Im back and since you passed the last quesionair here is another *thinks of hard questions*[;)] Oh noes!

No I just wanted to know if you were as bad as you said at history so no do not google it

What is your favorite part of

Eragon (i'm a big fan) My favorite part is when Eragon first meets Saphira.

Eldest(this too) Never got through it yet.

Pasta Complex Carbohydrates? :P Just kidding. It is easy to make and tastes great, too. ;)

Ceral Yumminess and whole-grain.

animals Diversity of earthen creatures. :)


Do you hate

Stuck up people Completely.

geeks No. I'm a geek. :D

nerds That's an insult.

jocks Depends on one's definition of it.

club freaks(signs up for everyone Nah

Procrastanaters I myself am a procristinator.

Oh part 2 of 3 Yay! Yet another trilogy! :D

PieLlama Pwner -> RE: Meet the AKs ~ Eternal Chaos! (And...we're back!) (10/19/2006 21:34:30)

Hello I am the master of pie! Haku of the Wind? I thought it was Haku of the Mist. << >> Interesting.


Do you like

pie Yes, I do!

llamas Not in particular...

cheese It depends, doesn't it?

The secret city of pie land Pie Land! It rains Pie there! Of course I like it!

Are you...

Honors? Better than that. ;)

master of cheese? Never.

Nice Depends on what you think, now doesn't it? ;)

Yoda? Yoda, I am.

Can you..

Get me one of those things under you name{like member is 1} ...Huh?

Do you know the muffin man[:D] No, but I know the Miffinman.

Do you..

ever play room scape*shiver* Never.

like mets or yankees? Yankees are pretty good. I've never really seen the Mets play, because I'm not really a baseball fan anyhow.

Watch non anime Yep.

'Okay, see ya!

Aerodumaster23 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 21:36:15)


Favorite Armor in AQ? Nightmare.

AQ or DF? DF

Opinion on Moglooween? It's pretty fun; although we should have a new trick-or-treat process. Perhaps a quest to save the houses from candy raiders.

Wii, PS3, or XBOX 360? PS3. SO expensive though.

Favorite Game Series? Final Fantasy

Swiss or Cheddar? Cheddar

Favorite Sport? Running + Soccer

See ya! Byebye! <3

(P.S. sorry if these questions have already been asked)

ZeroHex82 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 21:55:03)

Name every single Dr. Pepper flavor! (Including combos, diet and cherry etc.) I couldn't ever do that even if my life depended on it. Lol.


What is the answer to question #23? 42.

What are the heebiejeebies? 42

What's up with Strong Bad? He's a red dude. That dragon thing of his was weird.

He's always like "Holy crap"! D:

Do you like waffles? WAFFLES! <3

Do you like THE WAFFLE?! ...Maybe?

If C>D, and D>C, what is the absolute value of (moo)^x? 42.

How many tangets can 2 coencentric circles have? 42. XD

What are the 4th and 5th dimensions? Time and something.

Describe he net of a hypercube. I'm not that smart. << >>

What is a coronal mass ejection? T_T

How many electrons can the 7G sublevel hold? You're making fun of me. I HAYTZ J00!

What is the "Accepted" name for element 204? Pythagorea.

How do you find the volume of a terrasect? Using the number 42.



If E=MC2, what is pix^E=MC2? 42.

How many atoms are in a mole? 42.

What is the answer to question 3.45468? 42.

What is the square root of (abs)2^3? 42.

What is cow+cat/4.52223? 42.

What does "¬" mean? ¬¬

What is another name for element 119? 42

What is the hypercubic root of Schrodinger's equation / milkshake(uranium-99999)^7? 42

Jason+Freddy/Michael=Chucky? True or false? Talse

What is (Marilyn Manson)^(Michael Jackson)? Something

What is Lol/ZomgxFtwxpi/899.666546666? 42.

What is another name for "ennoctpentium?" 42.

What is Wikipedia * Uncyclopedia Our Encyclopedia puts Wikipedia to shame.

How many cells are in a pentaract? 42.

I have 3 apples, You steal 2, Reens gives me three, LegionOfNoodles is a cow, and likes fat monkeys. How many armpits do I have? 42 armpits.

A plane crashes on the border of Canada and USA, where do you bury the monkey's nuclei? Under a dandelion.

What many brain cells have I? 42.

What dos THIS do? Ooh, I wonder...

Why? D:

What is the cube root of the speed of light^7? 42.

If Matrix A is an M*N matrix, and Matrix B is an N*P Matrix, how many cow pies am I hiding in my 4th can of dr. pepper that was recently emptied? 42.

Have a bad day. I'm having I am. T_T

--Your mom !!! D: *Run awaiz!&

P.S. Credits:
LegionOfNoodles Byebyes!

Don't come back.


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