Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (Full Version)

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VampireHSS -> Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 7:54:09)

Now it's your chance to ask any questions. I will be editing your post with the answers in this color.

.Tera -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 7:59:48)


Fav. Color
I'm not sure, maybe dark blue

Fav. Style
If you mean favourite art style, abstract

Opinion of Ratings
If you mean graphics ratings... my opinion varies from time to time lol

Thats all for now ^_^
See ya

w00t! First Post!

zargor the dragon -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 8:01:24)

How many evil threads have you locked so far(1.00 GMT, 19 nov 2006)?

None, lol. Though I already locked a lot of threads for reaching page limit and such.

And did you cut your avvy directly from the sig you made, or did you haveto make i t all over again to get the size right?

Avvy cutted from the sig.

Thanks for your time
No problem, have a nice day =).

X~Zaros~X -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 8:07:42)


likeing the job
Yes, I feel helpfull

i bet you to

i dont like moding things im lazy

do you like me >.>
Do not know you enought to have a proper answer.

what you dont like me!
I'm too unpredictable for you to guess what I'm gonna say :P

make me uncreative or else
Or else what? You will poke me with a spoon? :P

i said already i dont care read ^^

you best not like any of my threads or me smack you on the head with a rock lol
Or me smits you with my shield of power+3

dont worry concusions dont hurt you forget all the pain you where in and the last half of your day i have experiance


i need to make you a gift but alas im a bad sig maker....
What matters is the intention.

well whats your favorite food
Pasta! Yuhmy.

whats your faovrite fourm smilly

can i have your msn?
Hum.. I guess it can't hurt. But don't laught at my e-mail. It's very old...

I already told you you can't predict me :P

<33333 j000 rofllafmopleasegimiadollersrypl0xifuzcantsreadthls

whats your favorite drink
Not sure.

do you live in the usa or anywhere in americas just say country if you wana lol
I'm not american at all, I'm european and my main language isn't english.

grafh will tell you i break things like ermm.... rules and shiny things but dont belive him
Don't worry, I belive in everything Grafh says lol.

you ask why not i say tough
For the third, and last time (I hope), I'm not predictable.

i think i under stand your gallery EC made it so she can edit and you can edit it? am i right? if not well >.<
Yep, but who told you EC is a girl? it can be a boy :P

have you ever been arrested?
I'm not even old enought to go to prison, lol.

do you watch lost?

or greys annatomy?

>.> great shows try them out !

what kinda computer are you useing a got a view sonic flat screen with a flat screen 1000x1000 size and it has a bird picture on it lol 3 parrets
A laptop

ever lossed a loved animal i lost a dog of old age and my parents cural sabbage adults made me part with my chickens!!!! we had to give them away :(
Yep, one of my cats disapeared.

what is with vampires they are always so good....?
Nope. Most are not reliable.

how old are you 15 or a adult you act older than a 13 year old like me would act lol
15-1=13+1 :P

dude you should totatly go out with safaria

she is a perfect match

she is the vampire queen and you rule a small part of her kingdom!

she would like you

Hi I am safari come and go out with me! ~>Safari<~

< Message edited by Safari -- 11/19/2006 8:20:35 >

Maybe I woud believe, if you wrote her name correctly (Safiria). lol

.Tera -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 8:38:47)

Lol, zaros, thats alot of pointless questions, and a Lame Attempt to do the edit thing.

Actually, my next questions are optional.

Age: 14


Fav. meteorite (w00t, copying my friend)
The one in which I live.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 8:56:14)


Heya bro

Do you love me?
Hum... love is not the correct word; <3.

How Much?

Fav. Gfx Artist other then myself?
Fade, Jecht or Tar

Having a good time as ak?
Yeah, it's quite good to feel helpfull.

Doing a great job, old friend - Good Luck
Appretiated, <3.

Lots of <3,


UChihaSteven -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 9:04:48)

lmao, you keep so funny. Hi to you too ;P

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 9:16:46)

Congratulations, VampireHSS .. I remember stuff you did in the DF forums, oh so long ago now :)
The ice freezes and keeps your mind fresh =)

Those were the days ... none of this multi forum stuff - we had the DF GD forum, and we were happy with that!
Yeah, now it must be a mess for you.

Oo'd a thought, thir'een months ago, you'd be an Archknight now?
Long ago I helped a lot here, then DF came, and I mainly moved to the DF Forum, then I left theese forums, and when I came back I guess help was needed.

So, getting settled in OK?
Yeah, everybody is nice, the forum software is much easier than others I tried.

Need anything?
Exept wishing you good luck with the DF forum, I guess not.

Just yell if you need anything :)
I will, no worries =)

Have fun!
You too!

Vivi -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 10:11:11)

If I said hi, i'd be lying.
Interesting way of thinking.

What should I ask you?
You are supposed to know, not me.

Before I close this thread.

In this thread.

In a post, like you just made.

To know things you might be curious about me

What you have curiosity about

Vivi is teh coolest person you've ever met, right?
Nope, not meaning Vivi is not cool :P

Can i be UchihaSteven?

40% skill FTW, right?

How many favors DO you owe grafh?

Hmph. I dunno why, but asking a DAaS AK questions is hard =/
Shouldn't be.

I'm gonna stop now?
I guess so, at least untill you post again, if you post again.


ZeroHex82 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 10:37:29)


Every morning, before going to school.

Do you like cereal?

If so, what kind?

What kind of milk do you like with cereal?
"Medium Fat"

Is cereal good with milk or what!?

Cereal, 1-10?

Are you?
Yes, I am. lol


Not currently. I've already been sometimes in the past.

A horse?
Depends on what do you mean :P

A cricket hater? (The insect)
Nope, I'm not a bug :P

A loner?
Nah, I have a lot of friends.

A poser?
I have my own style, but I do not consider myself a poser.

That reminds me of a game.

Do you like turtles?
Their cute.

I have a turtle, do you?

What kind of turtle is your favorite?
I'm not a turtle expert.

Did you ever kill a turtle?
Nah, I barely kill flys, why would I kill a turtle?

If so your mean!





Lol, you forumites like to try to guess my answer.

Do you like...

Sean Paul?
Kind of...

Kind of cool.

Rob Zombie?
Never heard.

Yo mama jokes?
No, I have them.

Never used it. I use Trillian though, which lets me use AIM. My contact is: ciberon_1337

Good for research

They are required, sometimes.

They are cute.

Fat monkeys?
Not sure.

Single celled organisms?
Not sure.

What do these abbreviations mean?

Rofl Rolling on the floor laughing

Lmao Laught my ass of

Omg Oh my god

Zomg not sure

Brb be right back

Bol never seen it

Randomness. That's not really and abbreviantion :P

Pie! never seen it

Yo mama. Hi mother, I guess...

Jello. jealous?

Dinosaur. Not an abbreviation, as far as I know.

Potato chips. Not an abbreviation, as far as I know.

Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD lmao

Ever seen these movies?

Face Off No

War Of The Worlds Yes

Dinocroc No

Frankenfish No

Darkness Falls No

White Noise No

Stir Of Echoes No

Boogieman No

Sleepy Hollow No

Pirates Of The Caribbean No

Name every single Dr. Pepper flavor! (Including combos, diet and cherry etc.)
I'm too lazy


What is the answer to question #23?
Search for yourself :P

What are the heebiejeebies?
No clue

What's up with Strong Bad?

He's always like "Holy crap"!

Do you like waffles?

Do you like THE WAFFLE?!

If C>D, and D>C, what is the absolute value of (moo)^x?
(moo)^x is equal to the beta equasion of C-D, so that is 0. XD

How many tangets can 2 coencentric circles have?
Depends on how strong your imagination can be

What are the 4th and 5th dimensions?
In what dimension do you consider yourself in?

Describe he net of a hypercube.

What is a coronal mass ejection?
This is getting too complicated for my english knowledge...

How many electrons can the 7G sublevel hold?

What is the "Accepted" name for element 204?

How do you find the volume of a terrasect?



If E=MC2, what is pix^E=MC2?

How many atoms are in a mole?

What is the answer to question 3.45468?

What is the square root of (abs)2^3?

What is cow+cat/4.52223?

What does "¬" mean?

What is another name for element 119?

What is the hypercubic root of Schrodinger's equation / milkshake(uranium-99999)^7?

Jason+Freddy/Michael=Chucky? True or false?

What is (Marilyn Manson)^(Michael Jackson)?

What is Lol/ZomgxFtwxpi/899.666546666?

What is another name for "ennoctpentium?"

What is Wikipedia * Uncyclopedia

How many cells are in a pentaract?

I have 3 apples, You steal 2, Reens gives me three, LegionOfNoodles is a cow, and likes fat monkeys. How many armpits do I have?

A plane crashes on the border of Canada and USA, where do you bury the monkey's nuclei?
There were no monkeys on board

What many brain cells have I?

What dos THIS do?


What is the cube root of the speed of light^7?

If Matrix A is an M*N matrix, and Matrix B is an N*P Matrix, how many cow pies am I hiding in my 4th can of dr. pepper that was recently emptied?

Why did WestWind cross the road?
He/she wanted to get to the other side.

W00T 10th REPLY!1!!1!!!!]]\]]\\ I pwn!
Or maybe not :P


Let's see.

Put these in order, the ones you like to the ones you don't like.

No preferences

...Uhh... That above question had like, no meaning at all.

The following questions are most definitely NOT my math homework.




Use the computer calculator.

Thanks for doing my math homework answering my questions.

True or false section!11!!

XBox<PS2 False

Nintendo 64>XBox<Gamecube>PS2<Pie False


Yo mama is fat ...

Yoda<Darth Vader<Darth Maul>Mace Windu False

Luk3, 1 r j00r f47h3r!

...I'm bored. I can notice, by the ammount of questions with no point.

I'm gonna go play Star Wars Battlefront 2 :D

Because I'm awesome like that.

But remember...

An elephant never forgets...
Glad you are not an elephant.

nolraitru -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 10:40:31)

w00t! Listened to me :D

Do you know who recomended me for me title?

Not that it matters. I <3 everyone.

Can I be the AKs pet. Like a teachers pet?
You can be my personal pet XD.

:) <3 + 2 = <5

Did you know...

That Avery is teh cool?

That you should love Avery more?

That I should stop talking in the third person?

Yeah... I think I'm done for now. I pretty much know everything about you from working with you on DigiPro :P
<3 I'll be back.

Swiper -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 10:47:07)


O_o Zero...
Yeah, I got tired...


Why the Vampire?
My AQ account.

Out of this forum, who would you go on a date with? (excluding Joel & Avery ^.^ oh & Safiria :P)
Not sure...


Cya =)

Mr.Salesman -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 11:41:19)


you think I have a chance of being AK :P
If you become very helpfull and AKs are needed.

Hmmm what should I ask now, I wonder........

Do you like choclate

Hows it like answering like an 100 questions (mostly random)
A bit annoying, challanging at the same time.


salute(bye in french)

.Heads -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 12:48:22)


All for now, bye! :)
Bye. Since you are already using my colour, I will use no colour :P.


Radagast -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 13:39:41)

Greetings VampireHawkHSS!

How's everything going?
Very nice

What was your reaction upon becoming an AK?
i was like Wow, I'm finally helpfull.

Favorite movie?
Not sure...

Favorite book?
I get bored reading.

My questions are over...for now...
[insert ebil laught]

jamboza -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 13:54:19)


Meet the AK is finallly underway!.
Looks so.
What is your opinion of australia?.
Nice place, kanguroo mania.
Where do VampireHSS's reside from?.
Safiria's Castle.
Who do you think would win in A tag battle out of these guys, Dadric, J, And Metal.
If with old tags, Metal, if not, dunno.
Do you have a gallery of your own?.
Yes, my gallery is merged with Eternal Chaos'. Search for it.
If you do, Im pretty sure its reeling in the hits =P.
Not really...
omg!. I just thought of something!.

Your getting questions asked by a blender!.

Which member without a creative title in your opinion is worthy of getting a title soon enough?.
A lot of people could do it, if they got helpfull, since creative title includes being helpfull.
Yeah bramble... duh so obvious... *Cough* What movie is your all time faviroute?.
Not sure.
Ever listened to A7x?.
If you havent, Listen to M.I.A, One of their songs, Its pretty good.

What style do you use for sig making?.
Whats your faviroute Uber sig speak? (Just way we speak around here, Tacklesnuggles, <3, Siggeh etc)
Can you sum up your life story in two words?.

What do you think of the following people?.

Bramble cat,
Very cool person.
Tarvanemadile? *Or however you spell it*
Big ego.
Awsome artist
Undescribably so cool.
Never talked to him.
Just a forumite
Nice guy.
Has some nice art.
Very cool person.

The 5 cans of spray paint on the wall!.
A gallery like any other.
Woot! Hid the jamsnuggle in there! Probaly didnt expect that one =P.

Ever been part of A clan?.
Ever been a clan mod?.
I know!, Modding in a clan is awesome!.
Never experienced it, since the clans I was in were a failiure.
yep =P.

ah what the hell *Jamsnuggles*

Ciao VampireHSS!.
Adeus (Good-bye in portuguese)

SageSlash -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 14:50:55)

Your name is HSS for short, so dont forget it =O

Penguins > Cabbages
If that is your opinion, I respect it.

Good luck

Zorbaks brother -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 15:03:00)


Enjoying being an AK?
Yep. It is very cool to be able to be helpfull.

Congrats LOL!

Thats All I can think of at the mo!

Firemoon -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 15:27:58)

OMFG!!! things change to fast for me >.>
No, you are too slow for changes :P

anyways grats :)

how does it feel to be a new ArchKnight?
The same way when you give something to a person and you feel that person liked it, or when you feel helpfull.

Lol and think i knew you since i was a noob XD
Me too :P

Anyways, yay beer and gratz again :)
No beer.

Quetzel -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 15:34:54)


Whats it like being Ak?
The usual question... I feel quite helpfull.

Dogs Or Cats?
Cats FTW!


Congratulations on being an archknight you deserve it.
If I wasn't an AK I bet you didn't knew I was even here :P.

Favorite color?
Dark Blue.

.Fullmetal_Tmd -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 16:37:13)


thats all for now...
Good, I'm tired of answering random questions.


.Tera -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/19/2006 19:28:26)


ORIGINAL: jamboza
The 5 cans of spray paint on the wall!.
A gallery like any other.


JJ_Legend -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 1:56:28)


ORIGINAL: jamboza

Tarvanemadile? *Or however you spell it*
Big ego.

lol XD

Nicky -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 2:25:14)

Lets see.. questions..

What do you think of me?
A member... I just do not know you well...

The IRC atmosphere :d

The IRC crew on #aqdaas
When they don't go wacko, it's one of the coolest things ever.

Leet? Thought so ^_^

If I said, "I <3 HSS", what would you reply?

If I said, "I wonder if there will be another AK coming to this section of the forums.." what would you say?
I doubt it, since therebefore there were Metal and Jecht, that left, now there is me and Reverendwyrm.

Sorry to take time off your busy schedule (:d).
If I made this, it is because I have some time to answer =D

Bye ^^
See you around.
Much <3.

Driger89 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: VampireHSS (11/20/2006 4:23:55)

Fav TV show?
I barely watch tv... hum... the news?
Fav Pet
Am I your friend?
Just like the others, you try to guess what I'm gonna answer... Exept you made it, the others didn't :O
That' all

See ya

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