100 Rooms of Fiery Doom! (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Lord Darkovia -> 100 Rooms of Fiery Doom! (All Versions) (12/8/2006 14:25:22)

100 Rooms of Fiery Doom!

Other name: Riverine Keep

Location: Travel Map (Books 1 and 2) -> Riverine Keep -> Take me there!, Deadlands -> Riverine Keep -> Travel
Requirements: None
Release Date: July 26th, 2019

Objective: Can you find your way through this INSANELY HUGE fire dungeon to obtain the ultra rare prize at the end?
Objective completed: Unbelievable! You have found the end of the 100 Room Dungeon of Fiery Doom!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(X) Flamewing
(X) Inferno Elemental
(X) Jungle Fury
(X) Lava Glob
(1) Pyrofang (The Boss) - Boss


Wings of The Hundred Flames
Wings of The Thousand Flames

ChickenCow Armor

Access to 100 Rooms Loot.

After finding your way through the dungeon and defeating the boss:

  • Complete Quest
  • Quest Loot - opens 100 Rooms Loot shop.

    Other information
  • There's a giant healing pad (Pop-up: Great taste! Less filling!) and information about the dungeon in the starting room.
  • To help navigate the dungeon, three buttons in the upper-right corner are available. Clicking 'Set Telepoint' sets the current room as the room you'll return to if you click 'Go to Telepoint'. Clicking 'Go back to start.' returns you to the starting room. If you set a new telepoint, it will overwrite the previous one.
  • Throughout the dungeon, you may find lost Moglins (+10 Experience and instant full heal), healing pads, and potion chests to improve your chances of victory.
  • You won't need to traverse all 100 rooms to find the boss, as it's randomly located in one of the rooms.
  • Satirical Map for Random Dungeons (dungeons are randomly generated every time).
  • An additional, temporary access point is available via Trainer Eckhard at the Falconreach Guardian Tower during Guardian class training.
  • This old quest was reimagined with new artwork, music, telepoints, and rewards. More information can be found in the July 26th, 2019 Design Notes.

  • Jay -> RE: 100 Rooms of Fiery Doom! (All Versions) (7/27/2019 19:00:00)

    100 Rooms of Fiery Doom!

    Other name: Riverine Keep

    Location: Travel Map (Books 1 and 2) -> Riverine Keep -> Take me there!, Deadlands -> Riverine Keep -> Travel
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: December 8th, 2006

    Objective: Can you find your way through this INSANELY HUGE fire dungeon to obtain the ultra rare prize at the end?
    Objective completed: Unbelievable! You have found the end of the 100 Room Dungeon of Fiery Doom!

    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    (X) Flamewing
    (X) Inferno Elemental
    (X) Jungle Fury
    (X) Lava Glob
    (1) Pyrofang (The Boss) - Boss


    Wings of The Hundred Flames

    ChickenCow Armor

    Glowing Platinum Pumpkin
    Spotted Egg
    Striped Egg


    Other information
  • There's a giant healing pad (Pop-up: Great taste! Less filling!) and information about the dungeon in the starting room.
  • Throughout the dungeon, you may find lost Moglins (+10 Experience and instant full heal), healing pads, and potion chests to improve your chances of victory.
  • You won't need to traverse all 100 rooms to find the boss, as it's randomly located in one of the rooms.
  • Satirical Map for Random Dungeons (dungeons are randomly generated every time).
  • An additional, temporary access point was available via Trainer Eckhard at the Falconreach Guardian Tower during Guardian class training.

    Thanks to
  • Stephen Nix for entry rewrite.
  • Highlord Sendai for additional rewards.
  • LightningIsMyName and smooth criminal for information.
  • nightslayer321 and Voodoo Master for corrections.

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