RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (Full Version)

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Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 22:07:34)

[:D]Wow ^-^ ^^^ Harsh [8D]
Hi! Heya!

Ok Why have you not finished Eldest Too busy.

^^^ is he mean

What parts of the forum to you "patrol" Strategy & Encyclopedia (also Paxia)

Have you played Age of Empires No

If so do you like it?


How far do you know square roots Basics. I can simplify sq. roots, estimate sq roots etc.

What do you think of and why

AQ AQ is a great game because the staff continute to keep it updated.

DF The same. Variety is good. ;)

AK Not much. << >>

RS Never played it. Can't say.

WOW Never played.

MS *shrug*

^^^ all online games >.>

Facts (what do you think)

I got 8 sec off my best mile Nice job! I got one minute off! :D
^^^ To day
I don't like HW Nor I, but it is vital.

I Don't like Stuck up people Yup

The Trilogy is over
Thus starts the series of 3000
Maby i will post more- you never know

Istaril -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 22:09:28)

okie time 4 me again =) =]

if you could live anywhere where would it be .. *looks down ..* D'oh .. =P Probably where I am now. I never want to move out of this spot.

would you like to live under the sea like the crabs in the song "under the seeeeaaa, under the seeeeaaaa" =P The seaweed is always greener under someone else's lake...

who would you rather meet? "George Bush", "Michael Jackson", "Jimmy Hendrix", or the secret box? 0_0 Secret Box! >:D

ever been outside your country on holiday? Yup.

what country do you live in? USA

ever smashed a guitar against a wall? Nope

Black or white? White

Red or blue? Blue

pink or yellow? Pink

beard or mustache? Beard

AQ or DF? DF

glass half full or half empty? 1/2 Full

[random question] (whose answer can not be in any way related to pie or world domination .. =P)?

its everything for today, if you liked this one wait for the next issue .. bye =)Bye! <3

Vortal -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/19/2006 22:11:43)

Hello, Eternal Chaos.

First of all, Happy Halloween! And Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight! Thanks! =]

With that out of the you like the Horror movie genre? (Just to go along with the upcoming holiday). If so, what is your favorite movie? If not, then what is your favorite movie anyway?

I see your avatar is that of a Final Fantasy character. Do you like the series? The movie that the image on your avatar is from? I like the series. I still want to see FFVII:AC. ;)

What is your favorite genre of literature? Fantasy.

Do you like art? If so, what kinds of art? (Music, painting, etc.) Music and Painting

That is all for now. Alright! See you soon! Happy Halloween!

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/19/2006 23:18:32)

Hi I'm back
quick this time
have you started Eldest?
if so what is your favorite part so far
Why do you like DF better than AQ (please answer in a farily long ansers[:-][:o][sm=minitwilly.jpg]

I've only gotten through when Arya, Eragon, Saphira, and that dwarf set out for the elven village. It's been a long time since I picked up that book. I can't really say what my favorite part is quite yet. It was stupid of Eragon to swear fealty, though. Sheesh. Anyways, DF is just somehow more interesting. I've played AQ for a long time now, so when something new in DF happens, there's always more to explore. ;)

Dudalicous -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/19/2006 23:57:58)

hey again

wats ur fav drink? ~Pearl Milk Tea

du u watch powerpuff girls? ~WTH

zorbaks kidnappin mi so cya , zorbak say "happi mogloween" with *ebil laff* ~ :O

aNyThInG -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 2:30:10)

Hello there! Hey!

More question are on the way!

- Did you get my PM? When will my sig be done? Personal stuff? In a place like this?

- What will you do if Darth Vader said to you that he is your father? Throw a lock at his face.

- Have any favourite Sci-Fi show? Not in particular.

- I've seen your Deviant Art, and some of them look awesome. Gracias ;)

- What would you do if you feel so stress? Sleep

- Are you asian? cause on one of the post on last few pages, I saw you saying a chiniese phrase (Nei ho ma) No soy Chino ;)

- Which country are you from? Soy de los Estados Unidos (Er, United States)

- Do you have real life friend in this forum? Nope. Not one.

- What would your first reaction be if your country's president would like to have a war with another country? I'd call him stupid.

That's all for now. Bye! Byebye!

Tola -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 3:21:57)

Good morning(At least, it's morning HERE...8:20) You're online that early?!


14 years old and you're staff here. I'm not staff.

How do you cope? I don't.

How did you become an Archknight? (This has been asked at least 20 times by now.)

Does your job here end up eating up a lot of time? 1 hour is a lot, I must say...

Do you enjoy the games of Artix Entertainment? Somewhat.

What build, if any, do you favor? Mage-Hybrid

Any events or equipment that you like? I'm not into Equipment; only spells. ;) I prefer events. Hehehe. None in particular, though.

Legasee -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 6:51:06)

Ahoy there! .... no wait, that's Pirate Day talk. I'm not very good at this.. ^^; *Shiver me timbers!*

Boooooo! *Eeek!*

Now THAT'S scary. >>

Happy Mogloween indeed! Speaking of which; I just watched the film Candyman yesterday... you know when the only way you can find out the reason why you just haven't watched a film is by actually watching it anyway? I guess you could say that's what my experience was like =D XD

Yeah, I just couldn't embrace the flavour of Candyman [8D] Hehe

Has AKing multiple parts of the board becoming stressful? Basically, is it literally eternal chaos? xD Er, yeah T_T

Any fav. comedians? I'm not the comedy type :D

What's the funniest film you've ever seen? Big Fat Liar/Meet the Parents. They were really weird, though.

Geez, you've come a long way! Belated congratz on being promoted to AKship (I don't think I managed to say it before : /). To state the obvious, you're doing an marvellous job! ;) Thanks Legasee! <3

Lader, EC [;)] Latah! *snuggle*

kurremurre -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 9:10:14)

Heyzors and happy Mogloween! Hey there! Happy Mogloween!
I would like to know...

What do you think of Booger? Boog is weird. So is his tavern. << I'd rather be at Gibet's Pub.

Me thinks he's scary :( Me too. D:

What's your favourite alphabetical letter? K

Do you like Animaniacs? I do :D Not in particular. ;)

Who's your favourite Moglin? Twig.

Can you write a whole sentence where every word begins with the next letter in the alphabet (First word starts with A, the next with B, next C etc.) ? Yeah, we did that in drama. Do you want me to do it for real? Then post again and ask me (I will skip it and do it last, though).

Would you believe me if I said that I WANT YOUR BRAIN!!! ? No, because zombies do not have opposable thumbs, thus not being able to type..

If not ... would you mind turning around and let me stand behind you with a butcher's knife? :D I won't do anything to you! Promise! I can't be beat.

That's all for now!

Bye-bicycle! :D

jamboza -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 9:12:47)

*Nanchaku snap SFX* :O Nanchaku!


So... You are a Graphix art designer eh?. Indeed!

Nice nice...

What is your faviroute Song?. Basic soundtrack music. My favorite, though, is "Winding Road" by Ayumi Hamasaki.

Do you like Song Combo's. like Metal/Ballad. Pop/rap. Techno/Punk. etc/etc. Nope.

Have you ever wished to grow your hair long?. Yeah; I'm doing that right now. ;)

Have you ever held a MTG Card?. (magic the gathering). Nope

Who would you vote for out of Metal, Graph, Or reverendwyrm. You spelled Grafh wrong. >.> I'm telling on you! And I can't vote, because you didn't say what to vote for. =]

Would you laugh if bruce lee was demonstrating a crescent kick. And his leg flew off and hit al gore in the face. I would be rolling on the floor laughing.

Yeah maybe they would use that in a zidane headbutt remix...

What is the most saddest thing you have seen?. Sad as in Degrading. Degrading? People without manners. I mean, there's a fine line between no matters and being weird, but... ;)

Ciao for now. Adios! ;)

Z -> RE: Meet the ArchKnightss ~ Eternal Chaos (Happy Mogloween)! (10/20/2006 9:24:17)


ORIGINAL: Mystical Z

Z. What just came to your mind? Z.324. Well, you come more in the "Mystical" section. ;)

Yay, Eternal remembered me! ^_^ Well, duh! :D

More questions! Not last time's type, though. *Sighs in relief*

Tifa's surname: Lockheart or Lockhart? Which do you prefer? LockHeart. </3 <-- Locked!

What is Final Fantasy (the story) about?

What do you think of Chemistry? It's really fun. I'm supposed to take it next year.

I want to know your real name! If you hadn't edited LiuXuande's post in time... (I know you won't be answering this.) You knew I wouldn't be answering this. *glare* >:|

I really like the gallery updates! Eternal FTW. Thank you!

Do you know... How old I am? Nope.

Still remember how to spell my old forum name? Yeah, but you don't want me to spell it out, do you? It'll give away your privacy. ;)

Enough questions, I think. *Gives Eternal a quick snuggle* =D *SnuggleofQuickness* :O

X~Zaros~X -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 9:36:05)

do you like me? No.

i dont like you That's why I said no.

yes i dont care You know I was joking, right?

i know its suckerz Rant on like that and I really won't like you. ;)

ever seen american pie No; and I don't plan on it.

o rly? YEA RLY

fasinating Spelled "fascinating," darling.

whats your moms middle name? Zaros

whats your best yo mama joke? Better than yours.

heehheehe mine better Keep dreaming.

nanananana LIES

my best one is yo mama is a light switch....... T_T

you will get it if your old enough ^^ Seriously, I hate "your momma" jokes. They're not even funny.

ill be back by the way wana see your mogloween house i found it K ;)

well thats to bad im not giveing the screen shot unless you hack into my computers harddrive *shifty eyes* Psh.

Prankman Hifly -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 11:44:44)

Hello & nice to talk to you It's the Prankman!

What is it like to be an archknight? I feel really responsible and obligated to do my job...I can't just slack on these forums anymore. ;)

What is your favourite element in AQ? Ice

What is your star sign? Sagitarrius

What do you like & dislike on the forums? I like people who can spell normally or be polite. I hate people who spam and flame when I've told them not to. First-timers are always forgiven, though. ;)

Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums? Nope. I only listen to music when running.

If do, what do you listen to? Soundtrack Musics.

What do you like doing when you're offline? Run :)

OK! That's me done! Au Revior, Arrivederci, A hui hou, See you, Bye! (Goodbye in french, italian, hawaiien and english) Arrivederci!

Aquadorian -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 13:21:54)

Hi Eternal! /me huggles snuggles my favourite AK Hey there Aqua! Glad you found me out!

People might think that the oldest and the youngest AKs can't have much in common, but they (and we) may be surprised - one thing we both do for example is play the piano. If you're in a particular mood, is there particular music you play? Like "I'm tired - I play x - it invigorates me" or "I'm angry - I play y - it calms me down"; "I'm sad - I play z - it makes me happy"? Well, I guess we do have a lot in common. But maybe I'm just unusual, so I"m really old. =P I play the piano only when I have the inspiration to do it. I play sad music when I need to think about something that happened (be it a good or bad thing), and when I need to calm down it's a good place to go, too. I don't like playing angry/grave music, though.

At my school - an eternity ago - there used to be a guy who won all the cross-country races. His secret - he said - was that when the going got painful he was able to ignore it and go through the barrier - coming out "the other side" as if he was starting the race with fresh energy. Whether that was true or not I don't know, but do you ever get to that pain barrier and if so, how do you get through it? Any tricks to fool the mind? Wow, he's exactly right! I have trouble myself breaking through that barrier. It's really hard to run for me because my legs aren't as long as most of the other people on the team. Maybe I should play basketball. Anyways, that's the only way that you can usually win a race. Unless you're naturally born with great physical ability, of course. You have to ignore the pain in your legs, which is hard to do unless your mind is clear on your goal. Only then can you win. I think it's usually a competition against yourself, though, and not others. I can't compete on flat grounds - I'm only good at racing on hills! Frankly, I'm scared to run down one. << >> Yes, it's a sport that takes total inspiration and confidence.

OK so there's a big race. You really want to win it - it's the main competition of the season and all that training will seem like it's been wasted if you don't at least come in the top three. You come 13th. What do you do? (a) Take it out on the forumites when you get home; (b) kick the cat; (c) play the piano very loudly; (d) tear up the phone directory; (e) eat all the chocolate in the house; (f) spend all your money in one hit; (g) all of the above; (h) other? You're not allowed to answer (g) - too predictable =_= I take it out on the forumites when I get home. That's why you've seen my locking rampages! Haha, just kidding. But I get really upset when I don't do well in a race. I came in 60rd out of 100 at the county race, and I was really disappointed. I felt good just making it to the county race, though. That was difficult. Well, the only reason others got ahead was because they're all bigger than me! I couldn't help that! >>

Is there something in Art that forms part of you? Or something in you that forms part of your Art? Something in me that forms my artwork. ;)

I gather you like the Lord of the Rings - me too! Do you prefer the book or the film? Or maybe there are better / worse bits in both, in which case would you like to elaborate? I like the book since it is more interesting, but the film is more exciting overall.

Which is your favourite season of the year, and why? Fall is my favorite season, because that's when Cross Country is! :D Plus, I don't get allergies in the fall. Mmm, I like spring, but since I get allergies then, that's a no-no...

You can get your own back on me next week when I do my MtM stint! Hope my questions weren't too hard so you'll be gentle with me ;) Hard? You should have seen a couple posts above you. I nearly fainted answering those. But since 42 contains all the answers to the universe, isn't it so much easier to just say "42?" Hehe, bye Aqua. *snuggles* See you next week!

/me raises a glass to my fellow conspirator
/quit *puff of smoke* *so that's where my magic dust got to . . .* :D

KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 13:37:16)

*appears in a puff of marshmallows*
Hi Mrs Chaos!! Helloes!
What can I call you besides 'Eternal Chaos', or 'Everlasting Chaos', or 'Lady Chaos', or 'Chaos Everlasting'?" You can just call me Eternal. ;)
Do you like:
Harry Potter(the books not the movies) I like the books (somewhat); dislike the movies.
The Inheritance Trilogy(by Christopher Paolini) <3ness
The Darren Shan books(by Darren Shan) Never read them.
The Lord of the Rings(the books), The Silmarillion and The Hobbit? I do like those.
Blueberry coffee? ?
Meepits? O_o
These questions?
Mountains? Yes! Great air!
Fresh air? Indeed.
The color black? Yup
Werewolves.. and other creatures of the night? Vampires :)
What's your favorite kind of coffee or tea? PEARL MILK TEA!!!
Do you play Neopets? Nope
Which is better:
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Snow or Ice? Snow
Who do you like better; Icemaster Yeti or Falerin(the Loremaster)? ICE
And... last but not least: What do you think about the fact that any Adventurer with a Fire/Dark Blade of AWE can now summon the Guardian Dragon? It's great for them; they get more chances of having fun. ;)
Byeee! *transforms into a blue dragon thing and flies off* Byebye!

crunchy chix -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 18:08:53)


How did you do in The Reigionals Not so good. T_T

I Placed With 9th out of 50 Kids Wow! Great job! I got in the top 60% only. It was tough. I was like the smallest person there. And it was dusty. X_X

Happy Mogloween Thanks :)

And a Crappy New Year Yah!

Wats your New Years Resolution To do better in Cross Country next year, and make it to Varsity. T_T

Xarymandias -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 18:36:28)

ZOMG. A penny! /grabs penny

Oh hi Eternal, didn't see you there. :D

Wow, AK huh- enjoying it? No! Reens is an evil boss!

That's nice. (I can say that because I know that yes will be the answer for ^ Muahah!) LIES

Happy Mogloween! Cheers Cheers. ;) Arrivederci!

ZeroHex82 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 18:47:11)

Please, when you start editing this, put something like "Started" or something at the top of my post, so that I know that it's in progress ;D /Thanks EC

/me dies

Why did WestWind cross the road? (Joke by Zabuza Gaz Nail, he said he demands credit >.<) Because he felt like it. WRONG! To lock the thread on the other side! XDD

W00T 69th REPLY!1!!1!!!!]]\]]\\ I pwn! No waiz!


Let's see.

Put these in order, the ones you like to the ones you don't like.


:O > :'( > :@

...Uhh... That above question had like, no meaning at all.

The following questions are most definitely NOT my math homework.




42 to all.

Thanks for doing my math homework answering my questions.

Whenever I read Lord_Asparagus' question saying "Have you ever challenged Mr. Flibble to Mortal Kombat?",

Y'know what I thought?

I bet you don't...

That's why you're gonna beg me for the answer, eh?




I bet you are.

*Eternal CHaos's voice* Oh yes, plz gimmeh teh answer!11!!1111

*Back to my voice* Sure!


*Hours later*

Oh, yeah... The question.

I thought about you running up to Mr. Flibbles and ripping out his spine XDD


No comment...

True or false section!11!!

XBox<PS2 True

Nintendo 64>XBox<Gamecube>PS2<Pie False

3=|\/|(2 False

Yo mama is fat False

Yoda<Darth Vader<Darth Maul>Mace Windu False

Luk3, 1 r j00r f47h3r! True

...I'm bored. True

I'm gonna go play Star Wars Battlefront 2 :D Blah

Because I'm awesome like that. Uh-huh

But remember...

An elephant never forgets...

P.S. I like your old avatar better... But I guess if you change it when Mogloween is over, I won't have to rip out your spleen and beat you with it. =/ You couldn't do that if you tried.

Dereck H. -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 19:07:41)


How are you? Muy bien.

Happy Mogloween ^_^ / Happy Holoween ~_^ Halloween preferred. We get real candy. =]

What's your favorite book? MY favorite book is the Book of Virtues.

What's your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings III

Favorite Type of Pizza? Chicken & Garlic Gourmet from Round Table :D

Do you watch the news? Rarely.

You know that you ane evo are my favorite AK's? ^_^ Awwwwww. :) You don't hear that everyday.


>_> Ran out of Questions. Nooo T_T Oh noes! :O








Is chuck norris immortal? In his dreams.

Do you like to party? PARTEH!


See ya may the force/ Chuck Norris be with you. ^_^ *flyingsnugglestacklehugglomps* *tacklesnuggleglomps* :O

Motionless -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 19:49:56)

Hi! Hi!

Do you know me? You bet.

Do I know you? Nevah.

Have you ever kill a guy over for a uber weapon(optional question only if you do not have uber weapon)

What your favorite mask? The "Me" Mask :O

Do you like candy? I <3 Candy.

If yes YEAH! YEAH!


Anything you like about me? You're motionless. :D

Anything you don't like about me? ...You're motionless.

Why do you like AQ? Because I have nothing better to do. XD

Why do you do your job as a mod/admin? It teaches me responsibility.

What your strongest weapon? My fist. :O

Favorite weapon? Beautiful Oblivion

Armor? Shadow

Shield? Uber Shields :O

Guest? You peoples! XD

Pet? Flogg. It's pretty.

Spell? Riiiptide.

Anything else you like to add? Guacamole.

See ya someday! See ya! Come visit sometime! *Hands you a cookie*

MrNintendo980 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 20:03:16)

Wow! A fellow 14 year old! *high fives*

Hows it feel to be the youngest AK? Not much in particular

I know you prolly dont know me but I think ill ask the question, Ever seen me around here?] I think so.

I myself am a Cross Country and I am also a distance runner and track..with 3rd degree asthma. Asthma FTW. :'(

Ive stopped by your House for Mogloween, and how mean you were to send a golem after me! What? That wasn't me! I promised candy to the first 200 visitors!

These werent really questions but you know, ill still accept a response.

Hmm...As I see you like anime, whats your favorite series? Don't really have one...

Ever heard of Chobits? Yes. I read the manga series. It was...weird. But I like happy endings. :D

Typically that the only anime series ive liked, which as weird to hear of a straigh guy liking Chobits, but you know, whatever.

Well Cya around!

Uhmm...Happy Mogloween?!

See ya! Happy Halloween!

lord_asparagus -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 22:35:23)

Hello, mesa is back! Jar Jar is basically calling himself a table.


Haha, I poked you.


This is fun!




Can you go poke Mr. Flibble to death, please? I'll poke YOU to death if you don't cut it out. *Shakes Fist* XD

What if I paid you with Pae's Anti-Poke Armor of Protection from Pokage?

What if I paid you with a sardine, three apples, and a dead monkey? Sure.

The statement written in blue is true.

The statement written in red is false.

The statement written in orange is written in orange.

D: No waiz! Then that's not red? Am I color blind? :O

If 1+1=Llama, 2+2=Pie, and 1+2=Llama-Pie, what does 100-1 equal?
50% Llama, 50% Pie.

Do you like things that make funny sounds and explode when you light them on fire? Yeah!

Do you like said things when you are in a room filled with them, and the only exit door is locked? Er, what?

The following questions are all asparagus-based (Lord A would be so proud... *Sniff* Oh, wait, I AM Lord A. Well then, I'll just be proud of myself. *Is proud*)

Do you like your aspragus cooked or raw? Cooked.

And with what kind of flavoring? Pepper

Have you ever seen the rare White Asparagus? Yes

Have you ever eaten it? Nope

Has asparagus ever grown tentacles and attacked you? D: Yeah it has.

If so, who won? I did, of course. Fear meh!

If the asparagus won, YAY! Ha.

If not, I curse you to die a thousand deaths. You can try.

-Lord Q.

Lord Q?

MajorSamus -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 22:55:21)

Okay Eternal, on Monday I'll give you my huge numbours of questions and the picture. Sorry for being late. >:3

Monday is too late. :3

Xandz -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/20/2006 23:16:30)

Are You Pro-Life?
Do you support Stem Cell Research?
Do you believe in God?

Okay, all of those were jokes (or maybe they're not). Here are some real questions:

Um....... do
1. What is your favorite kind of soda? Sparkling Apple Cider, if it counts. Otherwise, Root Bear + Ice Cream.
2. If you had the chance and could get away with it, would you stab someone?.... eat someone? Never.
3. Do you have a big pit in your basement where you keep people and make them put lotion on? Uh, yeah!
4. Do you like West Side Story? Sort of.
5. If so, would you join the Sharks or the Jets? Sharks, only because I am tolerant of others.
6. Favorite Author? Christopher Paulini
7. Favorite Figure in history? Martin Luther King Jr.

That's it. Just to break the ice, I will tell you all my anwsers.
1. Root Beer
2. Yes. To both of those.
3. No, I don't.
4. Indeed.
5. Sharks 4 Life
6. H.P. Lovecraft
7. Gengis Khan

Wow. I <3 your choices.

LegionOfNoodles -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos! (10/21/2006 0:15:31)


Happy Halloween... ok, got me... Happy Mogloween XD

Do you like Slipknot...? So-so

Do you think you could run (not fast running, but faster than walking speed) for a straight day without stopping? Day as in 24 hours? Yeah, but I would have to stop to use the restroom and run in my sleep. >.>

I couldn't ;>_> If I go outside, I get burnt. Heh, I'd probably die before I got burnt. I've been in this room so long that I can't use normal Earth atmosphere anymore. XD XD

Wii, 360, or PS3? PS3

RC Cola or TAB? Huh?

What's yer favorite band? System of a Down

Does Marilyn Manson really have the powers of darkness...? YES. She is evil.

Wait....... It can't be... Is Mr. Flibble really Marilyn Manson in a disguise!? The world may never know. ;)

Why... Why does Marilyn Manson have the PERFECT voice for Metal, but is such a freak?? D:

I wanna watch a movie...

Like, BY3x0RZ! Byez!

Yeah, sure.

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